Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1246: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (twenty three)

Cruelty is also divided into categories.

Forced cruelty;

Inherent cruelty;

The cruelty of the environment;

Helplessly cruel;

And-from the heart, extremely innocent and cruel.

"It's a rare thing to start a toy, and I'm so moved to cry."

No bitterness can be felt, no sorrow can be produced-these feelings will not be produced without understanding, and will not be shared with the pain of others.

"How exactly to play, what method to play, I can't help but look forward to and worry. But the thing that bothers me the most is'what should I play bad is better','when the former princess with strong self-esteem is badly played "What expression does it show," I was looking forward to just thinking about it."

A childlike innocence and a smile that does not exist maliciously.

Favorna couldn't even mention the interest in condemning and vomiting about Slos' performance.

It's meaningless to say “you are a pig” loudly to the pig, and to rebuke the guy who has no sense of guilt and who doesn't feel the pain “wrongly done” is just in vain.

The point is how to break through this situation.

How to get rid of Sloss's interference and how to lift Sloss's brainwashing against Roland.

"My eyes are very good, my fighting spirit is high, and I am going to beat me with my fists, and then I will take the young master back to your side... It is so beautiful, it can hold people more than gems."

Rubbing his chin, Sloss continued to speak in a light tone:

"The barbaric impulse is also beautiful, but abuse of violence here... I can't guarantee that the spirit of the young master will not be affected. You won't want Roland to become a vegetable or an idiot?"

"If you don't care, it will also become your match puppet, or call it a sowing machine."

"You know it. Isn't that a good thing for you? It's better to put aside the yoke of ethics and rationality instead of emptying the boudoir. Isn't it better for everyone to be happy together?"

"This is also that guy's order?"

"The adult did not give specific instructions. Basically, as long as the function of the young master to reproduce the offspring is ensured, the rest will be free for us. In order to meet this only condition, I have worked hard and retrieved it from his memory. The image of the deceased family and friends is to create a lot of phantoms to exert maximum pressure on his spirit, and finally complete the brainwashing, forcing the young master to accept the concept of multiplying offspring and protecting the mother as the first priority. Let him become the only one. In order to protect you, you can save millions of people and tens of millions of people from death, and you can treat all people who are indifferent. But you come out to stir up, it is really...General girls will be very happy to meet the boy to stand up and protect themselves Well, otherwise the story of the theme of "Hero Rescue the Beauty" will not be staged from ancient times until now."

"I don't hate the brave story of saving the princess. Even when I grow up and know that story and reality are completely different, I don't think there is anything wrong or bad."

Raising the claws covered with scales, Favona proudly returned:

"But when I think of dancing on your script in the palm of your scum, I feel very sick."

"Then... you are just like the young master, become my puppet."

Slos spread his hands, and the gray world began to surge.

After all, the dominance of this world is in Slos, he is the world, and the world is him. The spiritual consciousness of a dragon tribe can be gnawed and cleaned without effort.

——You can be a toy!

The overflowing maliciousness turned into thousands of sharp blades in a blink of an eye, attacking Fafna from all directions.

There is no gap between up, down, left and right.

Every sharp blade is infused with a self-conscious copying instruction similar to a computer virus. As long as Fafna gets a little bruise, it is completely over.

——I won.

Just as Sloth asserted that he was ready to taste the wine of victory, the scene that surprised him and Fafna appeared.

All the blades were stopped in the air, and the blades that could reach Fafna's skin were all fixed in the air, and then all the blades retreated along the trajectory of the gallop, and fell into the gray desert.

The whole process is like playing back video materials, which makes people feel ridiculous and shudder.

"This, this, do you say..."

Silos, who had always been light and comfortable, made a trembling voice, and Favna also stopped moving stiffly, and large drops of cold sweat slipped from her cheeks.

The air is filled with a huge sense of oppression. There is no physical "wind" that violently blows and shakes the world. The earth is shaking and the sky is screaming.

What is coming.

Even this tremendous existence, which was terrified and trembling, came here.

"The eternal sleep is not the dead. In the wonder of eternity, even death will be fleeting."

The generally melodious sound of the music resounds through the world, which is not as fierce as thunder, nor is it an evil whisper echoing in everyone's ears. The soft tone full of power and majesty reached the people's hearts, making people want to bow down and listen to the teachings at the feet of the master of the sound.

That is the veritable "Voice of God".

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Lord Fafnah, it seems that you are doing well."

The man in the black trench coat didn't know when to stand on the side, his **** eyes gazed at Fafna and Sloss.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw gray walls and strange ceilings.

Perhaps it was caused by turning over while sleeping, Roland now feels like a fetus waiting for the moment of birth in her mother~www.readwn.com~ sideways curled up on the bed.

The room is a simple single room, the smell of disinfecting water permeates the air, and the sound of someone shouting and running can be heard faintly.


Roland moaned and twisted his body.

He didn't know how long he fell into a lethargy, it might be quite a long time, because compared to the refreshing sensation of awake, there was a lot of strange tiredness over the body that slept, and even a finger was very hard. .

Roland twisted his body again, trying to get rid of the heavy tiredness, only then was there something soft behind his back.

Is anyone beside him?

Judging from the tactile sensation on the back and arm, the other person is petite and can never be an adult male.

The faces of the young girls in the dream crossed their minds one after another, and at the end there was a cold face of a black boy.

Somehow, the domineering, indifferent face like dry ice or some kind of device remained in Roland's consciousness more strongly and clearly than the girls. It is clearer and clearer than all the nightmares and sweet dreams that have been done so far, followed by a strong sense of unwillingness and humiliation that seems to have been chasing from the dream to the real world.

No way--

Will it be possible-

Roland didn't know what to do for a while, so it didn't make sense to continue to lie down. He seemed to want to shake off this embarrassment and turned back violently. The girl's petite body and beautiful brown show appeared in front of Roland.


Along with the teenager's doubts, the girl woke up and when the pupil refocused to reflect the face of the teenager, Wang Wang, who had forgotten her identity, status, occasion, manners, etc., hugged Roland tightly, crying redemptively while crying. .


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