Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1192: Twenty-five. Deadline(18)

Struggle is a biological instinct, and only through struggle can life be sustained.

Even in an extremely desperate environment, in order to survive, life will still try to find a way out.

That posture is beautiful and ugly.

Of course, just as it is not necessary to get something in return for anything you pay, every time life fights against death is not always able to slip away from the gap in the palm of death, lucky people are only very few, and not every time. Can keep good luck.

This is still the case for survival competition, not to mention the confrontation with brutal natural disasters, not to mention the life-and-death confrontation with the agents of the will.

Looking around, the sky is full of strange light, as if the gods are coming, the Holy Spirit is prestige, or the **** is creating.

That is a miracle without doubt. It's just that the **** is a cruel and arrogant **** who doesn't know what compassion is—the **** of death. Therefore, the only miracle that it shows is hell.

The sky at this moment is an absolute hell.

In the past world wars, "three-pointed sky and seven-pointed blood", "hell formed by madness", "ace cemetery", and "the sky where demons inhabit" were used to describe the fierce air battlefield. But those terrible hells with terrible death rates are only eclipsed before the Rhine front. Just approaching here, life will be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind, let alone get involved.

The only way to survive in that **** is to rely on miracles or miraculous power.

"whispering sound--"

Father Likert shunned the light beams from the ground, unable to catch his breath, his body sank immediately, and a rainbow of light flashed over his head.

This alone scared Likert out of cold sweat.

The high-power particle cannon may be terrible. It does not need to hit directly, and the ballistics are enough to melt and tear the steel. Compared with that colorful light, it was nothing. The Holy Spirit cloth that can resist the particle beam is wiped away by the force and disappears without a trace. When the rainbow light flashes, the mountain cloud disappears instantly. The human body is evaporated to no trace. Continuous shooting causes the atmosphere. The flow is turbulent, and the F5 tornado with a speed of 480 kilometers per hour is raised on the ground. From a distance, it looks like a huge hand reaching out in the sky to stir the earth. The personnel and equipment that could not be avoided were sucked into the air one after another, and tore to pieces in a blink of an eye.

If it is not too powerful, it will cause huge disasters when it hits the ground directly. The angle of the rainbow light is limited to the range where the air and the ground are parallel, and the ground has already become hell. However, the cunning crystals can do things that cannot be done by Aurora. The crystals continue to slide into the bottom corners and use the interlaced fire line to push the target into the Aura's kill circle.

Just like the ancient hunters of giant beasts, they used numbers, roars and stone spears to drive the beasts off the cliff. Simple and effective tactics. If they didn't react fast enough, they would have been eliminated long ago.

It is indeed a matter of luck to escape such intensive firepower, but Roland, Likert, and others are not happy at all.

From the beginning of the battle, Roland and they have been in a passive defensive state. The battle has hit the present, not to mention close to Li Lin, but is gradually pushed back. The combat area is expanding almost every minute and every second. At this speed, the giant surge array of box-pressing treasures can be rolled in at most another two minutes. By then, Li Lin's victory will be completely unshakable.

They did not think of wanting to take a shot, looked at the gap and drew Li Lin with close combat. Facing the fierce firepower that is not enough to describe the mountains and tsunami, it is already difficult to maintain the existing distance of engagement on the basis of being alive. Want to break through the energy storm and rush into that storm's eyes to fight me with Li Lin? That kind of scene probably only exists in fantasy and dream.

In fact, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the speed of the expansion of the current range of engagement without allowing the entire front to collapse in one fell swoop.

Continuous large overload maneuver will not only cause a great load on the body, but also quickly accumulate fatigue. Relying on the power of miracles can restore physical strength, and the damaged body can also recover quickly. But no matter how strong the repair ability can't keep up with the speed of the damage, it will be pulled away a little bit, and eventually it will be completely destroyed. More importantly, even the power of miracles is powerless to mental fatigue. After all, the use of miracle power itself will continue to wear off the spirit, coupled with continuous high-intensity fighting, there is no breathing at all, they are just a little close to collapse Cliff.

"You look tired already."

The voice that was kind enough to cool the back of the spine cut into the communication.

Breaking through layers of protection and cutting into the communication network, Li Lin said in a relaxed and playful tone as he entered the playground:

"I'm also a little tired here, um, probably it's about half as warmed up."

Sister Francisca punched a FAU and turned to Li Lin in the sky with her middle finger.

"Since you are so fortunate, will you die soon?!"

"Oops, a nun's vulgar words will make her charm value drop. And, that line is what I want to talk about."

A snap of fingers, a rainbow of high-dimensional energy erupted like a rainstorm.

