Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1560: V. Conversation of the prayer (5)

"This is a trap."

"Nightingale" raised an eyebrow to express his contempt for the empire.

"Even a blind man can smell a strong smell of conspiracy."

"Yes, this is a trap, a conspiracy."

Roland's sigh was hollow, and it didn't sound like approval. After being silent for a while and letting the lingering after rhythm evaporate, he turned his face to the middle-aged man and asked a question that sounded meaningless:

"Comrade "Cuckoo", what is your opinion?"

The named "Cuckoo" is baffling. Is this a problem?

Obviously, it is not.

Without any hesitation, he gave the answer.

"I agree with Comrade'Nightingale', this is obviously a trap."

A clumsy, crappy, absurd and ruinous can't even be called a trap, anyone with an IQ above average can see through it, and can easily get around with fancy taunts to the creators.

It was such a thing that the empire created.

The intelligence officer? A few escorts? Traveling in the middle of the night with "top secret" level documents involving the core of the national strategy? There must be a limit to joking.

The layman may not see any reputation, but for underground workers who are really engaged in intelligence work, it is full of lame lies and too many flaws and loopholes.

Not to mention what Rudes intends to do to bring this level of confidential information to foreign spies. An intelligence officer will travel with confidential documents, even if he does not take a special plane, he can also take the military ranks. There is no reason to take only a small group of soldiers out in the middle of the night, and there is no reason to disclose the route and schedule of the operation.

If the security network of the empire is lax enough that all secrets are leaked out, then the empire is not far away from its demise. But this is not the case. The intelligence security system of the empire is still rock-solid, and the organizational cohesion, loyalty, and closeness are still so desperate.

This kind of crappy information will flow out, and this kind of fool-like trap will be laid, which is basically that every underground organization will bite.

"In fact, they are not wrong, and the organizations have indeed been forced to "try even if they are false intelligence." The latest information shows that because of a series of crackdowns and crackdowns, several organizations are on the verge of collapse. Today They desperately need assistance from the outside to cover their previous losses and maintain the organization’s operations, but the gentlemen and princes of Albion are not philanthropists."

Between countries, there are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

Applying this classic classic of realist diplomacy to the relationship between foreign governments and various organizations is also very applicable, and sometimes comments such as "rabbit cooking" and "birds hiding bows" are also added.

If you can't get enough weight, why do those foreign forces with realism in their bones lend a helping hand?

As for the "Liberty Legion", they have not been forced to take the final stroke yet, but they cannot stay out of the situation.

Not all the underground organizations entrenched in Rudes are allies of the "Legion of Liberty", but most of the time they appear as competitors or even enemies. However, it is unanimous that all organizations regard the empire as their greatest enemy. Even if the issue of unity and united front is not considered, it is not a wise practice to allow the empire to eliminate these organizations and then focus on themselves.


"I am a little bit concerned about the purpose behind the Empire's current operation. I have made such a big battle, just to annihilate several resistance organizations that will self-extinguish? It is hard to imagine that the group of efficiency supremacists will do so. Efficiency matters. What they are calculating, it is necessary to figure out."

As Roland made a summary, the participants nodded silently.


"Your Majesty, I don't understand."

Menger rarely wore a suit-style dress distributed by the technical department, and a serious and respectful expression was enough to surprise a person who knew him well.

What is surprising is not only his dress and attitude, but also his speech.

"As we predicted, Pierre Marseille has excellent qualifications. If its potential is fully explored, it will play an inestimable value to the completion of the entire plan. But the premise of all this is that he is a loyal imperial soldier , Let a traitor touch the top secret..."

Menger worshipped the emperor fanatically. Every word of the emperor was truth. Anyone who dared to question the emperor would be attacked relentlessly by him.

Such a mad scientist would doubt the emperor... Should he say that his consciousness was finally abnormal, or was he tired of the world, and would use this method to end his sinful life?

"Are you questioning my judgment?"

"Don't dare to lay down! Just...

"Menger, excellent mind and absolute loyalty are your strengths, and everything is too rigid about the position of technical experts ~ www.readwn.com ~ narrow vision is your shortcomings."

Li Lin shook his head and withdrew his gaze from the confidant who made his head bowed, and the indifferent voice rang again.

"Pierre Marseille, he is loyal to the empire or betrays the empire...Is it important?"

Under normal circumstances, this is indeed very important.

No one wants the elite body with the most cutting-edge technology to be manipulated by lunatics or traitors. The driver must have a sound spirit and physical body, so as to maximize the performance of the body and serve the empire.

However, this is not normal, and the body is not a normal body.

It is said to be a trial machine, but it is not a "prototype trial machine" in the usual sense. It may be more in line with the actual situation to use the term "special standardized trial prototype machine".

"For the aircraft, the driver’s skill, mentality, and mental state are irrelevant. The important thing is that someone is riding, and this person must have excellent magician qualifications, sensitivity to Mana, and feelings. The quality of the quantum waves of other people’s brains. It doesn’t matter otherwise. As long as you put on the body, as long as the magician appears in front of that body, there will be no driver left. He can only watch, what Can't do it."

——Even the most beloved is killed in front of him.

"But this way..."

"Are you worried that this will cause him to mutiny? Don't worry about it, the body itself is equipped with several protective facilities, and it can't be cracked without special equipment and experts. As for private communication with terrorist organizations, important information will be leaked out... "

Li Lin shook his fingers and shook his smile, resembling an ironic smile.

"From the moment he was stared at, he had no choice."


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