Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1248: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (twenty four)

No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after you start. No matter when you end, it is important not to regret after the end. - Plato

If you have to define a "nasty object" for Li Lin, you will be hated by the dictator who does not understand what is pain or joy, and it must be the most inefficient and meaningless act of "regret" .

Regret should never exist.

Of course, according to the premise of "existence is reasonable", and the survival strategy of human beings as intelligent creatures, regret must exist, and will continue to exist with other inefficient and illogical things in the future, even after the establishment of the new order , This will still not change.

"The losers can be angry and wailing anyway they want. Anyway, their curses and wailing will become true. On the contrary, the winner will not be blamed for whatever he does. If someone accuses you, it means you have not won enough. thorough."

"Yes, sir."

Slos and Gulatoni bowed together to respond. Their foreheads were covered with cold sweat, but they didn't dare to wipe them at all. On the side, Jerez and Reggie said nothing, and there was a sneer in the corner of their mouths.

"There is no problem in wanting to win completely, and it is also possible to drill loopholes in the rules. If it succeeds, maybe I will reward you. But if you want to take advantage of it, you want to win completely, don't you think it is too much?"

The best of both worlds, one stone with many birds is not without things, smart people who are good at seizing opportunities can often count in one fell swoop. But there has never been anything that goes well in the world, and even a meticulous plan will inevitably be full of flaws and even flaws.

"When you realize that you can't start Fafna in the material world, you should understand where the problem is."

Sloss's goal was to brainwash Roland into a machine that only knew about giving birth and guarding his wife and children. He almost did it.

If Favna and Li Lin didn't make a cross, would he succeed?


The reason why Slos will fail is at this point.

When instilling the obsession of "protecting his wife and children" into Roland's thinking, Silos and Roland were in a state of mental synchronization. Although Silos was relatively strong, he would still be affected, so in the real world he attacked Fafna. It will stop because the behavior is in conflict with the concept of "protecting the wife and child" implanted in Roland's consciousness. When the idea of ​​"Killing Fafna" in Sloss conflicts with Roland's obsession, due to the priority of the brainwashing program Sexually, the aggressive behavior was stopped.

If Sloss did not give priority to brainwashing Roland.

If Silos did not mentally synchronize with Roland.

If Sloss initially aimed at completely destroying Roland's spirit.

If any of the above three become a reality, the ending will become another look.

"'No need to struggle, just admit it and make improvements later, this is the prerogative of an adult'-this is what I once said, it used to be the same, and it is the same now. I won't talk about it until now What nonsense such as'if', will not discuss the issue of responsibility considering the completion of the mission. You just need to analyze every detail in this battle, think about your own shortcomings, and promote further growth, as I said. . It doesn’t matter if you can’t grow, I don’t have the necessary expectations above you.”


Under the cold instructions, the four original sins bowed their heads together and responded to the empty void.

Withdrawing some of his consciousness from his subordinates, Li Lin returned to the review of the battle.

Simply speaking, from the premise of being limited before the war, Sloss's tactical choice is not wrong. It is indeed a more appropriate choice to fight against the premise of guaranteeing Roland’s ability to reproduce future generations.

The problem is that "proper" does not mean "best."

In addition to the logical contradiction mentioned above, Slos’s biggest problem is that he failed to anticipate that there will be a "third person" who can intervene in the spiritual world, and this person has also been set by Roland as "an object that must be protected." ". In that state at that time, once Fafna died in the hands of Slos, the logical conflict would be amplified to the limit, and the entire spiritual space might be torn apart. At that time, Favna, Roland, and Sloss will be involved, and that will be the worst situation.

In order to avoid losing three pieces of great value at the same time, Li Lin had to show up to clean up the mess.

——That's what I said, but I didn't think beforehand that he could still find himself. Even if I intervened, it was only a low probability of 1 in 10,000. Should I say that his growth potential is higher than expected?

-Positive, negative, positive, positive, positive, negative, negative.

——Well, this is not important anymore.

-Anyway, the most important matters have been completed.

- Affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm.

Ruby eyes stared at the sickle-like red arrow on the map, and pupil Ye Ye, who was unshakable and joyless, was radiant.


Roland seemed to have a dream.

It starts with a nightmare and ends with a wondering dream.

