Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1329: Twenty-four.1 week (9)

The Queen Minerva has successfully set a record: it took only a day and some news waiting to be confirmed to bring a group of powers enough to control the world into a huge mess.

It may not be called a latecomer, but it is indeed a record without precedent.

It is a pity that not many people have noticed this. The nations have already burned their heads, and Alfheim, Charlemagne, and the church are watching the show happily. Everyone’s eyes are either concerned about the powers being forced to face them. Unwilling to see the truth when responding, predicting, and evaluating the possible consequences of these reactions, accordingly formulate a targeted plan. Either do nothing at all, just pour yourself a drink and enjoy the performances of the countries. As for Minerva... she is also an important person and has value that can influence the future development of the situation, but not many people are paying attention to her.

It is unfortunate.

Li Lin commented this way-not against Minerva, but against the short-sighted who ignored Her Royal Highness.

If they can calm down and carefully examine the whole process, it is not difficult to find that everything is a carefully designed intelligence operation.

The sequence of information release, the object of dissemination, the method of dissemination, and the path and speed of information dissemination are all implemented after careful calculation.

"If you disseminate the intelligence of the agent of the mind first, and then make a request later, it will inevitably leave others with doubts such as "Is this information true? Will it be false information used to set down" to verify the information? The authenticity of this will inevitably waste a lot of time. It is clearly required from the beginning, and it gives people a sense of openness. Delaying a little time can also urge the audience to speed up the verification of the authenticity of the information. The special envoys of Albian are chosen because they are selfish. But be clear about the order of things. Once you find out the seriousness of the matter, you will notify your allies in time. If you replace it with the Principality and Serres, you may not simply notify others."

Albian is no more noble than other countries. This country with hundreds of years of professional pitting is always showing what is called "pit teammates" in action. Generally, if Albian is first to grasp what information, it must be I will try to conceal it, estimate the value of the intelligence, and calculate when the trump card will be played in order to get the maximum benefit-just like the United Principality of Rose and Serres.

But as a country of downright realism and egoism, Albion still has a number of priorities. Moreover, in the remaining time, it is impossible to find out whether "someone is a divine agent" by Albion's own intelligence system. Instead of missing precious opportunities, it is better to be a loyal ally, Let everyone share the responsibility together.

Smart calculations are worthy of Albian.

And Minerva, who specifically predicted the action of Albion, adjusted the order of intelligence distribution and the target of dissemination is even more...

"It was Roland who made the plan."

At no time do you forget that Black Roland’s Niederhogger said:

"Minerva is just the performer."

"Perhaps yes, maybe not. After all, the plan has been refined, the situation on the spot may change at any time, and Roland may not even account for these changes."

In order to take care of Niederhogg’s little vanity, Li Lin did not say that Roland had no time or energy to manage matters related to diplomacy. Most of Roland’s energy was involved just to prepare for the decisive battle a few days later. The rest of the work done to establish a democratic republic has made him busy to fly. When it's too busy to hit the back of the head, do you want to fight with a group of old diplomats? Do you think life is too good and too easy, and want to try the taste of overwork?

No matter how you say, Niederhogg is also his subordinate. The road to complete **** of the world is still a long way. Niederhogg still has a lot of work to do. Occasionally take care of his confrontational awareness of Roland and make him feel better. There is no harm, and it can squeeze more work value, why not do it.

With a smile that the boss used to welcome employees, kind and similar to when carnivores found prey, Li Lin went on to say:

"In any case, Minerva did a very good job, and the result is something that all three parties are happy to see."

Yes, it is three parties. Roland, the church, and Alfheim are happy to see this situation: the powers who have been watching the wall suddenly panic, using all means and channels to verify the authenticity of a message, and after confirming the message, they are caught in anxiety and fear. .

Roland’s goal is to use the panic of the countries to facilitate his plan to emigrate overseas to build a democratic republic; Yalfheim is happy to see the situation expand, spreading influence for the future decisive victory; the church intends to use this share The wave of panic increases the odds of a decisive battle.

"'It is impossible for monsters to overthrow humans. It must be humans for overthrowing monsters. If a monster luckily wins over humanity, more people will come forward to overthrow the monsters' - this is the view that the church has taught people for a long time. Myths, doctrine books, and daily baptisms are full of this kind of thinking. Now there is a monster claiming to be the agent of the gods, ready to overthrow the civilized world established by mankind, and turn the world into a **** dominated by monsters."

After a pause, Li Lin asked:

"Nid Hog, what do you think the humans who heard the news would think?"

