Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1281: Twenty-two. War without weapons (1)

you get what you sow. What kind of cause you planted, in the end, there must be what kind of fruit feedback to yourself.

After spending nearly two decades cultivating, cultivating, harvesting, and brewing, the bitter wine made by oneself is now in front of all the Charlemagne people-from the princes and nobles to the civilian beggars-whether they want it or not In anticipation of this situation, everyone would drink it even with tears.

This is an inevitable result.

When Charlemagne ignited the war, when they imposed the war on others, when Charlieman's military boots stepped on the territory of other countries, when they used a bayonet to conquer to kill and plunder, when the ordinary people enjoyed the war dividends, eating the robbed Food, wearing robbed clothes, shouted at the time of long live war, long live victory, long live death. They all obviously forgot an old saying-come out and confuse, and sooner or later will pay it back.

From the moment this country embarked on the path of militarism, it was destined to be burned to ashes by the flames of its own fire. Whether it is besieged to death by various countries, or killed by the rapid and precise attack of the surgery in Alfheim, this ending will never be shaken.


Willing to gamble and lose;

Repay debts;


These virtues are never spontaneous. History has told people countless times that when the debtor owes a lack of effective means to solve the debt problem, debt repayment becomes their inevitable choice. Regardless of whether he is an ordinary person, aristocrat, king or dictator, as for the government, there is no doubt that the government is more likely to comply with credit and be willing to take responsibility than bankers and lawyers. The latter two are cunning, lying, and not worth it. Famous for trust.

In the face of a decisive defeat, the Charlemagne authorities would not and would not be willing to admit defeat. After receiving the news that the Sedan stronghold was breached and the defense armored cluster went south, the first thing they thought of was the blockade.

Information control itself is not a problem, and it is irresponsible to allow rumors and social unrest caused by the spread of unreliable news. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Militarism Japan all tried to control the relevant information before the announcement of the defeat and surrender, in order to prevent the collapse of the society and the military order and cause unnecessary chaos.

Charlemagne's regulatory information certainly has a calming effect, but their purpose is not to surrender, but to continue the war.

Charlemagne has invested too much in gambling, and even the prosperity and decline of the National Games and the nation have bet on the gambling table. After receiving the report that Sedan Fortress was breached, this group of red-eyed guys did not rush to get angry and think of countermeasures, but instinctively chose to refuse to believe. Even if the reports like flakes kept pouring in, the facts kept hitting their faces. The ambitions, speculators, politicians, and violent soldiers are also reluctant to accept the fact that the bet failed and lost all, not to mention the responsibility for defeat, let the little girl who predicted this tragic situation step on herself to climb more High position.

Power, wealth, reputation, life-deprivation of anything is unacceptable to these big people sitting on the clouds, now they want to deprive all of them to achieve the little girl, the villager from the country. This might as well kill them.

-This kind of thing must be stopped.

——First, stop the spread of intelligence.

——I just want to find a way to reverse the situation.

——It is only one step away from Yalfheim, as long as the enemy base is captured before the encirclement.

It took only a few hours for the people who advocated Argentine to pull through the offensive, and the whole process did not waste a minute. It was not like the efficiency of the Charlemagne. Originally this issue that determined the destiny of the country could be noisy for at least a few months, the parties kept proposing, and then was overthrown, then proposed, and then overthrown... It is not surprising that the lords had tossed for several years when they were in a good mood.

Charlemagne's authorities have seldom demonstrated efficiency and begun to put it into practice, but that was a wrong decision based on wrong judgments and wrong directions. It would have no other effect except to make the country perish faster.

"In turn, this is also a good fast-acting drug, isn't it? When you die, you die. Gou Yan's panting is a pain for the country and the people."

Sipping coffee, Li Lin raised her lips.

"If Charlemagne shouted "I surrender" at this time, we would really have a headache."

"As you said."

Watching the scythe of death at full speed in the terminal interface, Brenhill, who has always been unsmiling in the command, also rarely smiles.

Charlemagne’s intelligence has actually fallen behind for a full three days. Under the obstruction of traffic jams and interference particles caused by air strikes and evacuees, it is already a remarkable achievement that the information transmission system can still function. When Rudes harvested the defending army and rushed across the Ardennes plateau, crossing the Maas River in three days to conquer the Sedan fortress, the soldiers of the b group army group had broken through the second node on the marching road: Charlemagne comparable to Sedan fortress Verdun, the largest fortress city, arrives at the front line of Levigne-Baltic-Saint Mielle. According to the current marching speed, at most another four to five days, the vanguard of the B Group Army Group will reach the Belfort-Basel line, and the entire encirclement circle will complete the encirclement.

With Charlemagne’s communications command capability, it could neither obtain intelligence in time nor withdraw troops already on the Rhine. Charlieman's final search for power will be wiped out in this unprecedented siege, this country that has created countless glory will be completely reduced to the harvest field of Alfheim.

At this critical moment, if Charlie Man, as Li Lin said, raised his hands and shouted, "I surrender!", Alfheim will really be in trouble.

The Second German Empire in another world did this, and so did Italy in World War II~www.readwn.com~ During World War I, the main battlefields of the Western Front were in Belgium and northern France, and France suffered severely. Loss of population, wealth and industrial production. When the Germans lost the last bargaining chip in the last big gamble, the Michael Offensive, in 1918, the French were preparing to roll up their sleeves and go to the German homeland to burn and pillage (no doubt, the end of the First World War Fang soldiers have no military discipline and morality at all, not to mention that the British and French authorities do have the idea of ​​looting Germany to make up for the loss. After the first-line soldiers rushed into Germany, they would not be better than the Soviet Red Army who entered Germany at the end of World War II.) The German revolution is over. The second emperor and the largest militarist, Ludendorff, the first quartermaster, fled. In order to prevent Germany from becoming scarce, the Allies had to stop the offensive, negotiate with the interim government, and stabilize the domestic situation in Germany. For this reason, even the frontline German troops returned to Berlin and other big cities to suppress the revolution. Although later through the "Versailles Peace Treaty", the Allies almost squeezed out Germany. But Germany’s industrial infrastructure is still intact, plus a large number of ordinary Germans who are hungry and cold, resentful and have not experienced the flames of war to their homes-this is the perfect breeding ground for vengeance, fascism, and racism. The Third Reich was established little by little on this hotbed. Ferdinand Fuxi's famous phrase "This is not peace, this is only a twenty-year truce" is not so much a foresight, it can be foreseen by anyone with some rationality and political wisdom.

Then replaced by the defending army before destroying the Charlemagne in the encirclement of Agen Trawler, and before the occupation of Rudes, the Charlemagne surrendered. What will the world pattern look like?

Undoubtedly, that would be one of the situations the Defense Force would never want to see.


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