Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1224: Twenty-five. Deadline (49)

——The war is over.

The conclusion is so calm, no feelings, no waves, and no melancholy.

Is it because you have no so-called "feelings", so you can face this conclusion so unpredictably?

Yes, no.

Without feelings, there is no special response to the beginning, change, and end of things. After all, everything is the same. Whether it is good or bad, it is only part of equal treatment. Both you and others are equal, and there is no need for it. Reasons for distinction and special treatment.

Observe its development, intervene and operate at the right time to make it end in accordance with the expected pattern-as long as this is enough.

But war... is slightly different.

That is the only reason and meaning of existence, and that is all.

For...that's the world.

The so-called "end of war" is just a momentary prayer and joke, an empty and illusory state.

"Peace"-but only the intermission before the start of the next war, is the time to prepare for the next war. In the long history, the span of peace is far less than that of war, and the adherence to the longest peace has failed to break through 100 years.

War is the main theme and eternal proposition of the world.

The next war, the next war, the endless war.

War will always exist, as a part of war, everything born for war, killing and death will also follow.

Therefore, there is no reason for being sad and happy.

"War is like a nightless city that refuses to dawn. Like a celebration where no one wants to end, no matter how many people die, how many beautiful things are destroyed, and how many irreplaceable things are plundered, the war will not end. Even if it seems to end It’s just another way to continue. This endless waltz has to jump."

"You still... really have no desire..."

A **** conversation came along the tactical data link. In the wide-area processing interface where the insect's compound eyes interlaced, an old man with a dead face appeared in a corner.

Gregory IV. The man who once stood at the apex of the human camp has the power for a while, and even covets the divine power ambition. Now it's just a dying man spitting blood bubbles and waiting for the death to visit.

Even if all the famous doctors in the world were brought to his side, no one could **** the person whose waist and abdomen were cut in two pieces, and the liver and lung lobes were damaged from the death. Having said that, he can still insist on speaking in a mocking tone, which is already a miracle.

No, it's not true, it is indeed a miracle.

"Saint. Peter (Peter)'s miracle can still work in this field? Only five kills, is it not enough to be deadly? It is a troublesome miracle."

Speaking of sympathetic words, the human-faced spider with the face of the young woman crawled close to the old man who was regenerating her body. The high-frequency chained swords connected by countless gears penetrated the temple accurately.

"It's just such troublesome things, and my workload has to increase."

During the speech, the high-frequency chain sword cut off the skull, repeatedly stirred the brain, and then penetrated the heart again, cut the ribs, and dug out the beating heart from the chest cavity.

Two high-frequency chained swords wrapped around the beating heart, tightened hard, and blood and spasm fragments scattered.

It stands to reason that this is the case, no matter how stubborn the human beings should be, they should not die anymore. Just like the pieces of meat around the human face spider group, they were fighting soldiers a few minutes ago, and now they have been dismembered and become lifeless clumps.


"You who don't have feelings and don't understand what is "persistent" will not understand."

The old man who couldn't even count the wreckage raised his mouth and said in an old friend's tone:

"You...monsters have the goal of "defeating human beings" throughout their lives. War is neither joy nor sorrow for you, just... just a task that must be completed."

Saint Peter. The first of the thirteen disciples of the savior. Even if he is not a believer, he has heard about his anecdotes. Among the many miracle anecdotes, the most famous is probably that the chicken did not recognize the savior three times before, and it was not until the savior abandoned the flock that the savior entrusted 67 years after his death that he was crucified upside down.

In other words, the manifestation of its miracle is the ability to regenerate fouls that "will never die until agreed".

The time when St. Peter and the savior agreed was when Peter abandoned the savior's flock, and the appointment under the pope's crown was mostly "the time when mankind hits God to rule the world."

"It's really stubborn, it's like a curse."

After twisting his kidneys, the high-frequency chain sword splits the organs with obvious symptoms of breakdown into pieces.

"Even if you die until the end of the world, you won't wait for this day."

This is not to overthrow any hypothetical inference, but to subvert the existing laws and laws that have been determined, just like suddenly denying classic physics and quantum physics, replacing the former with a new theory and theory, which will be used to be Everything considered common sense and truth is negated.

In other words, this is the destruction of the old world and the creation of the new world.

The problem is that if you want 1+1=3, you need to reverse the gravity. Even if the world is turned upside down, there is no way to achieve it. As for the human body of the flesh and blood defeating the gods and messengers of the gods, it is even more absurd.

