Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1492: 2. Little Bird (6)

Someone once said this: impulse, passion, love—the lack of one of the three is incomplete.

I would say that, probably because he is a romantic. I think that praising life, looking forward to the future, and depicting dreams are taken for granted, and that life without dreams and ideals is no different from salted fish, so it can be so determined.

Perhaps he has his reason, but this set does not work in the empire.

The empire does not deny free love in principle, but in fact, the ranks of various ethnic groups and classes are strict, and every citizen must be familiar with and play his role. While enjoying the various social benefits provided by the empire, he must also bear corresponding obligations. Efforts to contribute to the empire. In the legal provisions that implement this value, interracial marriage, pedophilia, and homosexuality are not allowed. Depending on the offender’s ethnic level, they will be sentenced to prison terms ranging from two to twenty-five years. Luck almost hangs on the hook of the butcher's shop selling nooses made of piano strings, enjoying the slow and painful death process.

Establish a love relationship with a member of a terrorist organization? Once discovered by the authorities, good luck may be sent to KZ to become a pet or toy of a concentration camp commander, almost luck...may be sent to the correction center to test the latest Electric shock physiotherapy instrument; may be sent to the shooting range of the defense force to assist the soldiers in moving target shooting training; may be sent to the underground interrogation room of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau to test various confessions that have not been clinically tested...

If you still want to die, you should forget that girl. No, you should pretend that you haven’t seen anything from the beginning.


"You are Pierre Marseille? Marseille, an excellent member and cadre candidate registered in the Youth League of the city?"

The girl put her face close to being almost close to each other without scruples. The strange smell of perfume and alcohol rushed into the nasal cavity. She held half a glass of whiskey in one hand and placed it on the thigh of Marseille. The loose jacket made the deep grooves of the chest looming, and the feeling of too close contact was stiffening the body. Marseille still nodded and answered honestly:


"We have all heard of you. There are few people who can become cadre candidates at the age of fourteen, especially our group of fourth-class citizens. In order to grab a position as a secretary, we have to break through the blood and finally have to Looking at the results of the review, I had better luck and probably re-examined it twice, and it may take five or six times to pass the mark."

The girl's voice was full of drunkenness, but her words were still organized.

As part of the empire's bureaucratic machinery, the Imperial Youth Organization, in addition to managing young people and instilling them with imperial values, also undertakes the function of selecting talents. It is the Youth League’s internal review meeting that is specifically responsible for implementing this function.

State of mind, daily performance, academic performance, attendance records, comments by teachers and classmates, comments within the organization... Various considerations are included in the review, and then reviewed, and the best candidates are selected as cadre candidates. Sometimes, the candidates who fail the election will be reviewed twice or three times by different examiners. In order to avoid the brain drain caused by the examiner's subjective factors, the maximum reserve of talents who can be useful to the empire.

Judging from the records so far, this seemingly cumbersome and rigorous review system is indeed effective, and those who pass the review have indeed played their due role in their respective positions.

Marseille will soon become one of them, and it may be a very outstanding member.

"We heard about it. The City Youth League's evaluation of you is very high. So far, the internal audit has passed smoothly. Now the qualifications to participate in the sports exchange meeting are also completed. As long as the performance is passed, it will be formalized. Cadre. The fourth-class citizens pass the inspection in one review, but you are the first one. Follow this development and become a member of the'source of life' sooner or later."


"Perhaps? Marseille, you're not pretending, you're posing cool!"

The girl jumped up suddenly, mixed with exaggerated screams and high-decibel music, a group of young men and women in youth uniforms, with the badge of "Lebensborn" on their chests, were twisting their bodies with deafening music The air is full of smells of beer, whiskey and fenda, burning cigarettes and marijuana leaves. There are wine stains, oil stains and suspicious colored pills all over the luxurious handmade carpets.

In the empire, the country, the family, the society, the master, the righteous, the youth were ordered to stay away from cosmetic products, alcohol, nicotine, eroticism, miscellaneous and other "degenerate products", especially the young first-class citizens. They may be forced to recruit troops and purify their mind and body through the spiritual baptism of barracks life. On the contrary, as long as the young fourth-class citizens can pass the assessment of the Youth League and become a part of the "Source of Life", they can indulge in the suburban villa estate under the name of the Youth League every weekend. Food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, soundproof suites, props to help you have everything, as long as you don’t kill or set fire, you can do whatever you want. Those elite elites are courteous and dignified on weekdays. Every weekend, they are here to show their other side.

