Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1547: Four. Chess (11)

No one can refuse the request of the emperor, the queen cannot, the tsar cannot, the nobles cannot, and Marseille, a fourth-class citizen, cannot.

It is a pity that if the emperor said, "Marseille, look here!" Marseille would immediately turn his neck along the emperor's finger. In the empire, this is the law, it is the law. If he does not abide by the law and tries to violate the law, then he is destined to be eliminated.

Fortunately, the emperor made no demands that made Marseille very difficult, such as jumping from the window or licking the sole of the shoe or something. On the contrary, the emperor put forward an exceptionally superior condition, which is better than the best dreams Marseille has ever made. Calm and calm like Marseille, the emperor almost couldn't hold back the moment he said that, and punched **** his face to confirm whether he was in a dream or reality.

Every young man has his own idol dreams, some worship great men, longing for himself to achieve a career in history, and become a part of the great immortality; some people worship rebellious heroes, dreaming that they can also subvert the tradition Legends have become role models for latecomers; some people adore rich or business giants, fantasizing that one day they can become rich overnight, and sitting on an endless wealth of life; some people worship singers or actors, looking forward to one day. You can also have a place in the entertainment and entertainment circles, and become the object of chasing and imitation by others.

People always adore idols and have never changed since ancient times.

So under normal circumstances, when asked if he wants to be an idol, Marseille will definitely answer "Why not?"

From the emperor's description, what the empire wants to set up is not so much an "idol", it is closer to an "advertisement board". It is painted with colorful pictures and sensational words, which makes people impressed at first glance. The content described is convinced. As a billboard that "attracts others and sells goods," the idol only needs to perform on various occasions in accordance with the scripts prepared by the Imperial Propaganda Department. It is a beautiful difference with little work, low pressure, and high salary. As long as there is no problem with his brain, he will cry and plead for the emperor to give this beautiful difference to himself.

The question is, is it that simple?

To be honest, the conditions offered by the emperor are indeed exciting, and Marseille is also a bit interested in this job.


Why did the emperor come up with it?

Indeed, this matter may have a huge impact on the future development of the empire. If it runs smoothly, it will affect at least a generation. Everyone will be like Lama's donkey, honestly chasing the carrot hanging in front of his eyes, relying on the hard work of the people, the empire will climb to a new height. But in any case, picking, recruiting, and attracting a young man to become an idol-this is not a trivial matter that requires the emperor to come to the field personally, he should have more and more important things to wait for, just like the next order Let the following functional departments be responsible for the specific work. There is no need to waste precious time on a fourth-class citizen who can’t even count a small pawn.

What is behind this-

"'If things are too smooth and the conditions the other party is opening are too good, there are probably traps behind them'-this vigilance is also very good. Marseille students, you are indeed an excellent talent."

Not at all concerned about his speech, he almost scared Marseille down and knelt on the spot to thank him. Li Lin picked up the teacup and sipped the best black tea like liquid ruby.

"There is no free lunch in the world. To get a high salary, you naturally have to make corresponding efforts. Specific to this'national idol' job, that is how to let the people accept it, and really take this idol as your life goal. If you simply Let the Propaganda Department take charge of this work, I am afraid they will make a bunch of things like myths and legends, and even three-year-old children will not believe what they know is deceptive at first glance."

Setting up idols or role models and instilling the people with the message they want to convey is actually an old practice. Various legends of heroes and biography of knights can be regarded as ancient prototypes of this type of propaganda. In modern times, model characters such as combat heroes and labor activists were established to call people to follow suit. As for the effect, it can only be said that it is a matter of opinion.

Sergeant York, a brave and brave American, General Barton, who was born in a family but full of swearing, MacArthur, who never missed a show wherever he went; the heroes of the Soviet Union’s Great Patriotic War emerged endlessly, inspiring the Red Army soldiers to sing "The Red Army "Powerful" has been pushed all the way to Berlin; the Germans have the "desert fox" blown out by the British, as well as the real "front-line pigs"; the "war gods" on the Japanese side... needless to say.

It can be said that each country has characters who are used as idols, and they are always looking for them on the battlefield, and they can always find the right person. But what is the specific effect of the propaganda... Here you can refer to the attitude of the Soviet Red Army soldiers to the Pravda. The Red Army soldiers believe that the Pravda is a very good newspaper. You can use it to boil water and use it to enlarge (be sure to knead it well before using it. The taste when used without softening is absolutely sour). Tobacco used to make cigarettes, mixed with ink incense is exceptionally mellow... Among many uses, it is not used as a newspaper to read this one.

