Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1181: Twenty-five. Deadline (10)

Looking up at the strange color that turned into a stain in the interface, everyone's head was blank, and no one could make a sound.

Everyone's heart groaned a word.

--what is this.

Pale consciousness pieced together non-directional statements. People stared blankly at the strange scenery until the bitter liquid poured into the throat, bent over to vomit all the breakfast, even if nothing could be spit out, strong The vomiting still can not disappear.

It was only at this time that people understood what emotions they saw and what emotions catalyzed behind their strong vomiting.


The extremely strong fear spreads and escalates rapidly among the crowds, and the unprecedented impact of the unimaginable power and death through visual and audio images at close range is unprecedented. It is very different from people’s values ​​so far, beyond the brutal and malicious death, let everyone Feel the fear from the bottom of my heart.

The performance of the crowd is fed back to Li Lin through the terminal, and the agent of the will coolly observes the predicted picture a little bit and becomes a reality.

People have been constantly improving and perfecting the death penalty. Decapitation, strangulation, torture, beast punishment, fire punishment, starvation punishment, electrocution punishment, injection punishment... In general, the death penalty has three diametrically opposite development directions: more and more cruel, more humane and more and more rapid. For example, the guillotine, the electric chair, the injection of poison, etc. were all developed on the grounds of "relieving the suffering of the prisoner" and "more humane"; as for the second kind, "the execution of the prisoner in the cruelest way possible, and then "Deter others" as the direction, as long as possible to delay the death process of the prisoners and increase their suffering; the last one is limited to the massacre, such as mass graves, concentration camp shower rooms, etc.

Li Lin has also fully demonstrated and pondered on the execution method to be used in this public penalty.

Because the main purpose of deterrence, the more humane and holocaust-specific punishment methods were rejected, and the remaining "brute force" punishment methods were also rejected after being reviewed by Li Lin.

It's not that these death sentences are not cruel and scary enough, beheading, Ling Chi, artillery, puncture, multiplied by the number of 700,000 people, any death penalty can be scary. It's just that this can only be scary. It's still far from Li Lin's goals of "recognizing his own position" and "dare not even having the idea of ​​rebellion".

Beam weapons and the like have a good sound and light effect. The light flashes, the plains are turned into ravines, and the mountains are cut to the ground. The deterrent effect of that big scene should be enough.

Not good.

There is no problem with the power of that kind of weapon, and the destructive effect displayed is indeed very shocking. However, under the ultra-high heat light, the human body instantly vaporizes and evaporates, and the living person suddenly disappears-such a scene lacks "someone is dead" The actual feeling, considering the education level of the vast majority of viewers, I am afraid that they do not even understand what happened, and then doubt whether the live broadcast picture is being faked.

Therefore, be sure to use a powerful, cruel way of punishment that allows everyone to understand what happened.

Just like stepping on dead ants, it's simple and clear, anyone can understand what happened at a glance. I can immediately recognize that the value of human beings is completely negated. In the face of power beyond all human beings and ants are no different. Then use this to guide Li Lin's further development...

"Struggle to the last moment, be sure not to leave any regrets."

Li Lin smiled slightly as he gazed at the crowd on the ground and gazed at the whole world.

"Like a firework, spend your life to bloom the beauty of the moment."

The stunned people were awakened by the arrogant voice, the reactivated brain organized the sentences again, and the whole world was whispering and whispering.

——What is that?

--too frightening.

——A real monster.

--what happened? That force is too strong to foul.

While recovering from the shock, a strong anger and disgust flowed through the crowd.

Even if you know the existence of the magician, which is different from ordinary people, you have heard of the miracle of saints and the powerful legends of ancient species. But the strength Li Lin showed was too strong, too unusual.

That kind of thing...never allow it.

An individual possesses such an overwhelming power, and then uses this power in order to allow himself to control the world and oppress others as he pleases—the world should never be allowed to do such things.

Taboo, abhorrence, anger... The negative emotions of the activated human beings point to the Rhine front and to the teenager with a confident smile.

"Really dare to say."

Ji Aier still maintains an impeccable appearance, his eyes looking up at the sky leaping with abomination.

"Speaking of this, I said bluntly that this is independence. Why not say anything for the world?"

Aside, Roland nodded slightly, believing Ji Aier's comment.

Indeed, Li Lin’s speech and the methods he adopted are all outright terrorist politics. With great power and disaster to eliminate the objectors and rebels, intimidate people, force people to bow their heads in front of his new order, everyone lined up and walked into his carefully constructed cage.

This is a terrible brutality, and no one will accept this kind of thing.

