Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1434: 28. Land and Blood (14)

? "You."

The conscientious officers glanced around in a circle, and Caspar, wearing a black guard uniform, said:

"I like war."

His tone was cold and there was no excitement or joy, as if he was talking about something unrelated to himself, or a joke that was not funny. However, his attitude was very serious, and there was no hint of joke, and the officers at the meeting did not think of laughing.

The original Guards had a special identity and had a strong private army color. Kaspar took part in and supervised the operation as the emperor's special envoy, and to some extent could be regarded as the emperor's agent. Even though the minister was sentimental unhappy, even this nonsense, he had to bow his head to the emperor's shadow.

Fortunately, Caspar was not empty, and as an activist, he quickly got to the point.

"War let us rise. It was in the roar of guns that the empire was established. On the road made of iron and blood, we embarked on the road of great revival. It can be said that it is the war that made the empire and us. From In this regard, we deserve to love war, and love all forms of war in this world. But—"

The unpredictable pause and tone became dangerous and tense, and the officers subconsciously straightened the already straight back.

"It doesn't make sense if the war does not end with victory."

When quoting the emperor's famous quote, Casper stood upright subconsciously, and all the officers were busy with a determined and loyal face.

"The endless and protracted wars are no different. If we cannot solve the troubles in the quagmire of the empire and we cannot solve the problems before we extricate ourselves, the war will inevitably fail. As the defeated general, the officials and all of you here must also bear Take corresponding responsibility, even if His Majesty and the General Staff did not ask for the crime, and the imperial glory of the empire was stigmatized... I believe that after carrying these major crimes, no one is willing to continue to live."

The Defense Forces do not have the Charlieman Army's culture of "sue for death", and the Defense Forces that are always understaffed do not have that kind of redundancy.

However, as Caspar said, judging from the importance of this battle and the current atmosphere within the empire, once defeated, the defeated army will inevitably suffer from life and death.

Rather than lying on a sickbed in cold eyes, contempt, ridicule, and curse, and regretting why he didn't break himself as soon as possible, and even bringing up his family for the rest of his life, he might as well give himself a shot at the moment of defeat. At least one can die in a battle, leaving a trace of face and compassion to the family.

Not only did Caspar think so, every participant was so determined.

Either we will fight for victory, or we will die on the battlefield wearing a military flag, and there is no other way.

"Since you are conscious, the officer will not repeat them. The following is the main topic. With regard to the "horse vaulting" operation, the General Staff and His Majesty have approved it. The soldiers of each unit will end all activities and enter the standby state from now on. It is not allowed to leave the military camp one step before the day (action day). Violators will be given military law."

The "horse vault" operation is not a single-armed single-handed fight. The operation involves several unaffiliated forces and is a cross-service joint cooperative operation. Just summing up several troops to adapt them to each other’s combat style, learn to cooperate with each other, familiarize themselves with the battlefield environment that is about to join, understand their role in this battle, etc. have already made the production and execution plans relevant. The person is so busy trying to hit the wall, if this section of the bone leaks news for some inexplicable reason, leading to the failure of the battle, no one can tolerate it. Therefore, some things must be made clear beforehand so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In this regard, the officers present chose to understand and accept.

Seeing no comments from everyone, Caspar began to inform the deployment of the operation.

In order to annihilate the various guerrilla forces entrenched on the border of the Alps, the Imperial Defence Force made a **** start this time.

Eight combat groups, with a total of 16,000 combat strengths placed in other countries, but it’s still alive, and even the waves can’t be turned up in the mountains, but it is one for the defense forces that are always troubled by the lack of strength. A mobile strike force that cannot be underestimated. In addition, in the security battle of the Qing guerrillas, it is not possible to get an ideal return by investing in large-scale troops. Troops with less and fine troops often get better results.

Operation "Vaulting Horse" is an operation that aims to achieve operational objectives with a small number of troops.

The general outline of the operation is: with the strong cooperation of the Air Force, surgical assaults are carried out on the core targets of the guerrillas. At the same time, the Brandenburg troops dressed as guerrillas and several powerful mobile combat groups (if conditions permit) Camouflage is also implemented) along several roads and railways to carry out centripetal advancement to the core target area, clear the road along the way and disintegrate resistance, destroy the guerrilla's weapons grain storage and supply station, and finally meet in the core target area. After that, the participating ministries continued to conduct a large-scale sweeping war against the surrounding guerrilla control area.

Once the battle begins, the eight battle groups will advance from five directions to the core target area at the same time.