It is just to fabricate the international situation and fabricate ideal soldiers with lofty morals and like gods, with zero defects. This kind of newspaper is simply not worth mentioning to the soldiers who keep their heads on their belts. In the same way, for the flat-headed people who are busy with three meals a day, it is difficult for the morally perfect model characters to resonate with them.

After all, people will respect saints, but no one likes moral preaching, and no one wants to watch TV commercials every day.

"People prefer the "living person" who is real because of the defect than the cold model, and then use the logic of "since he can do it, as long as I work hard, I can succeed" to persuade myself to a certain direction. Come to work. But ordinary people cannot afford such a task, we can only find suitable talents. After a series of screening, we selected you."

——Even if you say that.

"Still alert enough for the unexpected good news, no stumbling in the face of the imperial emperor, and rational thinking when under pressure... Classmate Marseille, you think several people of your age can do it at the same time These three? Do you still feel that you are not enough to be an imperial idol? Do you think the propaganda department, which is good at finding vases, can accurately excavate you?"

——It turns out so.

Marseille, who had fully understood what the emperor intended to do, secretly nodded.

——If this kind of work is handed over to the Propaganda Department, they will definitely focus on shaping the perfect saint. But compared to the fictional saints in this plan, the emperor is too perfect, or ordinary people who can not meet the needs. Being purely from the market, knowing how to be cautious, the most important thing is to know what role you should play. Fully automatic puppets who can understand and faithfully execute the script are more suitable for the needs. As long as the empire official handed him the script, he would move himself.

Don’t be easy to get rid of it, don’t be too courageous, don’t think too much, don’t have enough brains...After the layers of screening, the qualified candidates will also be interviewed by the emperor. This supreme majesty will personally review and decide whether to hire.

Then, like verifying Marseille's reasoning, the emperor said:

"There is no doubt that you have excellent talents and the potential to become idols. But in the end, whether you can become famous or not is still to be tested... let's just say, there will be an exam next. If you pass it successfully, you will embark on the road that everyone envy, Become a practitioner of the'Imperial Dream', a role model for fourth-class citizens, and one of the idols worshipped. Everything depends on your own efforts, classmate Marseille."

Opening the drawer, the emperor took out a picture and placed it on the table, pushing it to Marseille's eyes. The bright red eyes stared closely at Marseille, his body tight and stiff, and his lips bent into an arc that seemed very happy.

"We have prepared the stage for you. The background, props, scripts, supporting roles and opponents are all available. Specific what to do, we will arrange, you only need to follow the instructions. If you don’t understand, you can now mention Out ~www.readwn.com~ Although it sounds like there is still room for negotiation and review, as a national of the Empire, as a model youth group member who has been educated and domesticated for three years, Marseille has the nerves and soul The next irresistible instinct was branded.

Every word of the emperor is a command, a law, an oracle. No doubt, no rebuttal, only execution.

"...Your will is an order."

Marseille lowered his head deeply, and the cold sweat from his forehead fell to the ground, seeping into the thick wool carpet.

I didn't care about wiping sweat, and didn't dare to make any movements. Only the picture on the table was in his head that was about to collapse and explode.

The background of the photo is very blurry. From the outline and decoration style of the building, it can be recognized that it is the street of Rudes. Most of the scenery and characters in the photo are very blurry. Only one person in the middle of the photo is particularly clear. Obviously, the photographer took the picture under some abnormal conditions. It may be captured by a surveillance system disguised as a street light, or it may be a compact camera hidden in a briefcase, because the focus is not good, and the target is moving. As for the surrounding scenes, all are blurred. But these are not the point.

The man in the photo is dressed in men's clothing and wearing a cap. I don't know if it's a hurry or what happened, it looks a little hurry. Because the cap is relatively low, most of the side faces are hidden in shadows. Even so, it is enough to see that it is a girl's face.

Correct, serious, with a temperament that is very different from girls of the same age, and the clear eyes have a strongness that people can't forget once they have seen it.

In the photo, it was "Nightingale".

"I look forward to your performance, member of the Imperial Youth League, future idol, Mr. Pier Marseille."

The finger gently tapped the tabletop, and the emperor's signature smile looked like a beast that could hardly hide his joy after finding his prey.

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