Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1185: Twenty-five. Deadline (13)

Flare. One of the most intense explosions in the local area of ​​the solar atmosphere releases a large amount of energy in a short period of time, causing local areas to heat up instantaneously, releasing various electromagnetic radiation outwards, and accompanied by a sudden increase in particle radiation. The duration of flares is within a few minutes to tens of minutes. In this short period of time, it can release a huge energy of 10 20th to 6×10 25th Joule, which is equivalent to the energy released by the explosion of tens of billions of giant hydrogen bombs at the same time, or it is equivalent to one hundred thousand. The sum of the energy released to one million strong volcanic eruptions (for comparison, the largest equivalent hydrogen bomb detonated by humans so far-the Soviet Union's "Great Ivan" hydrogen bomb explosion equivalent was 50 million tons of TNT, which was converted into an energy unit of 2.1×10 The 17th-degree joule, the energy of the intense flare eruption is enough to ensure that all humans can all share a full-loaded medicine version with an explosion equivalent of 100 million tons of TNT. If it is not possible, there will be more...) .

If such a powerful energy hits the planet directly, a huge planet like Jupiter can barely withstand it. If it is replaced by an earth-sized planet, it will hang on the spot. Depending on the injection angle and the long-distance energy diffusion rate, it may be possible to leave a whole corpse, but even then, the surface is estimated to be thinned a lot, and it may be possible to directly make the earth thin into the moon.

This is just the power released by the flare burst under normal circumstances. If this energy is accelerated and released, what will happen?

Some explosives are loaded into the shell, which can give the bullet a strong kinetic energy after firing, enough to tear the light armor and human body. Throwing the energy of tens of billions of hydrogen bombs between the size of a finger and launching it...

If you think about it, you will feel terrified. Immediately afterwards, he would laugh and say "how is this possible", "just kidding" and so on, leaving behind the outrageous and terrible imagination.

But for those who have no knowledge of astrophysics, and the world they see and hear is only the people under the ground and the sky above their heads, how will they react when they directly witness the phenomenon that is desperate and not exaggerated?

Facing the nothingness world, God said "there is light", and the world is full of light.

Everyone knows the creation story well.

Being too dazzling, even if you close your eyes and cover your face with your hands, you can still faintly see the blood-red strong white light. The crowd controlled by fear can't help but think of this allusion.

Natural flares are actually invisible to the human eye. On the one hand, because the sun itself emits strong light and heat, it is difficult for the human eye to look directly. On the other hand, when the flare bursts, various electromagnetic waves erupt, including a large amount of deadly radiation and Invisible light, let alone close observation, a little closer will be equivalent to being placed in the nuclear explosion site or even throwing people directly into the nuclear reactor.

Li Lin's "flare cannon" converts the energy of the retreat furnace into a flare burst phenomenon, and then directly compresses the flare into a channel built with countless small "walls of sigh". The thickness of this channel is no more than the index finger The size and length extend to the outside of the atmosphere (if there is no such length, if it is directly sprayed in the atmosphere, the ultra-high ionizing radiation will instantaneously boil and evaporate the ocean and burn the atmosphere. A global scale water vapor explosion will destroy the entire planet The surface exploded into holes, and then the crustal changes, continental drift, and some structurally weak plates will sink directly into the sea of ​​magma... and all creatures have been ashes before then). After such a long-distance beam acceleration, a flare whose energy is further increased bursts out of the galaxy at the speed of light. As the distance increases, the energy beam continues to spread. When it reaches the asteroid belt, it directly hits an asteroid belt. Straight passages with a diameter of several kilometers and burning and burning rocks left a scar-like dark red in the dark universe. At the next moment, the red gradually faded and continued towards the endless dark abyss.

If you hit a planet similar to the size of the earth along the way, you will probably directly wear a pair...

The people on the ground didn't know and couldn't understand the huge and almost crazy message. A little residue of the energy on the ground was enough to leave their heads blank.

The strict protection of the "sighing wall" does isolate radiation and high heat, but Li Lin did not enhance the "sighing wall" to the point that even the light can completely distort the shield, otherwise people will only see a dark straw The tip of Li Lin's finger extended all the way until he broke through the sky. No one will understand what happened, let alone be shocked.

In order to make people understand that great power, visible light is still allowed to see. It's just that even a little light that has been filtered still brings huge impact and disaster to people on the ground.

