Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1604: Seven. Travel to the Republic (2)

In Li Lin's timetable, shock education should have been ranked one or two years later, and detonated step by step in a carefully set environment at a certain rhythm. The reason why it is advanced in advance is inseparable from Roland's efforts.

In this ambitious plan that started with the Republic’s attack on the imperial merchant ships and turned into a terrorist attack, and ultimately ended in arms control negotiations that benefited the Empire, the core of the plan was “to highlight the Republic’s support for terrorism and disregard minimum international norms. The empire pushes to the moral high ground, so as to take the initiative in future negotiations and reach an arms control treaty that is as beneficial as possible to the empire." To put it bluntly, this is an information war and a public opinion war to achieve a strategic goal by manipulating information public opinion. The biggest and most difficult problem is that the attitudes of the peoples of various countries towards the empire are now more and more inclined to their attitude towards Charlemagne. How to reverse this public opinion and make the subsequent negotiations proceed step by step.

If it was before the establishment of the empire, it was very easy work. With Charlie Man, who is full of hatred in the world, no matter what Alfheim does, in the eyes of the people of all countries, they are the helpless and reasonable struggle of the oppressed. Not only will they not condemn, but they will also strongly support. But when Charlemagne fell to the ground, the emperor was crowned in the Hall of Mirrors, and the empire was formally established, everything changed.

Losing a common enemy, the empire that controls the central region of the continent replaced Charlemagne as the object of everyone’s fear, of course, one of the reasons. But more importantly, when the people of various countries began to grab all kinds of information about the empire from outside the empire's information dissemination system and began to scrutinize this emerging country, it became increasingly difficult to contain suspicions and resentments in their hearts.


This is the most intuitive impression of people in the country after deep contact with the empire.

This emerging country has strong national strength and armament, far ahead of the science and technology of various countries, an efficient administrative system, and an awesome emperor. It can be said that it has all the conditions to become a powerful country and even a hegemonic country, but at the same time, this country is quite impersonal, and it also has huge ambitions that others cannot imagine.

Unlike the exposed Charlemagne, the elves are actually very conservative. The long-term suppression of camouflage life has given them extremely powerful emotional control capabilities, which makes them rarely express their true emotions and ideas to outsiders. When it comes to elves, the first image of people today is no longer the image of the cannibal demon in the foundation of the church. The first thing they will think of is a gentleman with a good appearance, a professionally trained technical bureaucracy, an engineer with high professional knowledge and discipline or Soldiers, they behave well, speak elegantly, and are ambitious.

Especially the last point. No matter how the elves behave like a peace-loving gentleman, anyone who has been exposed to the internal hierarchy of the empire and those who have experienced the education courses of the elementary and junior high schools in the empire will only be worried about the future development of the country. Worry about sleepless at night.

If you want to conclude the long-term policy direction of a country, the education system may be the most intuitive exhibition stand. Just look at how this country is educating their next generation, and what successors it is trying to shape, and where the country will go in the future.

New order.

This is the core part of various education in the textbooks of the imperial middle and primary schools.

There are no hysterical slogans such as "August Universe" and "Supremacy of the World" in the school textbooks of the Empire. There is no fanatical clamor for war and national chauvinism. Instead, it repeatedly emphasizes the superiority and necessity of the new order. Constantly emphasizing that the hierarchical system is the cornerstone of national stability and social security, as long as all citizens perform their duties and have their own duties, all problems will be solved. Conversely, if anyone attempts to exceed their level or authority, it will lead to conflict, confrontation, and even endanger national security, bringing danger to all citizens. For the sake of ourselves and the country, defending the new order and unconditional obedience is an inescapable obligation and responsibility of every empire national,

At first glance, people will find this to be uncomfortable, but it is always better than Charlemagne's fanatical educational program. Anyway, there is no mention of territorial disputes with the surrounding countries from the beginning to the end, or the promotion of active external expansion, the use of military solutions to replace diplomatic coordination and other war ideas. From beginning to end, the education of the empire is internal. All are to strengthen the discipline and obedience of all the people, and to maintain their new order as the ultimate goal.

But such a seemingly "completely introverted" educational program, the careful taste makes people shudder.

The education of the Empire is not so much a matter of training talents as a machine of mass production tools and management tools. The education received by third- and fourth-class citizens is to make them necessary parts and tools for maintaining social production and sustainable development. They must be familiar with the basic operating norms of society, and they must be strong and able to meet the needs of social production. First-class and second-class citizens receive elite education and become a system of management tools, allowing these tools and parts to maximize their effectiveness and maintain national operations. The whole empire is a super-large precision machine composed of tools and management systems. www.readwn.com~ This machine is efficient, cold, and huge in energy. Any obstacles trying to block its path will be crushed mercilessly. The most frightening thing is that people do not know where this machine will go.

The emperor is the one who controls everything at the highest level and controls the direction of the country.

No one can speculate on the mind of the gods, and no one can speculate on the emperor's ideas. It is impossible for anyone to guess where the one will go and what strategy is being planned in the next minute. In addition to the fighting power that the emperor had demonstrated in the Battle of Rhine, people would naturally think that if the empire continues to strengthen and grow, one day, even without the emperor’s shot, the empire will have enough power to crush the entire world. By then, if the empire were to push the new order to the whole world, what would everyone look like? Will the life of the fourth-class citizens of the empire be their own tomorrow?

Their premonitions are roughly correct. The ultimate goal of the empire is to govern the entire world and bring the world into the new order. All people will become third- and fourth-class citizens. It's just that the emotions created based on hearsay and word-of-mouth rendering continue to spread and ferment is not what the current empire likes. At the very least, this emotion does not help the empire to promote its own plans in arms control negotiations.

Therefore, the empire has to spend a lot of time and effort to instill the impression of "who is a good person and who is a bad person" to the people of all countries in order to alleviate the sentiment among the people to the empire and minimize the public opinion suffered during the negotiation process. Disturbing changes.

Roland knew this. In the last 24 hours before the exchange meeting was held, he carried out actions that were completely unexpected by the empire.

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