Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1419: Twenty-seven. Long live the emperor! (18)

Federal Empire.

It sounds like the Holy Roman Empire and the German Empire. They are all loose political entities under the name of the empire under the framework of the Confederacy or the Federation. Under the name of the emperor, the kingdoms, city-states, and free cities still maintain considerable independence and have their own. An independent internal and diplomatic system. The good points are from the same country, and the bad ones are that the hills are full of people and they are independent. The decline of the Holy Roman Empire and the defeat of the German Empire in World War I are inseparable from this chaotic system.

Will the sacred Gilmanian Empire continue along a similar track?

the answer is negative.

This emerging country, known as the "Second Empire" by future generations, regardless of its constitution and name, is an uncompromising federal empire and constitutional monarchy. But from the details of the legal provisions, things are not the same thing at all. For example, territories are indeed allowed in principle to have their own independent administrative, financial, diplomatic systems, and even the military, and in theory can do whatever they want. However, it is also clearly stated in the accompanying clauses that when using various central fiscal appropriations and subsidies, the territories should unconditionally accept the supervision of the central government, specify where the expenses go, and how revenues and expenditures are paid, while exempting the commodity logistics from the central government. In foreign-related activities, all issues concerning sovereignty, whether words or specific actions, must be reported to the central government in advance, and all documents and activity processes must first be discussed at the central government. As for the internal affairs, the territories themselves control the appointment and removal of personnel, but the power of evaluation and promotion belongs to the central government. Finally, the central government does not interfere with territorial internal affairs and allows territories to retain minimum powerlessness, but the central government maintains symbolic garrisons near the territories and sets up liaison offices in cities, towns, and villages at all levels to keep abreast of territorial affairs. In response to any sudden incident. When a war occurs, the garrison or the central government has command of wartime operations against the territorial forces.

It can be said that this so-called "independence" has nothing but its own appearance and is purely symbolic.

Everyone knows that after the war and the economic disaster caused by Charlemagne, the economies of the Crown of St. Esteban and Ostoria have collapsed. If there is no external financial assistance and material support, the ground in these two places will be Will be covered by starvation, only the Empire can support them right now. The two places that have been pinched the lifeline of the economy have no resistance at all. Even if they want to refute and bargain, even if they want to refute and bargain, they do not know how to refute and what to use in the face of these seemingly reasonable terms. Conditions to exchange. But the other party almost retreated to the bottom line of principle, and then retreat will involve national sovereignty and face, God knows that the group of grumpy sharp-eared uncles will lift the table.

So although not very reluctant, under the deterrent of force and economy, plus the constitution of the empire clarified the status of territories, even the title of "emperor emperor" was used as a guarantee, the crown of St. Eastman and Aosto Leah is willing to become "a sacred and inseparable part of the empire" and to regard the emperor as their co-lord.

It can be said that this is the best choice among the many solutions that can take into account the interests of all parties. The territories have preserved their face and some autonomy, and the empire has maintained territorial unity, and avoided the embarrassment of a civil war just after the founding of the country. In essence control two land. Although this kind of control is not complete at the moment, I believe that as time goes by, the assimilation of the territories and the empire is only a matter of time.

If a title with a false name can be exchanged for so many practical benefits, why not do it?

So Li Lin put on the crown of the "empire emperor" and the sacred Gilmanian Empire was established.

In a jubilant atmosphere, the unwillingness and loneliness of Speaker Wiesbach also dissipated with the sigh of his inner body, and his waist was straightened. The old man and other members of the parliament offered applause and blessings to the emperor wearing a crown and a scepter. . For a while, applause and cheers washed the Versailles like a wave, and the broadcaster in the broadcast terminal wept with joy. There were many people crying in the picture, cheering students on the school playground, officers and soldiers waving fists in the barracks. Everything looks so beautiful.

In an atmosphere full of enthusiasm and romance, the emperor and the ministers left the Palace of Versailles and took a special car to the city of Rudes. Ready for the second parade of military parade today.

"Anyone who is not elated will be hanged immediately."

This was the week before the military parade, a group of rebellious, brave young people who were going to die as "real Charlemagne" were painted with white paint at the corner diagonally opposite the administrative building in Rudes A ridiculous slogan. Obviously, this group of young people is not willing to accept the rule of the empire. They want to awaken most numb people through their martyrdom and raise their flags against the evil empire established by the heresy with sharp ears.

These young people clearly overestimated Charlemagne’s revolutionary enthusiasm and underestimated the survival wisdom of their fellow citizens. The most important thing is that they do not have any knowledge of their opponents, but Stasi is very clear about how to deal with this group of hot romantics. Activists.

Soon, the young people who were involved were invited to the Columbia Building, and after the Stasis, thought, police, and perseverance of preaching (both verbal and physical), three days later, all the young people walked out of the 1o1 In the room, everyone became a "thinking person". They had defeated themselves. They loved to wear the emperor from the bottom of their hearts. They swore allegiance to the empire on the street, and their faces were filled with tears of joy and emotion.

Since then, no one has ran out of appetite, and Rudes made a preparation for the parade with joy and dedication.

The shouting slogan has all been remembered~www.readwn.com~The bouquets used for waving have been all down, each lady has a bouquet, and the gentlemen are assigned the small black and white red national flag and all kinds of With such a slogan of festive slogans, even the children were assigned the task of climbing colorful trees and flowers on the trees or street lamps. The night after the military parade, young men and women across the city also held a grand torch parade to accept the emperor's review.

In order to flatter the emperor, the upper and lower empire did their best, and every detail of every process was repeatedly discussed and verified, in order to ensure foolproofness. However, neither the elf officials nor the Charlemagne executives could think of it. They thought that the seamless parade plan had a little surprise when it finally arrived, and it was almost destroyed. What caused all this was just a good lie and a patriotic, stubborn Charlie Man retired soldier.

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