Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1380: Twenty-five. Deadline (45)

One rides for a thousand, and one for a hundred. This kind of thing is not uncommon in history, and it is not uncommon for the warriors who have uttered rhetoric to the enemy with an absolute number of advantages. Among the many tall shores, there is no lack of women.

Even so.

Among the many heroes and heroines, there is no unarmed, seemingly weak woman, facing a group of killing machines, announcing the case of "I want to kill you" with a prey-like tone.

From ancient times to the present, there is only one case at this moment.

This is too crazy, too unrealistic, and cannot even be treated as something other than a joke. In addition to laughter, people can not think of other correspondence.

The party at the scene had no way to treat this remark as a joke or a joke.

Facing the mysterious woman who is standing in front, the body and spirit of the guards are at the highest state of alert. The indifferent expression can't cover the death-like determination and the fear from the depths of the soul.

It was as if she was not a voluptuous and graceful woman in front of her, but was confronting a huge monster. Even with a sword and wand, and even wearing a priesthood, the monsters on the opposite side can crush them with a simple action.

This is not a metaphor, but a truthful statement of the situation.

Opposite is a real monster.

It doesn't matter if you rebel or ask for it, it means nothing to him.

As if he understood the brutal status quo, and seemed to be violent, the old man growled.

"Slapstick? You say this is a farce? What are your qualifications to say such a thing? Just a puppet doll that you can't do anything with no one to direct?!!"

The roar that can almost be called an explosion reverberates in the tunnel. It bears the anger and rebuke of the old man in the front, the flirtatious posture does not move, and the ruby-like inorganic pupils reflect the old face of anger and corruption.

"The puppet without self-will, the blade that God uses to eradicate dissidents-what is the difference between you and us?! You are nothing more than a consumable that you throw away. One day, one day! You will also Stepped on my feet by a new replacement! Then kicked away with a kick, like a rag that was thrown away after use...!!!"

The flushing face is constantly sprayed with curses and resentment, maybe because every word in the discourse is from the heart, or maybe it is the confession after stripping all the disguise when facing death. There are forces in the discourse that make people have to face those cruel feelings. People in similar positions cannot escape **** words.

Will his future be like this? When one day he is considered to be no longer needed, what fate will he face? When there is a character who can replace himself, will he become himself today?

As long as it is a person, a person with an independent consciousness, there is no way to not think about these problems, and it is difficult not to be shaken.

However, what stands before them is a very different human existence.


The venomous snake-like words took advantage of the breathing gap of the old man and penetrated into people's ears.

"The waste that is not useful, the codling that digs at the foot of the wall, the garbage that cannot even explain things, the mourning dog kicked away by the owner-these'unwanted garbage' are disposed of, it is simply taken for granted. "

One sentence wiped out the complaint that the Pope has not exhausted.

No way.

There is no way to communicate.

The viewpoints and values ​​of the two sides are too far apart.

Those words may be able to impress humans who also have unique selves, but they can never impress the blood blade that is polished on the battlefield.

For humans, everyone is irreplaceable and unique;

For weapons, nothing is irreplaceable;

Before the Pope turned around from the frustration of communication failure, the unexpected blow came over.

"What about the Virgin?"

"Who knows, we acted separately. Perhaps we have jumped out of the enclosure."

Ling Xian's red pupil glanced at the pretentious and calm men, and the sneer of trance gasping overflowed from the greasy smile.

"Your level of making up lies is as bad as your sense of humor, don't you think you have reached this point, do you still have any secrets I don't know?"

Originally, the two sides were not at the same level in intelligence warfare. Various secrets of the church were continuously leaked to Alfheim through moles and pipes. Even the highly technical secrets of the priesthood were kept by the defense forces. Clearly, it can be said that the church has long been defeated in the intelligence war. After the "Legion" appeared, the brains of the church technicians and those responsible for confidential matters were included in the tactical data link, and the only remaining core and most dangerous secrets of the church were exposed to Li Lin.

Although the church has treated the relevant information with almost pathological confidentiality, and the information obtained from those brains is only a fragment of words, it is enough for Li Lin to describe the general appearance of the church's top secret.

The earliest breakthrough was an archivist.

It is a strange thing for this over-the-year recorder to appear on the battlefield itself. If it is said that in order to ensure the stable operation of equipment such as the priesthood, it is justifiable for technical personnel to go to the battlefield~www.readwn.com ~Let a free-handed recorder enter the battlefield, and also equip him with extraordinary guards. Obviously, he is not upset and let him die on the battlefield.

"It took a little effort to get the person's brain, and after exploring and analyzing his memory, he found that what the person recorded was neither a war history nor an account for the input and output of supplies. What was kept in his mind... what to say What? I just want to say, it is a medical record."

The demon’s smile became deeper, and the pope’s folds on his forehead were constantly pouring out dense beads of sweat.

Like a blooming monster flower, a sweet and deadly sound oscillates the pope's eardrum.

"That's about the medical records of female members of a particular family, tracing to the source. It can be traced to a conjecture caused by the worries, confusion, and ambition of an outstanding woman five hundred years ago, and then triggered by this A series of experiments and demonstrations. Thanks to this medical record, a long-neglected question has finally been answered-'Why are the twin sisters Sister Ji Aier and Sister Diana never appear before the world together? However, let alone a public meeting, even if it is a private gathering, they have never appeared on the same stage.' The answer is actually very simple. They are twins, and they are not twins. They are two people boarding in a body. It is a passage prepared by the church. In order to break through the barrier built by the adult, from the world we have established to all the ends and beginnings of the contradictory spiral bridge carefully forged."

The moment the words fell, the old man, who had been standing still under the pressure of rock like a rock, took a step backwards, and his pale and slack facial muscles shivered violently.


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