These indulgent young people do not know that the so-called "source of life" is not a high-level club, this is part of a systematic project to train "tool managers" for the empire.

The high level of the empire knows clearly that whoever has control over the young people will have control over the future, and if you want to control the young people, especially the best part, it is not feasible to rely on high-pressure and indoctrination. There must be enough attractive bait to grab their hearts and let them die for the empire.

This bait is the "source of life".

Thorough indulgence, near-absolute freedom, no preaching and no restraint-for adolescent men and women, there is nothing more attractive to them than this. Once they have tasted the indulgence of depravity, they will never let go again. In order to maintain this privilege and maintain the life of this sensual dog and horse, the young people of the "source of life" are like ants who can take care of caterpillars to eat sweet water. In the same way, they will remain loyal to the empire and do their best for the empire in their daily work and life.

Of course, this indulgence will inevitably bring about the unpredictable problem of unmarried pregnancies, but there is a quiet birth center next to the villa estate, where there are a full range of service facilities and staff, pregnant girls will They will be cared for there carefully, and can choose whether to raise their own children or leave them to the state. Since these young mothers are generally minors, in fact, they can only choose to dedicate their children to the country. Next, these children will undergo a series of screenings to eliminate congenital disabilities, dysplasia, mental retardation, and genetic diseases, and the rest will receive fully enclosed full-time elite education. Anyone who cannot keep up with the progress of education will be dealt with at any time. In the end, the rest will be allocated to different units according to the needs of various parties. From the actual flow direction, most of them will become spies or spies, and some will be inserted into the security departments of factories and enterprises.

This is the true face of "the source of life", one of many processing plants that produce qualified parts for the Empire.

Marseille doesn't know about these inside stories, and even if he knows it, he won't react much now.

With his original character, even in this environment, for his own future, he was invited as a candidate for the "source of life" and he will work hard to cooperate with the surrounding atmosphere and try to give everyone a good impression and leave a network for future development. .

Before yesterday, he could be buried in such a daily life for granted, but now everything seems to be faded, leaving only a monotonous gray, so he is so out of place in this dark canvas, like sticky A fly on a landscape painting. Thinking of this, the sense of disobedience that had been unsuccessful since yesterday afternoon was magnified again. Anxiety, irritability, and awkward feelings haunted him. Fortunately, Marseille has not lost the consciousness of "should not anger others", so he simply took the lead Decorate your paintings to keep yourself as far away as possible from those who are permeated with decadence, and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Marseille's idea is correct, but many times, you will not find trouble, but trouble will take the initiative to find you.

Another group of alcohol-filled heads sat around. In the obscene laughter, the numbness of people's heads was constantly increasing in concentration (unlike other illegal drugs, the effect of big hemp was relatively mild), storm-like music and coquettishness Let the pressure in Marseilles quickly accumulate.

——Surely it shouldn’t come~www.readwn.com~ As a girl in exposed clothes sat down next to her, a corner of Marseille said so. At the same time, another voice in my heart was telling him that if he walked away now, the efforts and efforts so far would be in vain.

"You are also very famous in our school. Everyone said that you might climb to a higher position. When you are a secretary of the Listed Youth League, you will enter the municipal government in the future."

"Oh, is that true."

With a shy smile, Marseille scolded a fool in his heart.

The fourth-class citizens who can enter government agencies are less than 40 years old, and at most they can reach the rank of staff. Even so, it still attracts many outstanding fourth-class citizens, and the competition process can be described as tragic and tortuous.

Even if you want to talk up, you can’t make use of this kind of emptiness.

Marseille subconsciously looked at the girl who talked to him, a drunken beautiful face was looking at him, and the eye pupils loosened by alcohol and drugs made people wonder if a wind blew, and these eye pupils would collapse on their own. Thinking of another pair of strong emerald green eyes, Marseille can hardly believe that the two are the same species.

He breathed out a deep breath, exhausting the confusion and the unpleasantness of the incompatible self. Marseille picked up the cup full of Fanta and prepared to use a slow movement to cover up the embarrassment. He froze.

Alpine velvet vest, knee skirt, black and white and red armbands, standard girls uniforms, you can't be familiar with the dress anymore.

Then wearing that uniform is-

Looking at the face that didn't say goodbye made him sleepless all night, a face that made him and his surroundings incompatible. Marseille's hand holding the cup shivered slightly.


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