"... I hope that a hero will come forward, defeat the monster, and save the people from fire and water."

"Yes, that's it. "When everyone is helpless, the heroes will come on stage and create miracles to defeat evil monsters." This mechanism is the strongest trump card the church desires."

In the face of cruel nature, struggling to survive is the instinct of all living things, even the last moment before dying. When human beings encounter great powers that they cannot handle or resist, they also desire "miracles" and "heroes."

Because they can’t do it, because they are powerless, everyone will seek strength and characters outside of common sense. Special values ​​are recognized by everyone, and those who meet the special values ​​are called saints and heroes.

This is what it means to be called a saint, a hero, and a tragedy.

Because of this, the carpenter's son became the savior after his death.

Because of this, the village girl became a holy girl to save the country.

Only when mankind pursues things above mankind will heroes and saviors be born. It has nothing to do with my wishes. As long as I have the qualifications, I will be pushed into a "container" shaped by the wishes of everyone, and I will breed miracles with my own flesh and blood and the wishes of everyone.

-It's like a living sacrifice.

Now in order to be able to overwhelm the agents of the mind, it is bound to require a miracle that is more powerful than ever before. To this end, the information is spread, and the fear and panic are used to stimulate people’s resentment and resistance, and use this emotional resonance to guide a greater The container, in turn, creates a miracle enough to "kill the gods".

It's really easy to see.

By comparison, Roland's ideas are more realistic and pessimistic.

In Roland's view, defeating Li Lin is currently a difficult goal to achieve. Even if it is to be done, the consequences will be unbearable for all living creatures on this land. Compared with unrealistic goals and unbearable results, leaving the "seed of possibility" for the future, although also very difficult, is the most likely goal to reach and achieve.

"Roland's goal is to establish a democratic republic abroad to prepare for breaking the closed world in the distant future. Obviously, as before, he still wants to expand his power without touching our bottom line-in It is difficult for us to invest too much military power overseas before we can balance all the forces on the mainland step by step. Even if we invest, we must maintain a huge supply line and continue to train troops suitable for local operations. This is beyond our current stage. Ability."

"indeed so."

Niederhogg nodded.

Shaking the wine glass, Li Lin continued to say:

"He has two main problems now: how to show the world the possibility in the decisive battle with me; how to find the means and channels that can transfer a large number of people and materials from Charlemagne to overseas colonies within this week; in particular It’s the latter. Now that the Royal Charlemagne’s navy has basically degenerated into Coast Guard, River Army, and Marine Corps, any Charlemagne ship that wants to go to the south through the Bay of Biscay infested by wolves is no different. This feat can only be accomplished through the assistance of the various countries. In order to help the various countries get rid of the uncertainty, of course he is happy to see the guys watching the fire from the other side burning his eyebrows. Then he will provide more information and lead the countries step by step. Into his script, and finally let everyone help complete his evacuation plan."

Roland’s conception is equally obvious. Li Lin can even speculate what information he will provide to the countries, which information is true and what is false, and what will eventually be portrayed in the minds of the upper-level figures of the countries Scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Roland will convince the queen, the tsar, the king and the noble lords that this war is just the beginning for Yalfheim, and the elves are preparing for a larger conquest. Intelligence agencies of various countries will see the continuous flow of chariots and mds down the battle line. The battleships like dumplings slid out of the dock in groups. Hundreds of soldiers came out of the barracks base. What is Stasi and the Guards Clean opponents coldly and efficiently... Faced with this horrible scene, the big guys will definitely make the right choice.

"Of course, we can also fight back and let the countries see exactly the opposite. But...why waste time on these things? Not to mention that the concentration of dangerous elements in various places will save our search. Kung fu. From a macro perspective, we are also happy to let everyone know what will happen next, everyone has the right to know the truth, and the right to understand the so-called hope-so long as the unity of humanity can overcome God. Stupid and ignorant delusions."

There is only complete despair. On the other side without sorrow, joy, and goodness, there is no influence on structure and reason. Only under the state of nowhere to exist as a fact, talents will completely accept their destiny.

In order to breed despair, it is necessary to give hope and optimism first, and let it grow, just like a balloon that gradually inflates. All Li Lin has to do is to pierce the needle into the balloon at the right time.

The so-called management of the world, the so-called training of human beings, the so-called captive human beings are actually the same thing.

"Cheers for victory."

Lifting the wine glass in the direction of Ludes, Li Lin's face was filled with a bright smile-without any kindness and maliciousness, a smile like a mask.


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