Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1524: Three. Wolf (13)

After death, people will not go to heaven or go to hell, just dust to dust, earth to earth.

The deceased has nothing and will not make any demands on the living. The so-called undead anger and resentment that cannot be dissipated are all reflections of the inner emotions of the living.

Therefore, he is no longer alive, and he can’t even get peace and eternal sleep. He is enclosed in a steel body like a prison cage. Before being destroyed, he constantly repeats the **** and rainy souls. How can he tell the living the eternal way, how can this be The miserable appearance is said to be the posture dreamed of by mankind, how can it be said that this cruel and absurd thing is happiness.

Will treat madness as normal, and say that the tyrannical innocence is the truth, only those who have ulterior motives, and are also madmen with extremely cruel and distorted characters.

In the memory of "Nightingale", there was such a monster.

"I have imposed my own set of neuropathy values ​​on others, and I said in my mouth the sounding words such as "happiness" and "eternity". In fact, I just want to satisfy sadistic desires and curiosity. I am obviously old, but It’s as cruel and naive as a child. You really haven’t changed at all. The deputy director of Imperial Medicine, director of the Deli Institute of Biology, and Lieutenant General Joseph Menger Technology.”

"Besides research institutes, concentration camps and interrogation rooms, my name will come out from the mouth of an ordinary rebel who is not even a fourth-class citizen. It's really an accident."

The voice from "Siren" changed, and the soft and gentle female voice was replaced by a gentle and bitter male voice, and the stubborn technician of the age came on the face.

"You just say that I am insulting the dead and playing with life? This is really a big misunderstanding. First of all, it is medical research and project development based on international law and imperial law permits, whether it is a prisoner of death, a terrorist organization or its assistants. There is no human rights in the first place. The acquisition of these'materials' was carried out in accordance with formal procedures, but they all signed a voluntary letter. It is by no means an illegal human experiment. Secondly, this is a serious relief. Those garbage pests that continue to create trouble, destroy order, and cause harm and distress to the public can serve the empire and many citizens in this way, contribute to the progress of scientific civilization, and become'useful talents', and they can continue to exist forever. . Don’t you think this is the best salvation?"

The words are full of pride and pride. There is no slight deception. All are from the heart of Menger.

"You said I imposed values ​​on others? It's ridiculous. Are you also doing the same thing? Just because you don't like it and don't accept it, you have to overthrow a system and order that has been proven effective and scientific. Think To bring the world back into endless chaos and strife? Don’t you think that in the eyes of future generations, you are the evil side?"

"The order maintained by mass pits and human experiments dare to claim justice!"

The girl kicked off the ground violently, and the distance between the two shortened to zero in an instant. The fist that strengthened the power of attack and the impact resistance with magic produced a violent collision with the "barrier", which sparked bursts of sparks.

"I really deserve to be a magician for long-term frontline operations."

"Siren" maintained an elegant smile, sending out Menger's calm voice.

Strengthening the body to achieve high-speed movement is not a single operation, but a whole system.

Usually magicians below the four-level level can only activate one type of system magic at a time. Through instant judgment, it is appropriate to strengthen the muscles, protect the tendons and ligaments, harden the surface of the body, absorb the impact force, etc. in a timely manner, so that the body that is originally the same as the ordinary person can make a superhuman Behavior-This is the strengthening of the technique "Blessing of Valkyrie". It is also a unique technique that allows the "Nightingale", whose strength is only at the quasi-four sides, to be among the ranks of first-rate masters.

Depending on the method of use, she can even match the magician of the pentagonal or even quasi-hexamantic level.

But there are more compelling parts than pure strength.

"The timing of the shot was very good. It happened to start'maintain' from the two spells of melee combat. The change is the short gap of the mid-range spell. If it wasn't for the'barrier', it would be blocked. Probably will be directly hammered. But this is also within your calculations."

Whether you like it or not, what you are facing is the crystallization of the highest technological power of the empire, the most cutting-edge killing machine in the world today. Without any prior preparation, the "siren" was shaken from the front, even if a few people stayed together for a few seconds.

In this case, what should be considered is not how to defeat the enemy in front of us, but the maximum delay and obstruction of the enemy. The tactics extended from this goal are the timing of launching high-precision close-up raids, which forces the enemy into a stalemate that cannot be moved, taking advantage of this opportunity to retreat companions.

I am afraid that in addition to venting the accumulated feelings in the dialogue just now, it was also done for tactical deductions and planning for time.

