Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1270: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (18)

As mentioned earlier, Charlemagne's failure was actually a Greek tragedy composed of five acts. After the confidence of the fans in the first act, the second act of "Suspiciousness" and the third act of "Self Deception" began to take place at the same time.

To be fair, various documents often point out that the weakly fortified Ardennes are the Achilles' heels on the Charlemagne line-such a reference is actually inappropriate. In fact, the Ardennes area is not at all part of Charlemagne’s defensive plan. The main battlefields envisioned by Charlemagne’s senior leaders are Ajanto Raton and Lorraine. From Sedan to Namuer, there are “unable” Ardennes. The plateau and the “impossible crossing” of the Meuse River serve as barriers, which are basically large rear areas without fortification. Even if the ghosts and animals are really in the dark, they just have to be surprised from the craggy and narrow Ardennes. After they have passed through the Ardennes to reach the banks of the Meuse River, what they have to wait for will be the long-awaited reinforcements. Charlemagne's elite troops.

The highly intelligent staff of the King Charlemagne Army estimated from experience that it would take at least 2 weeks from the beginning of the attack by the Defense Force to cross the Meuse River. Among them, it takes at least 5 days or 9 days to reach the Meuse River from the border, and then at least a week at the bridgehead across the river. After the heavy artillery is assembled and the hoard is enough to cope with a battle Start the operation of crossing the river.

Let's not talk about why the Defense Army should act according to the script set by Charlie Man and the Red Deer. The estimation of the 18th-century military maneuver mode alone is enough to make the Defense Army laugh alive. Charlemagne's staff seemed to forget that their opponent had already achieved full mechanization, and that the enemy had absolute air superiority. It seems that the opponent must abandon the convenient motor vehicle to march on foot, and the air force must remain silent throughout the entire process. It must not fire at targets on the ground. As for the rapid penetration, division and enveloping, it is impossible to walk on the evil door of the battlefield. After seeing the "high opinions" of their counterparts and opponents, the Defense General Staff, in addition to shaking their heads and laughing, they could not believe that the group of guys opposite had just experienced a small-scale mechanized raid. Does the head freeze the online infantry era and will not move? Except that everyone put on a gorgeous uniform and lined up to shoot and die generously, can't there be other war modes in this world?

The spit of the Defence Force is destined not to be heard by those shameless red deer. Even if they hear it, those granite heads who can’t even hear the holy girl’s persuasion won’t listen to the enemy’s evaluation. Since the war with Yalfheim, there has been a clear "temperature difference" between the Royal Army General Staff and the front line. If the front line of new weapons facing the hand in endlessly and the **** with blood and fire are regarded as hot. If you boil water, then you will only look at the numbers and the results. You will only choose the parts you like, and think that you understand the battlefield. You are full of brains. "Isn’t it all as successful as we said?", "Kingdom is always maintained by this method." The elite staff and high-level officers with stupid ideas are just a cup just taken out of the freezer. There can be no intersection between the two.

Then, this temperature difference in understanding the battlefield also expanded to the Ardennes battlefield, becoming one of the important reasons for the defeat.

Psychological research shows that people are more inclined to believe in "what they want to receive" than "choose objective and correct information" in front of various kinds of information. This psychological trait is particularly evident in countries and organizations that present various end-stage symptoms. In the end, they will even develop into assumptions as reality. For example, at the end of World War II, the Japanese base camp, which has always been famous for its brain-opening, thought about mediating the war with the United States through the Soviet Union. Some people may not be able to make a turn. The Japanese have been fighting the Russians for decades since the Japanese-Russian War. How come they are defeated, and suddenly they want to mediate with the hair of an ally who is an ally with Mi Ying. In addition to the anxious mentality of being in a medical condition, there is another reason for taking your delusions into reality (typical Japanese style). Prime Minister Suzuki Kentaro had a surprisingly high opinion when discussing the proposal to pass the Soviet mediation at the cabinet meeting-"Stalin's physique is very similar to that of Xixiang Longsheng. They are both big-bellied and must be good people who care about love and will help Japan. Busy!"-This old man was a retired naval general and then Japanese prime minister. After three Meiji, Taisho, and Showa veterans of the three dynasties, even this nonsense bullshit, he also sent a good card to the steel comrades. You can imagine what the Japanese mental state was like.

Returning to Charlemagne, the more unsuccessful the war, the more outstanding the saint girl's meritorious service, the more distorted the mentality of those elite staff. It is not because you are too incompetent to fight the battle, and the combat plan you have come up with is completely unrealistic. It is because the frontline does not listen to the command and is unwilling to die generously. It is because the enemy refuses to cooperate with the script action set by him. If the front-line soldiers are all fearless to death, and they are lined up in a neat queue in front of the guns and bullets, the long-awaited three-year long charge, the opposing rebels obediently throw off their helmets and shed urine in front of the majestic array. Are the cowardly and incompetent ghost animals Charlie The Warriors' opponent? This mentality intensified with the progress of the war~www.readwn.com~Afterwards, any reports and announcements that did not follow the wishes of the elite staff will not appear in the regular meetings of the Army General Staff and the base camp. The conference was full of stereotypes. Wang Jun's argument of long-lasting martial arts, one-up, one-up, and a hundred battles seemed like a joyous atmosphere for the mental patients to hold the conference.

The morbid atmosphere that permeates the entire high-level is not limited to Rudes. The entire rear is nightmared by nightmares. Any unsatisfactory information, whether true or false, will be automatically ignored or even blamed.

"I'll say it again, don't use this absurdity to interfere with my normal work! Major, do you want to go to the military court for lying to the military?!"

"But... Lord General."

Major Amet de Clermont restrained the tremor. Faced with the fierce eyes of the group army commander and the drool that was about to spray on his face, the major felt that it was a miracle that he could still maintain consciousness until now. He is now desperately praying that the miracle can continue, at least until he finishes the report. The major prayed while cursing his bad luck for the 10,000th time, and tried to stand up and continue his report.

"So far, in addition to the air reconnaissance organized by our army, the 3rd Army Group also found that a 10-km-long rebel convoy was heading in the direction of Arden during an air patrol organized yesterday morning. Earlier, it was discovered that the enemy armor was found. Forces, the 5th Light Cavalry Division, which requires strong reconnaissance, has not yet contacted the Army Command, and sent three batches of messengers. They have not returned yet. The small officer believes that a large area of ​​ground and air must be organized now. A joint search to sort out the situation in the Ardennes area, at least to find the 5th Light Cavalry Division."


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