The reason why dreams are called dreams is because of their ambiguous and indefinite traits. Whether they experience nightmares or sweet dreams, they will be forgotten after they wake up.

For better or worse, only one night.

But that dream was so different and so real that it was still vivid after waking up, just like what happened just before my eyes.


No sound, no light, only pure consciousness and concepts remain.

-Must be protected.

-It doesn't matter if you kill someone.

The endless black mud wraps the concept a little bit into the consciousness, and only the black mud that creeps like a wraith and soul is left in the world.

-Is this death?

-Is this hell?

Having said that, it was still a miracle to realize that half of the battle was so dead.

The gradually blurred consciousness, the feeling of slowly losing, and the feeling of powerlessness that has been stripped from the world are gradually spreading, and the past scenes have passed from the eyes like a lantern.

Without stopping the armored clusters that rushed out from Arden, failing to retain Charlemagne, failing to stop Li Lin, and building an ideal world in which all races coexist cannot be achieved...

-Could it be said that this is impossible for me?

——Do I... just die like this?

With the restlessness and unwillingness portrayed in the suspected death experience, the young man asked himself, and at the same time he sank a little into the deep black mud.


As if the white paper was dripped with ink, a light appeared in the dark nihility.

God said "Let there be light".

The moment the original language appeared, the world produced light.

In the gradually spreading nihility, the extremely powerful will has become an extremely pure motive for change that does not have substantial physical characteristics and at this moment, that sentence becomes the light of creation.

From that light, a figure emerged.

It is neither tall nor short, nor fat nor thin, its limbs are extremely well-proportioned, and its slightly neutral face is more like a fine artwork, wearing a windbreaker like the night, and walking out of the light that illuminates the void, The red pupil looks like a blood-colored gem, looking at Roland, who is like a newborn baby.

——Don’t you say you want to hit me?

Looking down on the teenager for a long time, the man in black said with a lack of ups and downs.

It seemed to have responded to the wonderful tone. The hollow and unfocused purple eyes of the teenager lifted slightly, and the eyes that could not be stretched out reflected the domineering posture of the other party.

Now he has no hope.

As literally stated, I am in the process of dying and there is no possibility of us ushering in any other future-at least Roland himself interprets this.

The other party doesn't think so.

Those who believe that the state of affairs cannot be further exacerbated cannot feel agitated and alienated in their hearts.

Real despair is a poison that kills even numbness.

Of course, the current situation of Roland cannot be mistaken for optimism.

Repeated mental oppression operations keep the spirit in sync with other people for a long time, and the self-understanding is eroded and twisted by the other party a little bit-ordinary people experience brain death long after the above process, otherwise they will become a waste. However, he retains the ability to recognize and think, and he can distinguish who is present.


A dying hoarse voice came out of his mouth.

To his surprise, Roland's reaction was too plain. He just moved his haggard face, revealing a reaction like a mood swing-just that, it took almost all of his energy. This is also due to his survival instinct aware of the changes that can never happen, but are irreversibly ongoing.

Siegfried Otto Li Lin.

For him, it means too many objects, enemies who are entangled together by curses, bondage, love and hatred.

This kind of him is still here to mock him, or is he here to confirm his own death process with his own eyes?


In a trance, Roland asked.

His consciousness of being repeatedly oppressed and having voluntarily stopped thinking can no longer list all the possibilities and examine them one by one.

——Since I want to hit me, at least I have to come before my eyes. Did Sloth's small obstacles of this magnitude trap you?

Li Lin extended his right hand like an invitation.

Roland did nothing, he stared blankly at Li Lin's hand.

There was certainly a reason for his slow reaction to stop thinking, but more importantly, he could not determine whether the hand was a phantom or a trap.

After all, they are enemies now.

I once believed that holding the hand was eventually betrayed. Can I still hold it again?

--stand up.

Li Lin urged him.

Roland still did not react.

Withdrawing his hand, Li Lin turned straight to the light. His pace hesitated without any hesitation. He deliberately invaded this spiritual space, walked in front of Roland, and reached out to him—these seemed to be all whimpage.

Maybe so.


When he was about to leave the black mud, Li Lin asked his back to Roland:

"Do you want to die like this? Die with hopelessness and nothing?"


Roland was silent.

Once accustomed to despair, let numbness control all of your thoughts and senses, life is actually quite easy.

