Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1252: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (4)

Since ancient times, in order to ensure the safety of life and property, and to make some form of investment in the future, the conquered has a custom of offering tribute to the conqueror. Through this ceremonial ritual to express your obedience, in exchange for a moment of tranquility and breathing.

Most of the things used as tributes are money, territory, privileges and beauty. However, it is not only meaningless to dedicate to the Defence Forces gold medals and military tickets that the Charlemagne themselves do not want, but there is also the risk of killing them. The territories and privileges are controlled by the elves at the moment when the defense troops are at the front. In front of the chariots of droves, any bargaining abacus is impossible.

So, only beauty is left.

But this only feasible strategy also encountered two insurmountable obstacles in front of the 101st Test Heavy Armor Battalion-face value and gender.

Needless to say, the value of the face, the elves have the advantage of natural resources in this respect, and the beautiful women in their own eyes are placed in front of them only because they belong to the "Dragon Cavalry" category. The gender problem is that this battalion has a special situation. The proportion of orc female soldiers is high. Even if there are peerless beauties in the village, it only makes sense if the other party has a lily tendency, otherwise it is to let girls in uniform and non-uniforms gather to discuss what ? cosmetic? boyfriend? new clothes? The latest fashion trends? Does the other party have that mood?

Facing difficulties, don't be discouraged, don't give up, continue to work until you succeed-this is a virtue. However, if the direction and form are wrong, the extremely positive number of virtue is multiplied by the extremely negative number of the despicable purpose and behavior, and only a huge negative number that is too large for even the blood-blooded soldiers can bear.

"So, Mr. Mayor."

The green bars in Nona's forehead were creeping, holding the holster in her right hand, and her fingers twitched from time to time.

"What the **** do you mean?"

In front of Major Werewolf, there is a fat man in his fifties, whose head is completely bald, and the baby's ruddy face is posing a flattering smile. Behind him is a group of thinly dressed, trembling with each other. Boy.

The youngest looks only five or six years old, and the oldest is no more than twelve or three years old. Each of them is malnourished, full of panic and restless eyes moving back and forth between the ground and the guards and soldiers onlookers.

The contrasting picture in front of me can be said to be a sketch of various social classes under Charlemagne. Due to shortage of materials and skyrocketing prices, Charlemagne has fully implemented the rationing system. The amount of meat and fat available to all citizens per week is strictly controlled. In theory, each person can receive 500 grams of fresh meat and 125 grams of butter per week. If it is cured products like bacon, it is only three hundred grams.

It sounds okay. In places where you can't even eat wild vegetables, this standard can be regarded as a paradise on earth. However, please note that this is theoretically, in fact, it is impossible to achieve distribution according to head. In addition to class division, there are problems of corruption and black market. Many officials used the power in their hands to embezzle the materials that should have been distributed to the people into the black market to make huge profits, which further worsened the supply and demand of materials. Especially in rural areas, starvation has begun.

In this desperate situation, morals and laws are completely unapplicable. In order to survive and create new "profitable projects", some things that were once despised began to quickly occur and spread.

Such as smuggling;

For example, betrayal intelligence;

Such as human trafficking.

Especially the last one is the most prosperous trade in recent times. You need to know that for families that don’t even have moldy potatoes, if they reduce their mouth to eat, they can allow the rest to live a few more weeks... How will they choose between survival and affection? Things.

So children who can't work have become the main target of sales. In addition to all kinds of windy moons and suspicious organizations, buyers are the churches.

The church itself operates orphanages, and in this way receives subsidies from the government and harvests donations from the private sector. Over time, more and more clerics began to view the operation of an orphanage as a "business"-low-cost, high-income trading with unpaid labor and social investment. As long as there are children left at the door of the orphanage for various reasons, the gold coins will continue to be packed into the pockets of the church and the priests and maids. On the contrary, if all the orphans die, the orphanage will cut off the source of income. Therefore, in order to ensure the fact that "there are orphans", buying orphans regularly from human traffickers has become a privately conducted business in the church.

The orphans in front of them are the goods that are ready to be shipped next month. They not only do various chores, but also teach them to play lute and sing in order to dispel the loneliness and boredom of the clergy. As for the entertainment method of long nights of dispatch... According to the requirements of buyers who are keen to respond to the panic and shyness of children, there is no teaching. I believe that when the buyers are in the hands, they will spend a lot of time on this aspect of education...

Originally, this was a big business with a lot of fifty or more coins. But now, in order to maintain the status, the head of the project is even more protected. I had no choice but to endure pain and cut love cheaply these sharp-eared ghosts... uh, sharp-eared princes.

——Even if she is a woman, she lives in a boring military camp~www.readwn.com~ You can't help but see such a cute child.

Mayor Pierre Labart muttered silently in his heart, greasy hands rubbing around, the fat on his face squeezed a flattering smile, like a pimp who was doing business at the door of a country tavern, and he never found himself in What a respect in the eyes of others.

"As you can see."

Pimp, no, Mayor Rabalt blinked and said humbly:

"These children specialize in serving the chiefs."

Switching to a decent young man may not understand the mayor's subtext. Nona, who has a special experience and a rich social experience, immediately understood the meaning of the other party.

——Officials full of intestines and fat, who must retain their status and power at all costs;

——Children who have thin skinny abdominal muscles and are scared of the unknown future;

For Nona, this is really a very visual picture.

At that moment, Nona almost couldn't kill the fat man who made her sick. But with the help of military honor and sense of responsibility, she finally suppressed the urge.

——Maybe the other party mistrusted Charlemagne’s propaganda, thinking that the defense army would slaughter the village.

With a little hope for human nature, Nona guessed the other party's intentions so much, and then she decided to communicate with the other party to resolve the misunderstanding.

"Mr. Mayor, I think you may have made a mistake. Our army will leave soon, will not stay here, and do not need additional labor and services. If there is insufficient food or other problems in the village, You can go to Luo to make a list and wait for the officials of our logistics department or civil affairs unit to come up and submit the application. As for the service... I don’t think we need it."


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