No matter how legitimate Li Lin's reasons are. After listening to this arrogant, arrogant, selfish, and hasty speech, I have seen Li Lin's behavior that treats human life like grass and grass. Except for the elven camp, I am afraid that no one would stand like this dictator who behaves like a villain in the drama. Come by now.

——For the purpose of rooting despair in people's hearts, there is nothing wrong with this speech and performance. One person alone can exercise absolute power, making the speech that was originally only laughed at by the crowd "Idiots talk about dreams" and "Second Disease" have a realistic taste. In turn, it will also arouse the antagonism of the crowd, cause further thinking and resonance, and further enhance the power of the priesthood users to reproduce miracles. Li Lin should take this into consideration, but did he still do so? why? What is he thinking about?

Eyes condensed on the little black spot in the sky, Roland frowned slightly, and at this moment, Ji Aier's confident voice came from around him.

"Thanks to him, the last piece of the puzzle we need is also completed. From now on, it is our turn to fight back."

Ji Aier took a deep breath, a roaring sound resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Less self-righteous, monster!"

Compared with Li Lin's voice spreading to the world with brain quantum waves, the girl's roar with amplifying amplification lacks the almost absolute sense of existence, but its deterrent is not inferior.

The sound that made time stand still was lifted by this sound, and the originally standing crowd regained their vitality again.

"I don't have a lot of rhetoric there! Siegfried. Otto Li Lin is best at tricks and trickery! If he really has that kind of absolute power, he can destroy the entire Rhine front without saying a word. So it’s specifically a shout and a killing show, to seduce everyone to shake, so that we can die-this is one of the traps that guy is best at!"

Facing the sneerlessness cast in the sky, Ji Erwei said diligently:

"Charlemagne's undefeated Saint Girl!"

The abrupt but not unexpected sound made Roland turn his face, and their eyes met.

"Although the situation is overwhelmingly disadvantageous, I still have the courage to invite you to attack!"

——Sure enough it came.

Roland was not surprised at Ji Aier's sudden attack, which can win precious time, but also keep the fighting power, and finally kill the potential threats-this one-stone three-bird conspiracy is out of sight. Whether it is based on tactical needs or public opinion needs, Roland cannot refuse, nor intends to refuse.

But if he thought that he would be a stepping stone to others, he would be too little to look at him.

"All the whole body is dedicated to this battle."

In response to Ji Aier's bluff and sophistry, Roland raised his tone:

"Cover work, please!"

Ji Aier's smile stiffened, and then returned to her former appearance.

The Order of the Virgin who knows the order of things will not risk Roland at the risk of dressing, and she will not give the excellent piece of "Charlie Man's Saint Girl" to Li Lin early, even though this girl There are too many mysteries on her body and the danger that makes her deeply uneasy, but this piece is still valuable now, and it can't be easily let go before it is dried.

"Francisca! Likert! Walking with the brave, the responsibility of guarding the brave is given to you!"

"Strictly obey the holy will. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

A man and a woman walked out, unfolding silver and light gray priesthoods.

Like Saint Kithauho, he was the fourteen saints of salvation and slaughtered the dragon, so he was praised as the **** of war, the highest guardian saint-the priesthood of Saint George;

One of the famous twelve saints, by prayer (physical), subdued the evil dragon Taslak, known as the saint of Saint Marda, the most powerful dragon cavalry saint;

Although facing Li Lin, this lineup is still not enough, but it is also impeccable. It is not always possible for a church that has already begun to start "that" to divide up its precious combat power to support Roland.

"Thank you very much."

With a slight smile, Roland withdrew the holy sword Dirandal from his waist. The sword of the brave man who shined dazzlingly pointed directly at the divine agent who was entrenched in the sky.

"Everyone listens well, we have overcome the unfavorable situation and the desperate crisis again and again, so we don't have to succumb here!! We don't need a future without a future!!"

Everyone cast their admiration and marvel at the petite figure, admiring the holy figure symbolizing undefeated, and the breathless people quietly listened to the girl's final oath before the war.

Holding a flagpole in his left hand to draw an arc, the gorgeous flag fluttered in the wind.

"The great cause of the Lord is here!! My banner will protect my compatriots!!"

The hustle and bustle burst in an instant.

The sound of a mountain tsunami seems to clean Li Lin's actions from the world. A wave is higher than a wave, washing the earth, and countless people are shaking their arms, as if they want to use their inner depression and depression. The roar was completely dispelled.

People were so excited that no one noticed, Li Lin, who overlooked everything in the sky, spit out a word.

"The first stage of performance officially started -"

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