No trouble, no pain, no restlessness.

Therefore, people who have been in despair for a long time will not have the idea of ​​changing their situation. After all, objects will not be as eager for hope as people.

"If that were your choice, I would not say much about it."

Li Lin's tone was still cold.

It was neither cruel nor mocking, but there was no trace of mercy. It just shows the reality without concealing it.

"Girls... Her Royal Highness will also have less trouble."


Roland's body twitched in a hug.


Minerva de Bourbon.

Charlemagne's queen daughter is also a favorite of Roland's skin-loving relatives.

This name cracked the desperate setting of cement.


The teenager stood up swaying.

The paralyzed legs moved little by little in the quagmire, albeit slowly, although they might fall at any time, even though they looked embarrassed. The teenager is still struggling.

Maybe it was just a simple biological reaction, or maybe it was the instinct derived from the obsessive idea given by Sloss, for Roland now, it was an indispensable salvation, and as long as the girl was still there, his hope would not be Exist on the other side of the infinite horizon.

Li Lin slowly turned his face, staring at Roland with no expression on his face. Just when Roland was only one step away from him, he extended his hand again.


A subtle tone resembling a wry smile emerged from the unsmooth tone.

"It's such an unfilial son who likes to add trouble."

The dream is interrupted.

just now--

The unwillingness and humiliation of the dream remain in the body, and the right hand seems to still feel the touch in the dream-the soft, warm hand, the hand that cannot be connected with the murderer or the dictator.

The hand holding the sheet gradually tightened, and the clenched hand gradually turned white, showing blood vessels.

what is this.

Is it "unbelievable" or "unwilling to believe"?

Li Lin is reasonable. As long as he is willing, he can win anytime, anywhere.

He said rebellion in his mouth, and he still had to rely on that guy in the end.

A mortal, after all, cannot win the man destined to heaven.

——Isn’t that what Li Lin really wanted to convey when he appeared there and reached out to himself?

"...What am I doing..."

The corner of the teenager's mouth twisted, his body shivering uncontrollably, and the **** the side looked at him with a worried expression.


"I thought I had become stronger... I heard Dirandal's voice and thought I had reached the level of my father... I thought I could open up a whole new path... so I believed that I really became stronger. "

However, it is not.

"Actually, I haven't changed at all!"

From the moment when the abandoned village survived, from the time when Alfheim left, it has not changed.

"Of course it is! The escaped person, how could it become stronger! I'm just a kid who relies on weapons and relies on other people's weapons and equipment to cheer up! Such a person...!!!"


Minerva forcibly interrupted the cursed self-blame. She held Roland's face hard and forced the other party to look at herself.

"You are a boy! Would you please cheer up?"

The girl's nose blew across the teenager's cheek, and the face that was sobbing and forcing the pain was almost to stick to the tip of Roland's nose.

"I'm not the same? I always wanted to escape from the arranged scripts and characters, but I never dared to really take action and played my role faithfully. At that time...I even...but...

The thunder and thunder that night seemed to sound again in the ear~

With no effort to let the tears fall, the girl said aloud with a determined expression and tone:

"Roland...I want to be with you forever, so...I decided, I decided to challenge fate, as long as I am with you, I have the confidence to do it! Roland, you have to challenge fate too! The two of us are going to be stronger...!!!"


Unspeakable feelings are hoarding in my heart.

Yes, Minerva is strong.

But the girl in front of her is showing something different from the past. He was relieved, relieved, and dazzling.

Unconsciously, the body was no longer trembling, and the weight that was so heavy that he was breathless disappeared.

"I promise you."

The teenager showed a gentle smile, took the girl's hand touching her cheek, and responded with a voice that also contained determination:

"No matter what I encounter, I will not dodge, and I will never avoid it!"

"me too."

The teenagers hugged each other tightly, feeling each other's body temperature, heartbeat, and breath, for a long time.

At the same time, the pioneer of the B Group Army of the Defense Forces, the 101st Experimental Heavy Armored Battalion sent a message that was recorded in the annals of history. The name will be included in the history textbook.

The content of the message is very simple, only a short sentence.

"At d+42, the dice have been dropped! Our department has crossed the Maas River, and the engineering battalion is stepping up the construction of the fourth pontoon!"

The lightning of the Defence Force is about to fall to the unprepared Sedan fortress.


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