Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1221: Twenty-five. Deadline (46)

Panic and consternation are just a matter of moments. The next time you breathe, the old man has returned to calm.

"Oh, this is really an interesting sideshow."

The old man clapped his hands with a kind smile, just like the old man who had encountered a mischief from grandchildren and had to give a bitter smile.

"Are you trying to ease the awkward atmosphere caused by my criticism just now? This is indeed a good entry point. But the story you made is a bit too much. There must be a limit to joking, otherwise someone will take it seriously."

With a natural attitude and a natural smile, onlookers almost have to believe that as the pope said, all the long-haired fairies said were "joking" and "editing stories".

That's right, those things are beyond the scope of human common sense and understanding. The more you say, the more no one will believe. Rather than denying them one by one, it is better to let the other party leak information, as long as they intervene at a certain point in time and carry out intelligence operations to strengthen people's impressions of "this is nonsense" and "unrealistic delusions", and there is no end People will believe it.

It's just... there is no need to specifically deny it at this time.

A slightly trembling voice, trembling hands, sweat in the palms...these prove that--

Everything the fairy girl said was true.

"All human wisdom revolves around two major propositions."

Disregarding the Pope's stiff smile, the demon once again opened Zhu Lip and said:

"'Where does humanity come from and where to go','Where does the world come from and where to go'."

In short, the exploration and recognition of oneself and the world is the ultimate proposition that all intelligent lives are tirelessly pursuing. Both of these ultimate propositions will eventually extend in one direction.

"All causes, all results, the ultimate truth and knowledge-the vortex of roots."

Where to come out is for "cause".

Where to go is for "fruit".

Everything is the product of the interrelated and mutual influence of the causal cycle, and it is also a part of the huge circulating torrent. Tracing back to the beginning and end of all cause and effect will eventually point to the "vortex of roots", also known as the "Aksha Record" in mysticology.

The root vortex is all "causes" and the starting point of various phenomena. At the same time, it is also all the "fruits". The innumerable branches diverged from the roots will eventually return to the roots of the ocean. The so-called cause and effect are actually two sides of the body. Therefore, in terms of existence, reaching the "root vortex" is to obtain "ultimate knowledge". But even the ultimate existence is still limited, so this is just a statement that is produced for easy understanding.

Those who arrive at the root of the vortex will therefore master the fundamental causes and laws of everything in the world. They are omnipotent and omnipotent, as well as the past and the future. As long as they have that meaning, they can modify the world’s pattern and order at any time and any place according to their own ideas. In other words, creation The new world and the destruction of the old world.

"It's just like a god... No, it should be said to be above the god. You know, the **** is actually just a safety device set up to ensure that the vortex of the root can function normally."

The will of the planet itself to prolong life;

In order to avoid the collective unconsciousness of the deceased;

The ultimate goal of both of these is to extend the present world and avoid its own demise. Therefore, when there are factors that try to reach the root cause that may cause the current world to die, both will be eliminated or blocked. Sometimes it is a monster sent by the will of the planet, sometimes it is a hero who gathers people to pray for great achievements, sometimes it is an accident after a series of sudden factors superimposed... In short, if you want to reach the root vortex, you must first break through the two major Inhibition mechanism.

"The church first noticed this mechanism. It was five hundred years ago, when the church was already dissatisfied with the second-place situation, suffering from the lack of power to confront the gods, and they only stayed at the level of complaining. Under the command of God, the church still spares no effort to assist the divine agents of the past, which includes political, economic, and military support, as well as technical. Luna Yustiza, then the saint, Even if I use my standard to evaluate it, it is a once-in-a-year-old talent-it is the research leader responsible for the development of related technologies. Through her research, the church began to understand the principle of the power of miracles and began to try to contact the vortex of roots ."

Luna Ustiza. A rare talent since the founding of the church. There is no need to talk about all kinds of magical research. What is amazing is that she is also proficient in mechanical engineering, mathematics, and has a very good attainment in psychology. Her legacy is now everywhere in the church.

For example, the basic prototype design of the priesthood clothing;

For example, to analyze the conditions of the priesthood qualification users;

For example, the development concept of large-scale strategic attack technique;

Not all of these assignments were done by the genius on her own, but she did play a very important role in it.

Among them, the most profound influence on future generations is the analysis of the "principle of miracles" and the study of "collective unconsciousness".

Initially, Luna Ustiza just wanted to come up with a technical framework similar to the battlefield intelligence support system.

The Holy Lady was keenly aware of the impact of the speed of information transmission on the battlefield. The traditional relay-type information transmission was time-consuming and laborious, and the information that was often transmitted to the front was already outdated information. Limited by the organizational structure and technical level, even if you want to increase the speed of information transmission, there is nowhere to go.

In order to change this unfavorable situation, the saint tried to construct a brand-new, convenient communication system that does not require communication techniques without using paper and pen. But unlike Marconi, who invented the radio, and Bell, who invented the telephone, Luna Ustiza did not use the pulse signal. She focused on telepathy.

There is often a magical ability between twins. For example, when one person is injured, the other person will also have scars in the same position. Cases of being able to sense each other’s thoughts and emotions are even more rare. www.readwn.com~ The genius saint tried to analyze this peculiar phenomenon, and then made it universally realized through magical forms, and finally created An efficient instant communication network is provided, which allows the front line and the rear to share all information in real time, and even realize the perceptual sharing, which can directly obtain the first-hand information on the spot.

"After continuous and unrelenting research, Luna Ustiza proposed a hypothesis that all human spirits are connected at the deepest part, this most fundamental and deepest spiritual assembly is like a huge plant bulb, The individual's will and spirit are actually the tentacles of this bulb extending to the outside world. When the individual dies, the tentacles will return to the bulb. And this bulb is the collection of the spirit and wisdom of all mankind. The miracle caused by the divine agent is through This bulb, which is formed by the deep consciousness of all human beings, triggers an extended phenomenon."

Strictly speaking, this is not a theory, at best it is just a metaphysical insight. Compared with the famous psychologist Carl Jung's exposition on collective unconsciousness, the gap between the two sides is simply not a matter of course. However, even for this church, which was hungry for power to break the status quo, even this untested assumption had irresistible appeal. They are like anecdotal stories told by anecdotes, and archaeologists who ran to excavate the ruins generally directly started related human experiments, and the results of the experiments really encouraged the church.

"That is, from then on, the church began the research and development of the priesthood. At the same time, the inspired church began to move towards a higher stage goal-that is to verify another hypothesis of Luna Usti- -The root vortex."

Sui Tu can no longer conceal the panicked Pope, and the demon girl twists her lips like a very happy one.

"It was from then on that the prologue of farce and tragedy was opened."

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