Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1431: 28. Land and Blood (11)

What is used as a symbol of the army, this is a question that tests the commander's personal cultural accomplishment and aesthetic appeal. Some use flowers, birds, fish, and insects, some use famous buildings where troops are stationed, and others use the signs of ancestors to show the heritage of history. But the most used is still beasts.

The use of beasts or birds of prey as the unit logo is to hope that the unit can inherit the ferocious, cruel, agile and other characteristics of the animals. For example, eagles, wolves, wild boars, lions, tigers, and bears are all signs that people can feel the word "animal fierceness" at a glance. Putting these signs together is like a zoo beast hall.

Of course, this situation is not absolute, for example, the famous "Desert Rat" and the Australian troops marked by kangaroos (kangaroos are Australian national beasts). Animals that are harmless to humans and animals cannot be regarded as military symbols. Even the famous cute panda bears the name of an iron-eating beast and becomes the military flag of the Han dynasty. (Zhou Yafu’s Xiliuying military flag is a panda... and urban legends say Chi You's mount is also an iron-eating beast, emmmm, Chi You is riding the billowing battle against the Yellow Emperor, this picture is simply too beautiful...), it seems no problem to use a hen as a military flag?

But there are always people who think this is not dignified or masculine. Although the guerrillas are not the place to implement "war let women go away", in fact, **** men still welcome lesbians, but the use of hens made them feel somewhat at odds at first.

In this regard, those educated cadres explained this to the elders who joined later.

The national bird of the Charlemagne is a rooster. The rooster is a symbol of the old kingdom and a symbol of arrogant and indifferent kings and nobles like roosters. In order to make a cut with the past, in order not to repeat the mistakes of the past, the golden hen banner with a three-color straight strip was used.

The three-color flags arranged vertically from left to right in blue, white, and red symbolize freedom, equality, fraternity (Liberté, galité, Fraternité), and the embodiment of dictatorship, autocracy, and arrogance-the black and white red stripes of the empire The tricolor flag is opposite. The hen is a symbol of the civilian population. It is opposed to the arrogant old country and the eagle, the symbol of the empire. It also symbolizes that the guerrillas will swear to defend everything they should protect, just like the hen who protects the chickens. At first glance, it is a somewhat unreasonable design. In fact, there are important political implications behind it.

Finally, and most importantly, there was once a knight holding a golden hen banner, most of whom were soldiers from civilians. They used this ridiculed flag to build merit on various battlefields, and they were also in Under this banner, they extended their helping hands to civilians time and time again. Inheriting this flag also means that the guerrillas inherited those ancient virtues.

Therefore, just like the Golden Hen Cavaliers, the "Freedom Legion" guerrillas in the Alps are filled with a romantic atmosphere that they call themselves "inexpensive chivalry and drunkenness".


Daniel raised his right fist against the temple.

"Go to hell!"

The guerrillas who also saluted with a right fist responded loudly, followed by a burst of uninhibited laughter echoing in the beech woods.

Now that "empire must win" and "Long live the emperor" have officially become the greetings of the citizens of the empire, this way of greeting with a strong imperialist atmosphere has also been crowned as an "empire-style greeting". Although the empire officials do not have legislation to regulate the manner of greetings, everyone knows that if “empire-style greetings” are not used in government-run enterprises and official organizations, or if the expressions are not solemn and the voice is not loud enough when calling slogans, there will be no doubt that “other Treat each other". Sometimes it will be deliberately troubled by the staff, let you run a little thing 17 or 8 times; sometimes it is a community organization from time to time to visit the house, there will be some more strange faces to look at you with cold eyes; when it is the most serious, A powerful department will invite you to chat in their office building. While drinking black coffee, you will be communicated to the eighteenth generation of the ancestor to the contempt of the emperor’s authority and intentions. If you are lucky, Will return home intact, and wait for the whole family to be "relocated" if you are unlucky.

In return for this arrogant act, the "Freedom Corps" guerrillas also invented their own unique way of greeting. "Emperor, go to hell!" This playful and republican greeting was quickly accepted by the guerrillas, and many guerrillas even thought it was more powerful than slogans like "Long live freedom" and "Long live motherland". . Some guerrillas who unfortunately fell into the hands of the enemy chanted the slogan "Emperor, go to hell!" when they were righteous before the butchers, and they angered the soldiers who were responsible for the execution.

After the greeting, it was dinner time. The life of the guerrillas was very difficult. Since the defense forces began to block the movement of people and materials in the guerrilla area, even salt has become a scarce product. One-pot stew of unsalted grass, mushrooms, horse meat or rabbit meat is a sumptuous dinner, and many times it can't even eat it. Snow water and grass roots are often their main course when they march at night. For these fighters who were born and died, a sumptuous dinner is undoubtedly the best reward. Even if the dishes are very ordinary, as long as they are fresh hot dishes, they are very touched. A bowl of meat is made with salt. The clear soup even allows them to fully realize that they are still alive.

Tonight’s dinner is not unpleasant. Wild boar and lunch meat are stewed, canned vegetable salad, filled milk and rye bread. Although the military rations of the Defense Force are as bad as ever, they have not been serious for half a month. For food guerrillas, this is a luxurious meal.

For the last serious meal in life, this is already very good.

As long as it is a war, there will be casualties. No one knows whether he can see the sunrise tomorrow, or who will be left with his comrades when he wakes up tomorrow morning. Although it is a bit unlucky, as long as you can enjoy a moment of tranquility and warmth, even if this is the last meal in life, what does it matter?

The guerrillas were eating happily, joking from time to time, from battlefield jokes, literacy learning progress, life anecdotes to the bad cooking of the sharp eared devils, to the dream and future after victory. In the boring life of the battlefield, soldiers who never lack the spirit of revolutionary optimism always have a way to make themselves happy.

However, there are not many things that can be happy in the world, happy and peaceful time is always so short, and people and things that are not amorous are never lacking.

An owl landed in front of Daniel. The wide-eyed bird jumped on Daniel's knee, raised the right paw tied to the letterbox, and after Daniel took off a small roll of paper, the bird fluttered. With wings, flying to the endless deep night sky.

"Information from "Skylark" says that several devil troops with different numbers have appeared in the mountains recently."

After reading the contents of the note, Daniel tore the note into the mouth and chewed the vegetable salad.

"Is the intelligence reliable?"

Jean slowly tore off a piece of bread and threw the broth into his mouth.

Daniel swallowed the vegetable salad in his mouth, and he is still not used to this kind of thing called "ready-to-eat barbed wire". What do the sharp ears think? I actually use dehydrated vegetables to make salads. Although salad dressing and dehydrated vegetables are edible things, I didn’t say that these two can be eaten together~www.readwn.com~The taste of the guys is What went wrong?

Shaking his head and trying to put this question aside, Daniel answered in a low voice:

"There are two troops with "armbands", and those wearing air force uniforms with eaves helmets, and finally there is a guy in black uniforms who frequents the headquarters of the "Prince Eugen" brigade and the camp of "Brandenburg" haunt."

"It's like a carnival."

"Yeah, mountain infantry, paratroopers, military intelligence bureaus, plus the guards...the sharp ears are already impatient and continue to consume. They intend to solve all problems through a major operation. The question is, what are they going to do? ?Where is their goal?"

Putting down the dinner plate, the leader of the guerrilla group showed a solemn expression.

"Man, I have a bad hunch."


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