"It’s amazing, how beautiful and brilliant. Humans are really amazing creatures. Such a weak girl is so capable. The qualities are only quasi-quasi-level, but they insist on fighting in the front line to the present, and miraculously live to the present. Accumulate the experience and speed of reaction that adults can't match. Knowing everything is futile, and implementing it in vain to the last stupidity and persistence-this is what your human beings, fragile and short-lived humans are excellent. You are very suitable to be A member of'Siren'! Eligible to enjoy'eternal'!

The murder puppet poured out ecstatic cheers, overlapping with the demon in the memory of "Nightingale" who wore a white coat and laughed wildly in the snow.

——Happy, you who should have spent their entire lives like ants at the bottom, have the opportunity to become part of the great cause of the empire!

——Human life is very short! It is too short to accomplish anything. Even if it accomplishes anything, it will reach the end of life in a blink of an eye, and it will die if it can't go further!

——There is always a death. The so-called life is to exist towards the death! You will eventually die, but the empire will always exist! Therefore, you will become a part of the great cause of the empire. The maggot ants graduated!! Will be with the great empire!

——Holy Gilmanian Empire, glory forever!!

Amidst the gunfire, crying, screaming, cursing, laughing, and roaring, the childhood of "Nightingale" ended forever in that **** and white winter day. The empire, as well as the sharp eared demon wearing a white coat and gold-tinted glasses with a grinning smile in the corners of her mouth, became her enemy.

Then, now, the dead enemy said the same thing again—

The girl clenched her teeth and remained motionless.

"Don't you be hooked if you are provoking? The battlefield experience is more abundant than expected, and the will is firm enough. However, we have no reason to prepare only a'siren' in the passage of the enemy's invasion, so that the enemy can calm down. Get out."

As the ridiculous laughter came, a dreamlike murmur echoed in the mind of the "nightingale".

—I don’t want to die.


That is not sound transmitted by air vibration, nor is it a special directional sound wave released by electronic equipment. From the physical level, it is not "sound".

But that "voice" does exist, and it's close at hand.

Right in front of the "nightingale".

The hoarse sigh of death was released from the head of "Siren".

—I don’t want to die.

The girl's sigh turned into an invisible ripple spreading around, like a huge bell sounding a low sound, echoing throughout the sewer.

As mentioned earlier, the phenomenon of "wave", whether it is radio waves, water waves, or sound waves, has the characteristic of "resonance". When using the same material and manufacturing the same specifications, when the clock pendulums with the same vibration frequency are put together, one clock will be struck, and the other clocks will also vibrate to make a sound.

Today, the bell that cannot be captured by the human ear has sounded, centering on S-023, and the bells pre-arranged in various road junctions of the sewers also start to sound. The dead souls who have never been able to sleep forever wake up from the temporary sleep and begin Respond to the call of this world.

"You must not scrap it directly."

From the moment when this sentence came out of the "siren" mouth, sighs like curses and blessings poured out from the dark underground world that never saw the sun.

——It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

--I want to go home.

——It's so cold, so cold, so cold.

——Go to die, go to die, go to die, go to die.

--I can not be reconciled.

Countless sorrows, pains, groans, and screams turned into a torrent of torrents, which repeatedly washed the space of the sewers, impacting those who could hear the sound of the dead.

Had it not been for a similar experience on the battlefield, the moment the storm of near-death surged, the "nightingale" would lose consciousness. But even if the call of the undead has been used on the battlefield, the "Nightingale" is still terrified.

Those are the "Legion"-the empire uses technical means to remove the brain tissue of the dying, scan and copy it and insert it into the combat machine, and then it has an intelligent unmanned combat machine with independent learning capabilities. It has always been the iron scum that has been fighting against the guerrillas. Because of its excellent performance on the battlefield ~www.readwn.com~ and its low cost, it can quickly form combat power and a sufficient number, and has been designated by the military as the next generation of main equipment.

While screaming screams and defying the magic of guns and artillery, the wave of "Legion" that continues to charge forward is the lingering nightmare of every guerrilla. What is more terrifying than this is the special "legion" which is transformed from the soldier's brain. After accumulating a lot of combat experience, every nerve and every brain cell was polished by the brutal war to become shiny, and became the undead attached to the "legion" change.

What the "Nightingale" received today, echoed in the sewer, contains the sound of killing intention and perseverance, it is the roar of the soldiers' undead.

"Come on, sweetheart."

The mouth of the puppet makes a very pleasant voice, just like a love lover who loves the heart.

"Come and enjoy hell."

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