Any light, even the so-called "cold light" in people's mouth, is all electromagnetic waves that radiate heat outward. The wavelength of visible light is longer, and it carries less heat than invisible light such as gamma rays. Even so, visible light can still radiate heat.

The slender pipe injected with the energy of tens of billions of hydrogen bombs has been isolated from harmful radiation and electromagnetic waves. This pipe that emits visible light is still equivalent to an extra long heating lamp. The output power of a typical heating lamp is only a few hundred watts, and this one...

The scenery on the ground is like hell.

Although there is a certain height difference from the trajectory of the "flare cannon" away from the engagement area, there are still five infantry divisions on the ground that are not within the safe range.

If they have the opportunity to discuss their thoughts, they will definitely think that it is relatively happy to die from a gamma ray burst-before they realize the heat, pain and danger, the whole body of water boils and evaporates, and it evaporates and evaporates in less than a second.

The process of death bathed in that strong light was not fast, and it was almost cruel slowly.

In the moment before I understood what was happening, my eyes had been burned, and only two black holes with pus were left on my face. Severe burning pain spread all over the body, a thirsty thirst boiled in the brain, and blind people ran around like headless flies. Luckily keeping his eyesight, he just opened his legs and found that the soles had been degummed, the clothes and hats on his body began to melt, just grabbed a hand of hair, the entire scalp fell off with pus and blood, and stuck tightly to his hands. Finally, in the silent wailing screams, a person melted alive like ice cubes near the acetylene spray gun...



The crowd that melted down while crying wailed vividly explained to the observers what **** is and what a nightmare. The people whose hearts were shocked again closed their eyes and covered their ears, trying to isolate those terrible pictures and sounds. But they soon discovered that this was completely in vain. Even if the vision and hearing are closed, the message will continue to appear directly in their minds, as if it was clear on the scene.

People can only look at the horror and thriller pictures, whispering or cursing.

The people who directly fight Li Lin at the scene have to bear more terror and despair. Because the message revealed behind that powerful blow is more terrifying than when people are melted alive.

"Just one click...!!!"

Looking at the mountains covered with dark red light and the fading beam of light, Father Likert swallowed the remaining thoughts.

Can't tell.

Not only does it make no sense to say it, but it also shakes the morale of the army.

But even if you don't say something, the wise people will still find out the truth on their own. Moreover, in this hell-like Rhine front, there are not many wise people.

"--Is there mercy?"

Roland clenched his lips and exhaled angrily.

What was fired was not a particle cannon, but a more powerful one, so powerful that it would not be possible to wrap that energy beam with a large number of high-density "walls of sighs". Even so, the leaked glare was still terrifying.

If there is no "wall of sighs", the original energy is released without reservation--

Roland shuddered, and a strong chill came up the back.

No specific calculations or simulations are needed, just know that it is the end of all living things.

——You must stop him before the next attack begins~www.readwn.com~ Everyone has such a voice in his mind. At this moment, a voice smirked in people's minds.

"It seems that the nerves are tightened a little bit. That's fine. If you can't even get the "flare cannon" to make you serious, I don't know what to do if I devote myself to the war. This is good, the war is That’s it. I’m willing to give up everything and gamble on everything just to destroy the opponent. At this time, I’m still playing with a small abacus, pulling each other’s legs or something. It’s too leisurely.”

-Just for this reason? !

Roland clenched his fists, his angry gaze directed at Li Lin floating in the sky.

"Isn't this justification just enough? In the battle of gambling on the fate of the world and of all mankind, I dare to make two half-hearted decisions. At this time, I will not give you a lesson. Do you want to accompany you? A little interest. But it would be troublesome if the actors’ poor performance ruined the elaborate stage and script."

All the farce has been staged for this part. If the expected effect cannot be achieved, it can only be declared a failure.

Therefore, even if it is destined to die, trouble will faithfully implement the script settings.

Otherwise, it is meaningless to take out the four king cards at the bottom of the press box here.

"Three hearts and two hearts? You dare to say. Isn't it that you are the most two-hearted?"

The unbearable sound came with the diffusion of the brain quantum wave, and the red eyes slightly turned to one side, and the white unicorn was glaring at this side.

"Having two minds and not fighting seriously-these words are the most appropriate for you who have not been transformed!"


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