Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1263: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (13)

From the moment the chariot appeared on the battlefield, the spear-shield confrontation began and continued.

From the early direct shots with field guns, to the development of professional anti-tank guns, to the advent of anti-tank rocket launchers and missiles. Can threaten the tank from the other tank all the way to the flying warthog with Gatling guns pouring depleted uranium bombs to the ground, all kinds of bomb trucks loaded with precision-made missiles, magic neutron bombs that only kill people and do not destroy the vehicle. Wuling Hongguang, full of rough guys and rpg... can be said to be innumerable and countless. But few people remember that the world’s first professional anti-tank weapon was an anti-tank rifle.

Mauser 1918 anti-tank rifle. This kind of weapon called "elephant rifle" is essentially a Mauser rifle that fires a 13.2mm armor-piercing projectile after being amplified. Even the gun machine directly uses the back pull handle of the 1898 rifle. It is not difficult to see how much panic the British water tank has brought to the Germans from such an urgent design. It is no less than the "t34 crisis" twenty years later. If there were no such a brace of weapons that threatened the enemy and the shooter equally, there would be far-reaching roaring of the engine of the British water tank, and all the German soldiers would be scared off.

With the development of tank technology, especially the improvement of armor protection, anti-tank rifles have proved to no longer meet the needs of the battlefield. Since the end of World War II, the equipment sequence of the military of various countries has gradually faded out. The equipment rifle faintly saw a glimmer of anti-tank rifle.

It stands to reason that it is not a wise idea to develop anti-tank rifles in the face of the 30-ton medium tanks and 45-ton heavy tanks that serve as the top beams of the armored forces of the Defense Forces. And no matter how high this is for the metallurgical industry and the chemical industry, even if Roland is lucky enough to buy the lottery ticket Zhang Zhangzhong special prize, he accidentally pointed the technology tree, and the development process has been smooth. The question is what was used to fight the anti-tank rifle? The opposite is not the first-generation thin-skin water tank, but the thick-skinned meows. Guns with a caliber below 80㎜ can be put away, so as not to be conspicuous.

Roland and the dwarf artisans did not know this. If possible, they would rather engage in practical and convenient equipment like "iron fist" rather than tossing out anti-tank rifles, which are outdated. But...the concubine can't do it.

The technical starting point of Tekken is indeed relatively low, and the price is also very low, which is exactly the same as similar products in another world. The problem is that it only makes sense if you can achieve mass production. In another world, as long as you dare to place orders, even if you can't produce seamless steel pipes yourself, the courageous heavy industry companies will dare to buy seamless steel pipes for you, and then you will toss auxiliary materials such as explosives, propellant materials and cement, let alone rpg, that is, rockets with a range of tens or even hundreds of kilometers can be made to show you. In this world, looking beyond Yalfheim, there is no heavy industry that can meet this demand. Just a blast furnace is still torturing technicians from all over the world, and it is still a long-term thing from being able to mass-produce steel products with stable quality and low prices.

The same principle applies to the production of explosives. In the face of the massive production of soda ash by Yalfheim through the joint alkali production method, the soda ash output obtained by Charlemagne by mining saltpetre mines is simply a small pebble at the foot of the mountain. Soda ash, a raw material that is widely used in the chemical industry and widely used in industries such as glass, chemicals, petroleum, metallurgy, construction materials, textiles, etc., is also an indispensable important substance for the synthetic production of explosives. In another world, as the development of synthetic technology matured, a large number of companies operating saltpeter closed, saltpeter mines were closed, and the price of explosives also depreciated significantly as production increased.

There is no systematic and comprehensive supporting industry, there is not enough production capacity and enough professional soldiers, and it is impossible to reverse the situation by relying on only one or two technological principles and tactical concepts beyond the times, not to mention that these technical concepts are still opponents. Something familiar.

With enough lessons, Roland and his technical team focused their attention on the anti-tank rifle, a weapon that is easier to achieve mass production. After all, compared with the "iron fist", the anti-tank rifle does not need a new one. production line. Gunsmiths and production equipment are readily available, and mass production can be achieved by adjusting the production process.

The dwarf craftsmen are indeed very skilled. They successfully produced a batch of anti-tank rifles that could threaten the survival of light armored vehicles. Although the number is a little less, only a hundred heads, considering the constraints of the objective environment, this is enough to be a remarkable achievement. It's just that neither the Army of the Wang Family nor Roland himself is very willing to produce such anti-tank weapons.

This is not a problem of factional struggle and shady power, but a real technical problem. It is important to know that using this rifle is not different from playing Russian roulette, or even more dangerous. Russian roulette also lets you know how many bullets are in the wheel. Soldiers with anti-tank rifles can't predict whether the enemy or his head was hit by the trigger.

The weapon named "Trial Type 1 Anti-tank Rifle" is essentially a large-bore cone rifle. After the night of the long sword, the dwarf craftsmen gained a lot of inspiration from the recovered multi-stage accelerated cone guns. When Roland and the Wang Family Army proposed "to manufacture a mass-produced anti-tank weapon under existing conditions," they first thought of "iron fist" and "conical cannon". After the idea of ​​imitating "iron fist" failed in the demonstration stage, they turned their attention to the cone gun. I don’t know who started it. The idea of ​​“amplifying the rifle, installing a cone bore barrel, and launching a high initial velocity armor-piercing projectile” was put on the table, and after several arguments and studies, it became a formal decision.

The appearance of this type of rifle is similar to the pzb.39 anti-tank rifle equipped by the Germans in World War II~www.readwn.com~ has a foldable buttstock and a huge handle, and also uses a manual grip to pull and load the structure. But the similarity between the two is limited to this. Compared with pzb.39, the trial type 1 anti-tank rifle is even larger, the overall length reaches a horrible 1.86 meters, the caliber also reaches 12.7㎜, and the quality reaches 45 The kilogram is almost equivalent to a 20㎜ machine gun. When launching a steel-core armor-piercing projectile, it is accelerated by the gradually increasing bore pressure from the drug chamber to the muzzle-shaped barrel. The initial velocity of the warhead reaches 1265 meters per second, and it can penetrate 30 mm thick uniform steel armor on 100 meters. .

This sounds like good data, but please note that the reason why the cone cannon can obtain high initial velocity is entirely dependent on high pressure. With Charlemagne's current technical strength, the conical barrel produced by the manufacturer was completely unqualified waste to be placed in Alfheim. Not only the barrel life is low, but the crude barrel is difficult to withstand the continuous firing of armor-piercing projectiles. The nitrocellulose used as a propellant is also very unstable and is very easy to explode. Coupled with the high pressure, there will be a huge recoil. Even if a spring buffer device is installed in the **** to absorb the recoil, the shooter's scapula is still often crushed. Therefore, this rifle has "shoulder blade crusher", "fast retired supporter", ".50over (.50 refers to both caliber and implied blast rate up to 50%)", "can only fire a rifle once" Wait for the horror nickname.

Using this rifle to fight against the armored forces of the defense force is almost the same as going to death.

The shooters of the 5th Hussar Cavalry Division are carrying this weapon, condescendingly staring at the intersection of the street corners, waiting for careless opponents to enter a well-designed death trap.


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