Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1382: Twenty-five. Deadline (47)

Science or magic, as a technical system, its initial starting point is rooted in the simplest rule of thumb. After long-term accumulation, theoretical verification, experimental comparison, actual inspection, data collection, etc., after a tedious process, a theory can go from concept to reality. This process cannot be omitted or irreversible. The so-called technological progress has always been like this.

Even if you are an ancient genius, you can't escape this iron law in the end.

As a rare talented girl, Luna Ustiza is an outstanding theorist and has many original and forward-looking opinions on the experimental methods. However, she couldn't escape the shackles of the iron law, coupled with the limitations of the theory and equipment environment at that time, the test method she adopted today seems not only without any prospectiveness, but also makes people feel a little inexplicable.

"After all, medicine, biology, and psychology were still very primitive at the time. Even if the advanced theory of the times was put forward, there are only those old antiques on the bottle, and there is no better than the one that will be there. The solution. So, at the urging of the high-level church, the genius Saint Virgin began to conduct human experiments with rough and casual methods."

The corner of the mouth raised an elegant arc, and there was no hint of smile in the calm red pupil, like a mirror stained with blood, which reflected the glaring girl.

With a pat on both hands, the dark-haired red-eyed devil sneered:

"Don't put on the look of'what are you qualified to criticize others', under the crown of St. Ji Aier. Neither of us do this kind of thing-buy'volunteers' from human traffickers and orphanages, use surgery Knife and bone saw cut the beginning of the skull, stimulate the brain tissue with various means, observe and record various reactions. Watching the subject at close range loses everything as a human, and eventually becomes a pile of dead bones, or simply disappears in the incinerator Here. Until now, do you still feel qualified to condemn others?"

"Whether it is qualified or not is not something that we like can decide. But—"

Ji Aier frowned tightly, and said in a tone that seemed to spit out:

"Your way of talking about others as fools really makes me dare not compliment."

"That's really sorry."

He crooked his neck, and Li Lin once again pulled the topic back on track.

"It is very dangerous for a living person to come into contact with the collective unconscious. To tell the truth, it is no different from suicide. Without a systematic theory, in order to find a safe and convenient way, we can only explore it a little bit through human trials. Although Inhumane, but from a technical point of view, there really is no better way."

Even if the drug was born with detailed and meticulous theoretical support, it will go through a large number of clinical trials before it is actually put on the market, and after passing it, it will be tested and sold in small batches. According to the feedback reaction, it is finally determined that this drug is indeed safe. And it can only be put into market sales on a large scale after being effective.

So what happens when you switch to a higher level of existence through **** human experiments based on the rule of thumb?

The answer is-a pile of corpses.

This is an inevitable result.

To make up for the defects at the theoretical level, the only way is to expand the scale and level of the experiment and make up the gap by increasing the base. With this crude and suspicious method to try, the mortality rate of test subjects and the rate of increase of corpses can be imagined.

"Fortunately, the victims did not die in vain. With a large amount of experimental data, the theory progressed, and eventually the basic theory of the priesthood clothing was established. If it continues, the priesthood clothing is likely to appear many years earlier. However, the holy After the design of the basic theory of professional clothing, the rare genius-Luna Ustisa, was killed in an accident, causing the entire research to halt. It took a long time to get back on track. "

Li Lin spread his hands, his face showing a regretful expression.

In the next moment, regret and melancholy turned into a sneer.

"The official record was an accident that occurred during the development of a new technique, but in fact, the genius committed suicide."

No matter how hard-hearted it is, how to persuade oneself with "this is the great righteousness", and how to pretend to be blind to the death and tragedy in the immediate vicinity. After all, human beings are creatures with self-will and soul. After experiencing the initial fear, shock, and disgust, emotions and mind gradually become numb-this is the self-protection mechanism of the mind, if there is no such layer of armor called "numbness", day after day nightmare and conscience In condemnation, the fragile heart has long collapsed.

But "numbness" is like an anesthetic. Anesthetics can only temporarily block nerves from transmitting nerve signals to the brain, making people temporarily unable to feel the pain, and can not really improve the disease. Long-term abuse of anesthetics will also addiction and accelerate the collapse of the body. In the same way, the soul that has been immersed in numbness for a long time will not really be cured and redeemed, but will only slowly rot until it dies.

After completing the basic theory of the priesthood and the design of the prototype mechanism, Luna Ustiza also ushered in the day of spiritual death.

Dragging a broken heart, repeatedly saying "shouldn't be like this" in his mouth, the rare genius put the magical equipment that dived into the field of deep consciousness on his head, and maximized the synchronization rate--

The individual's spirit is the tentacle that the collective unconscious stretches to the outside world. It dives deep into the collective unconscious field. As a result of the deep synchronization with the overall consciousness, it is impossible to distinguish oneself, become a part of the sea of ​​consciousness, and never return to the original container.

In other words, it is death.

The person who came up with that theory and led many experiments must pay for his crimes—the saint who embraced this idea ended her life in the most painful way.

"In terms of the ending, it is really a miserable end, and it is no wonder that the church does not want to be recorded in the official file. Anyway, it is also suicide, and the holy lady is contrary to the doctrine and wasted the life given by God. How is this possible? Let the public know. So the relevant truth is concealed and everything is ended with an'accident'."

However, the death of a person did not prevent the entire church from going further and further on the crazy road. Although his death, the results and various ideas left behind are still being improved.

One is to use the collective unconsciousness to forcibly pull down the priesthood clothes in reality by using the miracles and saints' anecdotes recognized by everyone.

The other is to dive somewhere under the collective unconsciousness of human beings—the vortex of the root of all things in the world.

"Humans as individuals are collective unconscious tentacles that extend to the outside world, and human collective unconsciousness is one of the tentacles extended by the vortex of the source Vortex-this is the insight left by Luna Ustiza. What to say, the general direction is correct, but she did not realize that collective unconsciousness itself is also preventing various harmful factors that change the world from approaching the root cause The vortex breakwater. It is simply impossible to reach the roots through collective unconsciousness. After a series of attempts, the church also gave up this unpromising direction. But the experiment itself did not stop, just changed the direction to continue Only."

Man is a collective unconscious extension and composition.

The collective unconscious is the extension and composition of the vortex of the world and even its roots.

In other words, there is a possibility that human beings as individuals do not go through collective unconsciousness, but directly go through the sublimation of self-consciousness to contact the vortex of the root cause.

Even though that is the possibility of putting many zeros after the decimal point after zero, it is so small that it is almost impossible, but it is not equal to zero after all.

"So they changed the direction of the attempt. Since it is difficult for the ordinary human brain to cross the collective unconscious obstacles, then from the beginning, it is enough to create a brain that is specially used to open up the vortex that leads to the root. Isn’t it more effective to waste time and energy on the progressing brain?"

The finger slowly lifted up, pointing to the delicate, upright and beautiful girl like a puppet, and the devil's deceiving voice echoed in the underground space.

"In order to create that kind of brain, in order to obtain the path to the vortex of the roots, the artificial life (homunculus) with dual personality traits was created with Luna Ustiza as a template. This is your true face."


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