"So...you really don't understand what is "persistence"..."

The old man with a regenerated head sneered.

"Because everything can be done, there is no desire for anything, no doubt, nothing from the bottom of my heart that I want to change. As long as it is like this, there is no desire, no need, just stay in place!"

For human beings, that kind of thing is simply unimaginable.

Human beings are weak, their abilities are limited and incomplete, and what they can achieve is limited.

However, because of this, mankind desires strength and generates motivation from endless desires.

"We are not a domestic animal, we will honestly be kept in captivity and wait for one day to be taken to the slaughterhouse. Whether he is a **** or something, one day, we will pull him off the shrine and then Take that seat! Until that day comes, I will never die!!"

The wound healed at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the severed bones and blood vessels began to regenerate.

The face that regained its ruddy and **** color smiled like a wolf, and the pain and terror that seemed to have been cut into thousands of pieces disappeared with this laugh.

"It really looks like this... It's weird."

The void was distorted, and the voice of the young male echoed in the hollow underground.

"You are killed as many times as you are resurrected. As long as it exists, it will surely usher in the day of destruction. What is born from nothing will eventually return to nothing. The world, the individual, and so on ."

The emptiness of the voice accompanied the emptiness of the footsteps, approaching the pope with the upper body regenerated, and the inky black sword with a **** light appeared particularly ominous in the darkness.

"That's just theory, based on metaphysical insights. Even if you can split the stars in the sky, you can't cut people's hearts."

"Older people seem to be obsessed with idealism and mysticism. Metaphysical subjective insights such as voluntarism can't change the essence at any time and appear in any form-regardless of objective reality, think that your own Will decides everything. This kind of erroneous thinking that fundamentally reverses the relationship between matter and consciousness is destined to hit the blood in the face of cruel material reality."

The young man wearing a black long hem windbreaker appeared in the dark shadows, and the beauty different from the demon girl said in the same cold voice:

"Just now, the last trump card you tried to keep has also fallen. Xia Xia... No, Xie Xia, your hopes and the long-cherished wish of the church have been shattered."

"So what?! Even if the church is destroyed, I can still exist! As long as I can persist to the end, victory still belongs to the old, and the immortal glory still belongs to the Holy Church!!"

"I said it was impossible."

Speaking expressionlessly, a "wind" swept through the space.

It wasn't pure air flow. At the moment when the "wind" penetrated the body, the old man seemed to hear "the sound of something cracking."

Before waiting for the tremors and fears to spread, the regenerating flesh tissue stopped growing, and immediately, the wound section began to disappear.

As literally expressed, there is nothing, nothing.

The form of Gregory IV is gradually disappearing. Starting from the wound, it is like a mirage that disappears under the sun.

"This...this is!!"

"Since there is no way to kill you physically, then you are basically denied your existence~www.readwn.com~ this kind of thing..."

"High-frequency and low-frequency vibrations are just incidental functions. The original purpose of "Spirit" is to kill the foundation of existence-the string."

The original or original purpose of the Divine Sword was not used for physical attack. The real ability-"change the curvature of the existence of matter", its essence is to cut off the "string" of things.

According to string theory, the existence of everything, the point where every thing exists every second, can be regarded as an infinitely thin string on the time axis.

This string, which is smaller than the basic force particles, can be an open string or a closed string.

It originates from a singular point and extends in an unknown direction. That is what we call the future.

The two-dimensional counterpart of the basic string and ring sweeping out the world line, which is called the space-time track of the world membrane; then the interaction mode of the world membrane is considered to determine the elementary particles.

From this we can see that our world is composed of countless strings of countless things converging into a torrent.

The ability of the Divine Sword is to obliterate the existence of this string from the singularity, so that a thing has never existed, and it is completely obliterated.

Even if it is said to be immortal, as long as the existence of human beings will continue to be a miracle, as long as it does exist, follow the cycle of the law of causality, then it cannot escape the sanctions of this PROVIDENCE.

Li Lin wailed and screamed, while using his whole body to taste the taste of defeat, Li Lin said without expression:

"Finally tell you one more thing. The so-called hope is actually the same as despair. Even if you yearn, it can't be achieved. After all, it is just that the two sides of a coin are crowned with different names."

With the words of the void, the old man disappeared with his screams, leaving behind a deeper silence than the night.

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