Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1451: Twenty-nine. Vaulting(16)

The defense force is good at using air power to suppress ground targets and has never relaxed the field forces-especially the field air defense of the armored column. The picture of the King Charlemagne Army being blown up by the air raid to the back of the people brought joy to the elves. It was also used by some sensitive guys to make up images of armored columns encountering air raids on their own. The scene of turrets of various specifications flying in the air in various poses really scared themselves. This kind of self-threatening mind-impairing thinking directly affects the development of the "Legion". As a result, in addition to a bunch of anti-aircraft artillery types carrying various rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns, almost all "Legion" have air defense combat capabilities.

From 7.92㎜ to 155㎜, all the tubes equipped by the "Legion" have the ability to shoot at the air. Some people may ask is the 155㎜ artillery not a land artillery? How can it be used for air defense? The 155㎜ plus howitzer's job is indeed to suppress the ground target, but please don't forget that this artillery has a long barrel of 52 times the diameter and a large-capacity drug room in order to pursue long range and high muzzle velocity. It can shoot flatly like a cannon, but also can shoot at a high elevation angle like a howitzer. Mounted on an artillery model with six legs, the terrain adaptability is greatly improved, and the air-to-air shooting is also a matter of course.

All artillery fired at the same time, and shells of various calibers built an airtight barrage.

(...Is this the way you want it?)

Silently admiring the rapid response of the "Legion", Roland raised the beam rifle.

The "Legion" responded correctly and quickly. Under the circumstances and conditions they faced, that was the most optimal choice.

But the right choice may not lead to the correct result.

This is especially true in the face of opponents who are too powerful, even out of common sense.

The next-generation MDS test machine "unicorn" with the "wall of sigh" defense system and high-power particle beam weapons is a powerful existence beyond common sense. The "unicorn" is powerful enough to get rid of the automatic aiming system. The fragments and shotguns cannot break through the space phase displacement defense, and the beam emitted by the beam Magnum rifle makes the thin leather armor of all models of the "Legion" below appear Meaningless.

As long as it withstands the attack and shoots at the ammunition pile, the "legion" on the ground is all over.

It should be like this-

But it was Roland who exploded violently.

The shells detonated accurately around Roland, but what was sprinkled was not the imaginary shot and fragments, but a lot of metal dust. When Roland fired the beam rifle, the high-temperature particle beam induced a dust explosion. Not only did Roland get involved in the explosion, but also caused the particle beam to deflect and spread, completely failing to hit the ammunition pile behind the artillery.

——It was calculated.

Roland, who was picked up by the wind and thrown high into the sky, instantly flashed the idea.

Regardless of the choice of the type of projectile, the effectiveness of the radio proximity fuze is not considered, and even the issue of whether dust can quickly form a sufficient concentration after the warhead disintegrates in the air is not considered. Why can we accurately calculate that the particle beam rifle will be used here instead of other weapons? Why can you accurately predict where your irregular orbital maneuver will appear at that moment, and then attack it?

It's like seeing through your mind and taking the first step to respond...

See through your mind?

Could it be that--


"Did you finally notice it? Still the same, dull young master."

Gerald shrugged, with a "lost to you" look.

"Since you are the targeted target, of course, at least two or three traps will be set here just in case."

Gerus is one of the traps under preparation.

Among the members of the "Seven Deadly Sins", Jelles, the "jealous" master of mind reading. Its special ability can be described as a fish in the intelligence war. Any lies and secrets are nothing in front of Jerez. In order to meet the unexpected situation of Roland not in the town of Bonavo, it is not necessary to waste precious time on those hard bones. Among the guerrillas in the country, Geralds also followed suit.

When the "Black Panther" echelon arrived in Bonavo town, Gerles dived outside the town and entered a silent standby state after selecting an excellent observation location. When Roland appeared to destroy the artillery "Legion", he coordinated with the "Legion" on the spot and took advantage of Roland's tactical ideas in advance to successfully put him together.

"Don't underestimate the children who have just been born, how can they be pure war machines, undeads that exist only for killing and headhunting. They are completely different from the living people raised by your parents. Say It’s not good to hear. In the future war, there will be no stage where live people can perform. It’s better to leave everything to the Legion. Just like bows and arrows are replaced by muskets, as technology advances, the flesh and blood are also destined to be made of metal Of the war machine."

This is a trend that will appear sooner or later. With the continuous improvement of performance, human beings have become the shackles to limit weapons. In order to protect the fragile body, the machine had to sacrifice performance to make room and load for components not related to combat such as the cockpit. To put it more extremely, apart from the cranial nerves, the remaining tens of kilograms of mass are purely useless. Even the brain will become dull due to fatigue and fear. As a weapon, it is a true weapon Defective products. Without being shackled by these shackles, unmanned combat machines with extraordinary performance and unlimited exploration potential will eventually become the dominant players in the battlefield.

Today's early model "Legion" still has a lot of problems to be solved, and it is quite familiar, plus a pile of new technology "unicorn" is far from comparable. But as long as Jerez is present, Roland is always the first to give a response instruction, even if the immature "Legion" has the ability to suppress the "unicorn".

"Oh... Simultaneously think in four columns at the same time~www.readwn.com~ confuse me with a large number of true and false hard-to-identify and feasible solutions, reduce my judgment time, and take action before the counter-command is issued. This It’s really good, I can’t believe it’s something humans can do, and I still endure the background of the mourning of the undead. But—”

Gerles smiled coldly and raised his right hand. Suddenly, the "unicorn" depicting Z-shaped maneuvers in the air stopped for a moment. The stiff time of less than one second was not enough for the general gunner to react, but it was enough for the "Legion" to quickly aim and fire. In the fireball burst by the warm-pressure bomb, the silent screams passed along the brain quantum waves to the senses of Gerles.

"The human body is really inconvenient, just to endure the cry of the undead has caused the nerve to collapse. As long as the strength is increased or the number of undead is increased, it is easy to break your nerve like a tight bowstring."

Licking his lips, a smile that looked like an excitement and a pity bloomed in the darkness.

"Enjoy dancing in my palm, young master. Then curse your powerlessness and die while holding your ideals."

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