Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1257: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (8)

The light cavalry is generally used as the eyes of the troops before the reconnaissance. Although they occasionally work part-time as hussars, on the whole they are independent scouts, and together with the flying beasts, they form the reconnaissance force of the Charlieman army. Of the ring. On the battlefield, he plays the role of mobile reserve. Relatively speaking, as a branch of the light cavalry, the main task of the hussars is to act as an assault force. These cavalry, who are gorgeously dressed, holding scimitars, and riding the best fast horses, therefore suffer from extremely high casualties. The popular saying in Charlemagne's army is that if a hussar has fought for a year and has not died, this is not hussar, this is waste.

As the shape of the battlefield changes, there is no room for war horses, scimitars, and cavalry on the battlefield covered by mines, trenches, barbed wire, poison gas, large-caliber artillery, and automatic weapons. The emergence of chariots has made everyone realize that the king of land warfare in the new era has emerged. This war is a salute dedicated to the birth of the king.

Even so, Charlemagne and the nations still retained cavalry.

On the one hand, it is limited by technical and industrial strength, and it is still impossible to let the lines on the drawing board come into reality, let alone take it to the battlefield to fight against the "animal legion" of Yalfheim. Until a sufficient number of practical chariots can be manufactured to replace them, everyone can only continue to use cavalry as a battlefield maneuvering force. On the other hand, because Charlieman’s own national conditions are here, the anti-tank weapons developed by the Army Weapons Bureau are generally heavier. Unless it is a defensive battle, the infantry carrying the pile of dangerous goods and other equipment on the battlefield is basically Just kidding, and it's the worst. You know that the group of ghosts and animals on the opposite side are not stupid. Can you take the time to go behind your back and start doing it? When faced with this situation, how to effectively block the loopholes and prevent the other party from interpolating has become an unavoidable subject. So the high-level idea kings set their sights on the cavalry. Their idea is very simple. Since the dragon cavalry can dismount and form a battle line as an infantry and enter the battlefield, let the cavalry carry various anti-tank weapons as mobile anti-armor What is wrong with power?

When you pat your head on the top, you start to act immediately. In just one month, a variety of anti-tank weapons poured into the cavalry unit, up to a spear-like rod mine (that is, the spear head was removed and replaced with an explosive, from shells and explosives The anti-tank mines are all available, and the model of the anti-tank mines with a disk shape looks like a bamboo pole with a gong.), down to all kinds of cocktail drinks, it can be described as a complete variety, which can be called Charlie The exhibition conference of the history of the development of the anti-tank weapon of the infantry of the Man King family. In addition to a lot of grass-rooted special attack weapons, there are also some interesting toys. This part will be introduced in detail later.

All in all, a large number of cavalry were transferred to mobile anti-tank troops, and the dragon cavalry, breastplate cavalry, cavalry, hussars, and cavalry were no exceptions. Due to the short time, most of them are in the transition training stage, and several relatively fast-moving troops have been sent to the Rhine front. The 5th Light Cavalry Division, which is considered to be behind the training schedule, is included in the Second Army to defend Ardennes. As planned, they will complete the remaining training courses here.

At first glance, this is a reasonable arrangement. In fact, it is also the first cavalry division that has undergone transformation. Other troops have already gone to the Rhine front to paint their records and medals. They simply threw the 5th Light Cavalry Division into the forest of Arden. Bench. Clear-sighted people know at a glance that this is not easy, and there must be something stupid in it.

The so-called catty is the commander of the 5th Cavalry Division, Colonel Jean-de-Lazare offended the summit, and was even implicated with the entire army.

To say that this Colonel Allen is indeed a rare exception in the army of King Charlemagne's army-weekdays are gentle, most despise the red deer who hangs "respecting the king" and "Tianzhu thief" all day long. The commander-in-chief, like a left-wing style, and this one came first on the battlefield, wearing a gorgeous Phnom Penh uniform, wielding a saber, and playing ten figures, even enemies admired him. What is even more incredible is that the cavalry officer once openly lamented that "the era of cavalry is over", "the army behind the era is destined to disappear on the battlefield," plus many public statements of worship of the Holy Girl, General Staff Naturally "look at each other" to Lazarus. Otherwise, Elazar’s performance should have been promoted to major general, and letting a distinguished commander hold the rank of colonel is not to be promoted. What does it mean to see that you are not pleasing, and wear shoes for you? .

Colonel Lazarus was already used to this kind of dumping. He used to complain a few words, but now he is too lazy to complain. Since there are commands above to make you stationed for training, then train honestly.

No matter whether it was Colonel Lazarus or the senior army of the Wang family, I never thought that this arrangement would create a **** battle that is very symbolic and can be called the epitome of the "Yellow Plan."

The 5th Light Cavalry Division found that the abnormal situation was both unexpected and reasonable. Anyway, Ardennes is also an inhabited area, not a deserted area. No matter how well the blockade is done in advance, the indigenous people will find some clues. In addition, when relatives and friends in different regions will inevitably spread some bits and pieces of information when communicating with each other, and then add fuel and vinegar during the communication process, there will always be some exaggerated messages reaching the ears of Charlemagne's army.

After the battle was launched, the defense army's work of covering the battlefield intelligence started, and it once completely blocked the outflow of related information, effectively guaranteeing the suddenness of the actions of the Balck battle group, and almost all the way into Bastogne. .

Until this time, Charlemagne had not noticed the actions of the defense forces. But after that, there was another traffic jam that stretched for more than ten kilometers, and it was also a deserter from the Qing Dynasty and a spy in the occupied area. The General Staff believes that no matter how strong the Charlie Man’s nerves are, how slow the response is, it is time to get some information. ~www.readwn.com~ It is too easy to know that the Ardennes area is densely forested, and the defense forces are so magical that there is no single Charlemagne defeat or civilian escape. It is too easy to hide one or two people in such a large area. Too.

According to the estimates made by the General Staff before the war, it can guarantee that the battlefield intelligence can be blocked for up to 20 hours. After all, the Charlemagne would have noticed the movement of the Defence Forces in Ardennes.

If it is a normal march, then 20 hours is enough for the Balk battle group to rush all the way to the banks of the Maas. But actually from Bastogne, Yalfheim's control over the villages and towns is not as strong as before. The troops had to face a series of villages and towns that had not yet been evacuated and were not under control, some of which had Charlemagne troops stationed.

The advance of the Defence Forces cannot be disturbed by them. The other party will inevitably fight hard to resist. As long as they lay mines or destroy roads and bridges, the momentum of the attack will inevitably be blocked. The previous traffic jam nightmare will be staged again. The Charlemagne who responded at that time will definitely adjust their strategy. Whether they adopt scorched earth tactics to block the B Group army group or begin to organize the retreat of the troops on the Rhine front, it will become the most unwilling situation in Yalfheim. Not only will that make the cooked duck fly away from the pan, but it will also fall into a war of wasting time and manpower and material resources, and will also create opportunities for foreign forces.

It is precisely to avoid this situation that they continue to emphasize the speed of attack, just to try to break through a series of obstacles before the Charlemagne react and realize the final round. However, the meticulous plan will always encounter a variety of unexpected situations when it is actually implemented. The previous traffic jams are the same, and the actions of the 5th Light Cavalry Division are the same.


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