Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1259: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan! (10)

When formulating a combat plan, you must consider various possibilities, including the worst-case scenario, and prepare various plans according to your own conditions. Even if you cannot formulate a strategy for the first good, you must at least prepare a positive strategy for the second best.

Li Lin did this, the Defense General Staff did this, and Roland did the same.

As early as the moment when the true strategic intent of the Defense Force was predicted, Roland was preparing for the retarded operation in the Ardennes area. In addition to mobilizing the only elite force on hand, he also prepared for the delay of multiple transportation hubs and roads. After the failure of the battle-the 5th Light Cavalry Division.

To be honest, Roland doesn't like this backhand because it seriously conflicts with his personal philosophy. Whether the soldier disregarded the military discipline and circumvented the management system without authorization, or took the lives of others as numbers and cannon fodder, this was difficult for him to accept and strongly opposed. However, there are only so many resources in his hand, and the opponent's schedule will not give him more time to increase his chips. Secondly...

By now, he had decided to move on even if his hands were dirty, even if it was something he could not accept and had to accept anyway.

After all, there is no such thing as a clean war. The so-called war, the so-called total war, was originally a sludge pit that would draw everyone in and fill up with flesh and blood and dung. Even if you can’t accept it, how many people are not involved, can you be satisfied? One hundred thousand people? Ten thousand people? One thousand people? One hundred people? Or is it better to have none?

If so, there should be no war at all.

The reality is that war has always been there. The original workers, peasants, shoemakers, civil servants, hotel receptionists, gangsters, school teachers... were constantly recruited, put on uniforms, picked up weapons, and were sent to the frontline to burn towns and villages. Kill people who are also workers, farmers, citizens, civil servants, mass-produce widows and orphans. In return, they put on beautiful uniforms, stars and bars on their shoulders increased, and shiny medals on their chests and necklines. Then continue the same thing until one day dies...

Neither the army nor the 901 anti-tank car battalion battalion and the 902 ranger battalion are neither justice partners nor heroes in the story. Faced with an irreversible fate, they can only dying and struggle as much as they can.

However, this wave of dying struggling is still a threat that can not be ignored for the B group army that is racing against the clock.

"Report ob, received by Da Miao 1. Repeated, received by Da Miao 1. Finished."

As the electromechanical staff turned off the special frequency of the group army command, Nona's mouth raised a wry smile.

The undisguised operation of the 5th Light Cavalry Division was easily noticed by the Defence Forces Air Force. It was difficult for this cavalry squatting forward on the road to find out. It stands to reason that the next step is the Defence Force Air Force attack aircraft. The daily licking of the ground show, using several rounds of dive bombing and sweeping to send the cavalry to the west, otherwise it is a large-caliber naval gun of an air battleship to perform a firework show. However, they cannot do this.

"Naval gun firing will destroy important highways. MDs and attack aircraft have other priority targets."

"Did the enemy begin to dispatch reinforcements and destroy the road?"

The voice of the staff passed along the headphones, and Nona, who was standing on the command tower, shrugged.

"For the time being, no signs of further movement by the enemy have been found, but there are some abnormalities on the railway line, and they have to deal with the problem there."

Colonel Lazarus was brave but not a scheming man. If he thought that this rare talent in the army of Charlemagne's army would only "cut the sword to the chariots of ghosts and beasts", he would be too underestimated.

The colonel knew that once the cavalry began to gather, the most direct threat would come from the air, and the enemy who had air control would flock like a vulture who found a big meal. The caller will be wiped out without leaving any residue.

Even if the air force’s encirclement and interception are breached, it will be faced with terrible artillery coverage. According to intelligence, the enemy army that has attacked Arden is equipped with a large number of self-propelled artillery. As long as there are eyes in the air to provide them with parameters, the artillery is very good. It is easy to create a barrage sufficient to blow up the entire cavalry division.

It is necessary to create a situation where the other party cannot shoot unwillingly, and take this opportunity to shorten the distance with the enemy, and then use the familiarity with the terrain and the environment to ambush the enemy armored column, as long as several vehicles are destroyed and a period of time is destroyed. Railroad tracks or several bridges will hold back the other side's progress, and make time for the rear to adjust the deployment-this is the task given by Roland to the 5th Light Cavalry Division.

In order to achieve this situation, Roland also prepared for the Colonel La Salle, which had just been developed, had not yet time to formally install and distribute the numbered killer-the railway torpedo "Icarus".

Well, the so-called railway torpedo is actually a modified locomotive. Not only are a lot of explosives piled up in the locomotive and coal cabin, but also a standard anti-tank weapon developed by the Army, "Spur and Explosive Thunder (Thunder Body and Thunder Rod The thunder rod is a wooden stick. The shell of the thunder body is a cone made of cement. The inside is a nitrocellulose filled with hollow shaped charge. The top of the cone is connected to the thunder rod~www.readwn.com~ There are three at the bottom Nails. The method of use is similar to that of a bayonet. Pull out the safety pin on the top of the mine bar, and then insert it firmly into the tank, so the user and the tank will explode together. To ensure the effect, generally start from the side and the back )", three pieces in one outfit. In order to prevent premature detonation from being fired by enemy forces, armor was added on the front and top of the locomotive. In theory, unless directly hit by a large and medium caliber artillery, this unmanned locomotive (the driver jumped after starting. ) Will continue to travel along the railway until it runs out of fuel or bumps into a hapless ghost.

It is difficult to say whether this invention of patting the head is practical, but it is indeed a trouble that cannot be ignored for the B Group Army Group. The efficiency of railway transportation is much higher than that of road transportation, and it will not be affected by weather and terrain. As long as a complete railway system can be obtained, the road congestion of the B Group Army Group can be greatly relieved, which is why they are so urgent. One of the reasons to seize Bastogne.

With this level of consideration in mind, the command headquarters will inevitably have some mouse control devices. It is obviously impossible to let those mobile bombs go, but it will destroy important railway facilities. Although preparations are made in advance to deal with the destruction of the railway, the headquarters still wants to get a good railway as long as there is a possibility. You know that they have been delaying a lot of time, and now every second is extremely precious.

After some controversy, the group army headquarters decided that the Air Force should continue to perform battlefield cover and reconnaissance missions, dispatching a group of elite engineers and commandos to cooperate with the mds troops to handle the locomotives full of explosives, and excluding the enemy engineers along the line to prevent them from confronting Demolition of railways and bridges.

As for the cavalry unit, it will be handed over to the Balk battle group.


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