Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1461: Thirty. What makes people (4)

Li Lin is always right, never makes mistakes, and never expects himself or someone else to be more correct than him.

This is almost a truth and a source of negative emotions for many people. The vast majority of people feel sick about this, and even think it is a curse.

Why can't he be wrong once?

Countless people have such expectations. Every day and night, there are people who are muttering this sentence with the voice of emptiness full of resentment and expectation, but what cannot happen will not become a reality because of people’s wishes. This is how the sun rises from the west or becomes a quadrilateral, as does expecting Lin to make mistakes.

However, Roland said that there are huge contradictions in Li Lin's discourse, and that he is absolutely decisive.

"Your "new order" is impeccable in terms of rationality and feasibility. It may indeed be the only answer that can guarantee the coexistence of all races. But--

After all, the world is not a paradise or a utopia. A country composed of intelligent life is bound to carry the chronic diseases of a intelligent society. This is an unavoidable problem.

The only way to overcome these chronic diseases is to let the existence beyond the species of wisdom-God or the spokesperson of God sit on the throne of all things, and manage the world with all-knowing, omnipotent wisdom and power. Only the path that the supreme being, who never makes mistakes, points out for all beings is the only correct answer.

This is indeed a logic that can be established. Since it is an omniscient and omnipotent God, the path pointed out must be correct.


An issue is ignored in this logic.

People worship God and love God. Whether it is a belief from the heart or a calculation based on egoism, people do indeed worship God.

So, how do you see the world and human beings when you are loved, revered, believed, and enshrined gods and their agents?

Is this world beautiful?

Is the world gentle? Is it kind?

What about humans? Are human beings beautiful? Is it gentle? Is it kind?

God and his agents, love this world-love humans?

Maybe yes.

God loves the world-everyone knows.

However, is God's love for human beings consistent with the definition of love for human beings? Can the deity's love for human beings and all living beings really be called "love"?

Perhaps not.

"The big premise of the'new order' is'to guarantee the survival of all races', right."

"Exactly, is there anything wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong, it's better to say that this is quite correct. It's just...'It's just to guarantee survival', right."


-Sure enough.

Looking at Li Lin's smiling face, Roland sighed in his heart.

Li Lin's theory is actually a logical trap.

Admittedly, the "new order" can achieve peace and coexistence of different races, but it is only "to ensure that all races can survive", but only to thoroughly manage all races as insects in observation boxes.

All options and differences have been ruled out, leaving nothing but absolute correctness. In this way, there will be no contradictions or disputes, and different races can also coexist under management. Conversely speaking, at the moment of completing all of this, the world or human beings have come to an end.

There will be no changes, and all possibilities are lost, and you can only stand still.

The so-called man is not a creature that can survive on bread alone-the savior in the canon once said. Although this is somewhat annoying, it is indeed the truth.

Lost dreams, without any pursuit, repeating the life of being raised day after day.

Is this really alive? Even if it is alive, can it be called a human, not a domestic animal?

Isn't the premise of human beings not self-existence (Identity) and restraint (Pride)? After discarding these, just as the gears running in the system, as the livestock managed in the giant pasture, can humans be called humans?

"From the moment of accepting the'new order' and abandoning the self and restraint as a human being, the race of humanity has died and strangled itself with its own hands. Even if the flesh is still alive, demographics show how many humans are still there Under the new order, the so-called definition of human beings, human dignity and spirit have long since died. The rest are only the walking dead possessed by the undead or human-shaped domestic animals. Just like the "legion" you created."

Roland concluded with a calm tone. It was extremely calm. The loss of temperature and enthusiasm made people feel more distressed.

"Gods don't love the world, so do you. The so-called god's love is just another way of controlling and dominating. You said that this is the love of parents for children? Even if it is not understood, it is still love? Maybe so, but Parents’ distorted love can ruin their children, and the'new order' also..."

"However, the people who benefit from the "twisted love" in your mouth also exist."

The dignified smile spit out Roland's powerless rebuttal, and Li Lin showed a mean sneer.

The original elegant smile at this moment looks extremely indifferent, angry and contemptuous, as if mocking how contradictory and powerless human existence is.

"'People can't live on bread alone'--that's right, but without bread, no job, no stable source of income, and no economic activity--these vulgar and realistic things, people can't live Roland, the so-called ragged brilliance and nobility are just illusions. The ideals you advocate may also be correct, and they are still very beautiful and dazzling. But what can ideals save? Save humanity? Save the world? Right, what can save the world and rescue all beings is, after all, a completely rational calculation."

"Even if I abandon my dignity and become a domestic animal, I will not hesitate? Give my fate, responsibility, life, and obligations to others, give up my will, hide my eyes in the corner, close my eyes, cover Hold your ears and pretend that nothing happened, you don’t know anything. This is no different from domestic animals. This kind of miserable thing—"


The corners of Li Lin's mouth were wide open, and the smile made of silver fluid became extremely pungent.

For the first time in the voice of lack of emotional fluctuations, for the first time, the color of emotion is cast.

That's almost naked taunt.

Lifting his chin, squinting his eyes, his twisted lips gently spit out a poignant voice.

"It's miserable, miserable, actually miserable-what is bad, actually because of miserable... just for this reason chose to join the war and be enemies with the world."

The silver head looks down on the teenager who is on alert~www.readwn.com~ with a beautiful and moving expression like flowers or gems.

"Do you know...what is miserable? What is really what can be called miserable? What is real despair? Do you think those things you said are so-called miserable, you think you have already Have you seen true despair? Do you think that by ideals, by dignity, by these things without substance, you can cross everything?"

Obviously, it was a human face imitated by fluid metal. The temperature at the scene was only minus ten degrees, but Roland clearly felt a blaze of flames constantly pressing against him.

"I don't admit it."

Said continuously releasing a burning face.

"I will never admit this absurd and stupid claim."

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