Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1424: 28. Land and Blood (4)

death, be .not .proud,  . .thee

Grim Reaper, you can't be arrogant, although some people see you

.dreadfu1,  for . .not .so;

How powerful, how terrible, you, the name is not true;

for.  .thou . . .overthro

You think you have destroyed all living beings,

die .not, , nor .yet . .

Poor **** of death, they are not dead. You still can't kill me;

.and .s1eep,   .thy .,

Rest and sleep are actually your portrayal,

. . .F1o,

You must be more comfortable and comfortable than them,

and . . .ith . .go,

And the sooner our best people go with you,

., And .sou1o39;s .de1ivery.

The sooner the soul can be rescued and the body can rest,

. .Fate,   .men,

You are the slave of destiny, timing, monarch and madman,

and . .poison,  ar,  and .,

You are in confusion with poison, war and disease,

and .  . . .e11

Opium and witchcraft can also be tempted by magic,

and . .thy .stroke; hy . .?

And the effect is better, why do you want to admonish?

one . .past, e .ake .eterna11y

When people rest for a while, their spirits will be clear forever

and . .be .no .more; death,  .die.

Then there will be no more death, the **** of death you will die yourself.

——John Donne, "Sacred Sonnet".

Closing the collection of poems in his hand, Albert Petty took a long breath. He regretted that he had not recited the funeral prayer and could only count the best psalms at hand. After a long sigh that seemed to spit out all the sadness and nostalgia, the 14-year-old little guerrilla took a dagger from the shoe cover and stood in front of a log, silently engraving a name on an iron piece.

Henry René Joliot.

This is the name of the guerrillas sleeping at the foot of Petit, which is different from most people’s imagination. In many cases, the killed guerrillas will not be officially buried, nor will there be an official funeral, with the name and garland engraved on it. None of the humble tombstones. The main reason is that the guerrillas are moving at any time. It is very dangerous to stay in a certain place all the time. There is no time for a more formal funeral. On the other hand, tombstones and graves are easy to expose the identity of the deceased. No matter how disguised, a new grave that appears in the wilderness and is still in the guerrilla area is always dazzling. With the nearly morbid paranoia of the sharp-eared devils, they will certainly try to check the recent death records, and even dig out the body to check the identity information. In this way, it is very likely to expose the guerrillas’ whereabouts and endanger the guerrillas. Team members' family.

Therefore, even if they died in battle, the guerrillas could not get a formal funeral. Moreover, they are different from the Defence Forces. They do not record dog tags of personal names, blood types, and ages. Once killed, they can only leave their names on the iron pieces by their living robes, and then continue to fight with the deceased’s name. When he had the opportunity to pass the hometown of his deceased comrades in battle, he told the family of the deceased, when and where he died, and what his last words were. If they die in battle, they will also become one of many iron cards with names.

This is an obligation and a curse.

Petty has seen the family who lost his family more than once, the crying woman and child, the pretending to be a calm old man, turned around and left the heart-breaking cry from the house after leaving. Even the iron-hearted people will be impressed. For the young guerrillas who have not experienced cruelty, the mourning and sighing will become a situation that they will never forget. Petty was awakened more than once by the wailing and wailing of the deceased and his survivors, but this was quickly diluted by reality. Survival and fighting once again removed all sadness from his head.

and so--

"Come on for a long sleep."

Putting the dagger away, the boy put the iron piece in a leather bag hanging around his waist, and many iron pieces made a crisp and harsh sound. Listening to the sound as if the blades were crossing each other, the boy said solemnly as he swore.

"We will join your share. No matter how far ahead, we will continue to advance until we are exhausted. Charlemagne will not perish."

In many stories, movies, and TV series, the guerrillas gather to play the piano, sing songs, eat the seized cans, and play with the seized advanced equipment. The idyllic life is different. Since ancient times, no matter how the environment, equipment, and tactics have changed, guerrilla warfare is a battle mode that is not described by words such as "hard, cruel," and "blood and fire." In a more objective way of speaking, this is a war model that can be called "torture" for both warring parties.

Perhaps trench warfare and town street fighting are also **** and cruel, and the environment is harsh, but at least the supply of food and water can be guaranteed. Even cold food and intermittent running water can at least keep the soldiers physically active without having to worry about starving to death. The guerrillas must first solve the problem of eating and drinking.

In guerrilla warfare, it is impossible to bring a lot of supplies. The basic sources of food for guerrillas are donations from local farmers, loot, expropriation (sometimes called robbery), confiscation of enemy property and foreign support. This guerrillas active on the mountain border mainly relies on local farmers who are not rich in life to provide some basic food. Since it is a mountainous area, springs, streams, and mountain rivers are not lacking, but the lack of firewood and the need to avoid firing in order to hide their tracks, make guerrillas often swallow dry food with raw and cold water. I even swallowed the flour with cold water during the period, and almost choked people to death. I also had a hard time finding a safer campsite. I just ignited the fire and cooked the beans. As a result, the enemy caught up. The guerrillas had to put out the fire and take the beans away. After throwing away the enemy, I re-ignited and cooked the rice. Finally, I cooked the beans five times a night before they were cooked. The command "stop flame-move forward" can be said to be commonplace in guerrilla life.

The second most important issue is the lack of weapons and medicines~www.readwn.com~ Due to the shortage of materials, many times the basic medical supplies such as bandages have to be removed from the dead and washed and cooked for the wounded. Such as antibiotics, disinfection potions, anesthetics are scarce items, and surgical equipment is nothing. It is for this reason that the guerrilla army doctor is best at amputation. The wounded are often tied to the table and amputated with an ax or a logging saw when the consciousness is fully awake.

The anti-guerrilla warfare of the "Prince Eugen" brigade ranks third on the problem list, but this does not mean that guerrillas can ignore this threat. After several encounters, the guerrillas had learned deeply how terrible opponents these elite mountain infantry were. In front of these tough, cunning, brutal and bloodthirsty opponents like the deep mountain wolves, even with a triple strength advantage, the guerrillas dare not easily clash with their regular combat troops, as for their headstrong confrontation... the most courageous and optimistic Of the guerrillas are also reluctant to undertake such suicide missions.

It is important to know that even in several successful ambushes of logistics convoys, the number of guerrilla casualties was three times that of the opponent.


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