Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1274: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (twenty two)

The General Staff on both sides of the Defense Forces and Charlemagne have many differences in the preparation of the combat plan, except for those well-known things-such as one party's old-fashioned brain hole, and one party's meticulously far ahead-in fact few people know that the Defense Force The General Staff will reserve sufficient space for frontline units to plan their operations in a flexible manner. It is not necessary for everything to be a train schedule. On the one hand, this is to leave redundant space for possible changes, so that no accident will trigger an uncontrollable chain reaction, or miss the precious fighters due to excessive adherence to the schedule, affecting the overall progress. On the other hand, leaving redundant space is more conducive to improving the subjective initiative of the commanders of the front-line troops, so that they can let go of their work without worries.

The Raiders on Bouillon is the concrete manifestation of this benign interaction. Originally according to the timetable formulated before the war, Bouillon should have been the target to be captured on the morning of the 12th. However, after cleaning up the enemies in the Ardennes area, the 1st Armored Division and the Balk battle group did not stop to drink coffee and sleep, they had arrived around Bouillon at 17:00 on the 11th. At this time, the defenders had received warnings about the collapse of the soldiers, and the engineers in the town were setting up explosives on the two bridges on the Semuwa River. After the discovery of the Defense Force chariot, the panicked defenders ignited the fuse before the engineers had completed the installation of explosives, and even some engineers were still on the bridge. After a loud noise, a whole row of engineers and part of the bridge deck of one of the bridges flew into the air. A tank leader of the 101st Experimental Armored Battalion recalled afterwards that when he saw a dozen Charlieman engineers tied to the rope screaming and flew out like a hammer, scaring him to sing "you want to fly" Go higher, fly higher" pressure shock (Charlie Man Engineer: We have a sentence mmp I do not know what to say inappropriately). To know that responsible for blasting bridges is regarded as one of the high-risk occupations even in the army, the engineers must hang on the safety rope and drop to the load-bearing part of the bridge to place explosives. If the bridge is made of stone or cement, it must also carry drilling equipment . At this time, if the rope was broken or the explosive was detonated early, either it was killed or fell on the spot-just like the Charlieman engineer at this time.

Upon seeing this scene, the leader's commander was also anxious. Although the bridge was not completely blown up at that moment, the tank was destined to be unable to pass through the dangerous bridge. If even the remaining bridge was destroyed, then they had to make a detour to the downstream shoal to force the crossing. God knows how much effort is wasted. In order to hurry, the lieutenant didn't care about waiting for infantry or armored grenadiers, and rushed up with a platoon of tiger chariots.

This trick seems reckless, but the effect is quite good. Seven dozen tens of tons of steel monsters screamed at you at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Not to mention that this cargo is a tank, it is an excavator or bulldozer. Few mentally sound people can remain calm. Not to mention that the group of steel monsters were shooting at you while dragging and driving. The 7.92㎜ and 12.7㎜ tracer bombs were all over the sky. The man standing on the command tower was not enough to be enjoyable. Fire at you again and again. This group of engineers had nothing but a pickaxe and an infantry spade. How could he stop the group of lunatics across from him? Someone remembered that there was explosives behind him, ready to make a cameo warrior, but the fierce man ran three steps and was hit by a 12.7㎜ machine gun bullet in the waist. The remaining engineers immediately witnessed this tragedy. Turning his head and running, the Defense Army successfully took the remaining bridge and rushed into Bouillon. However, these brains are all adrenaline. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big battle, the battle rushed into the town and found that the expectations fell out-the town has become an empty city. As the armored soldiers watched the loss of various personal belongings in a daze, it was the most magical scene in the entire Ardennes breakthrough operation. In a row of tiger chariots, a skinny Charlemagne walked out of the house on the side of the street carrying her handbag and glanced at the seven standing on the iron king eight command tower. The muzzle of the foreigner with sharp ears and the black hole, with a small trembling step, walked straight across the street into another house opposite. According to the lieutenant who led the team, this was the strangest thing he had ever seen in his life.

In fact, after the report, the lieutenant surnamed Bi Dianfelt is the most amazing one himself. You should know that the bridge was piled with a lot of explosives on the deck at that time, or if you haven’t had time to insert the fuse (each explosive corresponds to a specific length of fuse, detonate in a certain order to ensure the destruction effect, calculate the length It takes time to connect), and the engineers were frightened again. I am afraid they had already reported to Valhalla with a bang.

In any case, around 19:15 that day, the 1st Armored Regiment and the Balk battle group had completed the occupation of Bouillon. At 11 o'clock in the evening, news that the Group B army group and the General Staff General Department were even more excited came. The second armored grenadier battalion on the right wing, with the company’s 3 company as the core, successfully raided the undefended Muzaiwo and captured the second bridge on the Semuwa River-the significance of this victory even exceeded the fall of Bouillon . Although the bridge itself is only a simple and narrow small bridge, its location, Muzawa in the northern section of the Semuwa River, is the dividing line between the 9th and 2nd Army of Charlemagne and is responsible for defending the town and the bridge. The 62nd Infantry Brigade is the rightmost wing of the 9th Army of Charlemagne~www.readwn.com~The third Genoese infantry division on the right is the leftmost wing of the 2nd Army of Charlemagne. After the Defense Force took the town and bridge, the 62nd Infantry Brigade commanded the enemy to retreat and arbitrarily ordered the troops to retreat to the rear without destroying the road and setting up roadblocks. The adjacent third Genoese Infantry Division learned that its left wing had fled without a fight, and had to retreat south after its flanks were exposed. The raid of a battalion company-level unit of the Defense Army caused a series of chain reactions, which directly led to the collapse of the entire Charlie Man army's defense deployment along the Semuwa River. The striker of the b group army group is only one step away from the Maas River. It seems that with more effort, it will be able to win the battle. However, when this victory seems to be within reach, the forward troops that have been running at high speed have stopped. pace.

A defense force that values ​​time more than life should certainly not be paralyzed at this critical moment, let alone be stupid enough to give opponents an opportunity. After continuous marching operations, the troops and equipment were fatigued to varying degrees. The troops carrying bridge crossing equipment had not come up at this time. More importantly, a series of rolling attacks made the forward troops and the logistics support unit distance. Turning to rest now is for better fighting in the next stage.

So, when the high-level brain of the 2nd Army of Charlemagne made up the ridiculous report and stretched out comfortably, the forward of the B Group Army, who entered the Semuwa River, also completed the ammunition supplement and the combat vehicle. The repair and maintenance work, the half-sleeping chariot soldiers boarded their steel army horses with energetic spirits. In the commander’s order and the bright "Song of the Armored Soldiers", the billowing iron flow roared towards the river Maas again. And go.


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