East direction: 70 kilometers away from the core target area, all the way to the "Prince Eugen" mountain brigade and an armored grenadier battalion temporarily under its command. Another force is the 202nd Light Armor Battalion. The task is to destroy the enemies in front of you, then advance on the inside of the wide front to the inside of the enclosure, destroy the guerrilla supply station all the way and prevent the enemy in the core area from fleeing east.

Southeast direction: 80 kilometers away from the core target area, the army is the 13th Army Reconnaissance Battalion and auxiliary units all the way. The task is to quickly advance to the core area in two ways, destroy the guerrilla supply station along the way and prevent the enemy in the core area from losing to the southeast. escape. The other force is the 369th Reconnaissance Battalion, whose mission is to prevent the enemy from fleeing south.

South direction: 70 kilometers away from the core target area, the force includes the 1st Brandenburg Regiment and its reconnaissance unit, the task is to quickly advance to the core target area.

West direction: 25 kilometers away from the core target area, with a battalion battle group of the 118th Infantry Division of the Army and the First Parachute Regiment, and the second battalion of the 15th Armored Grenadier Regiment 33 Mountain Reconnaissance Battalion and 2 Parachute Battalion, 29th Combat Engineer Battalion, and Steiner Combat Group (regiment-scale) reinforced by artillery and engineers. The task is to quickly block traffic after the battle begins, and conventional troops block road junctions and railway lines. Paratroopers parachuted into the guerrilla activity area to block the mountain pass, while advancing at the fastest speed, and broke into the core target area at all costs.

North direction: 75 kilometers away from the core target area, with the 92nd Motorized Infantry Regiment all the way, the 54th Mountain Reconnaissance Battalion and the 10th Hunting Regiment on the other. The two moved along the highway, and after converging, they took the southeast direction to seize the location of the main supply station and communication station of the known guerrillas. After this, the 92nd Mob Regiment entered 25 kilometers and merged with the Steiner battle group.

For this operation, the air force stationed around the Alps will dispatch a large number of troops to participate in the "horse vault" operation. The specific participating units are the 1st Attack Aircraft Wing 1st Brigade, the 12th Attack Aircraft Wing 2nd Wing, the 7th Night Attack Aircraft Wing 1st Wing, the 52MDS Wing 2nd Wing and the 27MDS Wing 4th Wing . According to the situation, the above-mentioned forces have priority to use the surrounding airports and field airports in this operation.

It is not difficult to see from the fineness of the above-mentioned combat arrangements that the Defense Force has been conspiring for this combat operation for a long time, fully showing its consistent rigorous and serious style. Anyone who sees it will feel that this is an aspirational battle, enough to become an anti-guerrilla warfare. A classic example of a war with peace and security.

However, with the announcement of the details of the plan, two problems also followed.

First, is the intelligence system of the Defense Force reliable? The target they are looking for day and night, the people in the high castle, is really in the core target area?

Secondly, the most crucial thing can also be said to determine the success or failure of the whole operation-which unit is responsible for assaulting the core target area?

For the first question, the answer is yes. From several guerrilla armed forces that have established a cooperative relationship, the Brandenburg forces have fully grasped the laws of activity and security of the "Legion Legion" through the camouflage method of the guerrilla control area, after repeated infiltration investigations and radio positioning forces, It has been determined that the target is indeed in the core area.

As for the second question...

Caspar, who had been cold and frost-free for the first time, got stuck in the shell for the first time. After a full pause of more than ten seconds, he gave the answer in a tone that suppressed emotions.

"The 500th Special Technical Battalion is responsible for assault operations in the core target area."

Suddenly, the expressions of the officers solidified, and a moment later, the frozen face was twisted into bitter gourd faces because of the desperation to endure the trembling and disgust that came from the bottom of my heart~www.readwn.com~One or two sounded in the dead room The sound of banging.

500th Special Technology Battalion.

This unit can also be regarded as an alien among the defense forces. This is due to the high confidentiality of the unit's style of operation, and the fact that officers who understand the insider cannot accept the presence of this unit.

This unit is a mockery of the living, and a blasphemy against the undead.

Insiders are so disgusted with this unit that they have been given a nickname that is extremely vivid.

-Harpy (Harpy, Harpy for short).

She has a woman's head, a body of vultures, wings and claws. She has a cruel and vicious character. In ancient mythology, she was the messenger responsible for bringing the souls of guilty men to the bottomless abyss. , Ominous demon bird biting the undead.

The mysterious army, which is named as a demon bird and is not seen with its robe, will be responsible for dropping a fatal thunder strike on the core target area in the "Vaulting Horse" operation.

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