"If you can accept the arrangement of fate, then under the established framework, you can play any way. But since you have crossed the taboo barrier, I can only start the processing process."

The erupting rainbow rain swept across the sky, and the "third impact" in the high-speed continuous shotgun mode was far less accurate and single-powered than the normal mode. However, countless light rain would increase the probability of hitting, and Let the defender's calculation and processing information increase sharply, which can push the opponent into the defeat of consciousness collapse faster.


Severe pain ripped Likert's brain, and his slightly open mouth screamed silently.

A shotgun hit Licht's left arm, and under the elbow began to emit colorful light, too late to think, Licht immediately cut off the entire left arm with a long sword. The broken arm spewing out blood only had time to roll in the air, and then burst into a colorful light, disappearing without a trace.

If it weren't for the moment, cut off the left arm, I am afraid that the phenomenon of material collapse will spread all over the body.


Clenched your teeth, swallowed the rusty smell that rushed to your mouth, the priesthood glistened with light, the wound section swelled up like boiling water, the broken left arm, the disappearing sleeves-all like time backwards Recovered.

What an absurd scene.

Compared to Li Lin and his subordinates who were scolded as "monsters", Iscarlo, who may use the power of miracles to gather surrounding materials and reorganize his arms and priesthood, is more like a monster.

"Even the material reorganization has been achieved? The progress of the research is quite in-depth. Having achieved this level, it is no wonder that there is confidence to challenge God. But—"

In the field of vision emerged the sight of Likert holding his left eye hard, and the mocking laughter spread.

"It doesn't seem to be cheap."

When Likert's hand was lowered, there was no eyeball in his eye socket.

From the eye socket to the vicinity of the tip of the eye, it is abnormally hardened and becomes something suspected of obsidian.

"There is a record in the anecdote of miracles in the Holy Scriptures: the woman who witnessed the condemnation with her own eyes turned into a pillar of salt (Lot in the Old Testament. It is recorded in Genesis chapters 11-14, And chapter 19). Those who wantonly take false miracles are naturally exposed to condemnation."

The biggest problem encountered by the church in the study of miracle reproduction is how to slow down the price paid for miracle reproduction.

The anecdote of the brave and the sage has always been circulating. The basis for showing miracles already exists, and the development of related techniques can be described as smooth sailing, but as soon as the miracle test operation phase is entered, only one miracle will appear and the user will be transformed into a salt pillar. In the long years since then, the research directions have mostly focused on how to delay the erosion of the side effects of miracles. Until recently, it has basically been able to meet the needs of actual combat. Not only is the combat time greatly extended, but the output of the miracle is also relatively stable.

But as long as you reach out to the power of miracles, you will definitely pay the price. No matter how slow it is, it will still be eroded by miracles. Not to mention that this high-intensity battle has always maintained a high power of miracles, and the degree of erosion will also increase rapidly.

This question is clear to the church~www.readwn.com~Li Lin is also clear.

Therefore, he deliberately increased the firepower in one breath, and annihilated his opponent with the firepower covered indiscriminately. On the one hand, it is to avoid meaningless destruction and complete execution of the pre-arranged script, on the other hand, it is because of the mastery of this hole card.

Destroy, restore, destroy again, restore again-this is by no means an invisible war of attrition. Each reorganization and recovery needs to pay the price. Continued accumulation of fatigue and erosion will lead to more attacks. For this reason, more reorganization is required...At the end of this vicious circle, there are only two endings.

"Become a salt column? Or just disappear? Choose one."

A snap of fingers, the explosion happened again, and Francisca also lost a part of his body.

But this time, the power of destruction came unexpectedly from the feet. The hand knife reluctantly rushed to cut off the legs wiped by the rainbow before the collapse and spread. Before the legs were reconstituted again, the rainbow flashed on the left and right sides. Light.

--how is this possible.

While reorganizing his body, he fought to dodge, but in the face of a close-up shotgun attack, it was impossible to completely escape. The legs of the right arm have not been reorganized on the spot, the hand knife was once again crossed the limb, the pain of the heart-breaking lung repeatedly pierced Francisca with an incredible brain marrow.

"‘A rainbow's attack is limited to the hemisphere centered on Li Lin'? This preconceived notion can kill people."

Both the light weapon and the form interference ability are moving in a straight line, and deflection will occur when encountering a strong magnetic field or high gravity area, but it will never suddenly "appear out of thin air."

There is only one ability to allow matter and energy to cross a distance in an instant and launch an attack from an unexpected place.

The ability to open space channels.

"The game is over. Let's die with regret and regret."

The ruthless announcement fell, and the light burst again.

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