Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1647: Nine. To the far horizon (16)


At the moment of opening, Marseille froze, always showing his calm face for the first time revealing a panic and depression that was beaten by surprise, and he was hard to breathe for a while.

What is happiness, what is a good life-these should be clear to him.

But he did not want to think about "what is his own happiness, what should be the happiness of the "nightingale"". This is not only because he has not yet figured out what his heart is for the girl, but also because he knows that it is probably very similar to what he "should conceive of the future", and even knows what it looks like. But because of its consequences, he was deeply frightened.

That's why.

He did not want to think twice, nor did he want to discuss with others.

Just because if he continues to delve deeper, he will reach out and long for, beyond the personality framework that has been shaped by education and environment, trying to cross the taboo line that must not be touched-

Thinking about this, the emperor's unsmiling face suddenly emerged from the depths of memory, and the severe cold swept across the body.

The paused breathing resumed, and the thickened breath sounded with a little trembling aftertaste.

"……I do not know."

"Finally admit it. Most boys of your age do not want to be weaker than others. Even if you encounter a problem, you will only hold your heart and let yourself be distressed. Although this matter is indeed your own concern, others are not. It’s a matter of casual inquiry. As a guardian, I should care and assist in solving your problems."

After speaking with a bitter smile, Minerva said quietly:

"Marseille, citizens from the empire to the republic have troubles similar to yours, the more latecomers, the more long lived in the empire, the less willing to imagine topics such as the future and happiness. For them, this Has become a taboo or curse."

The boy's arm twitched, and Minerva, pretending not to see anything, continued:

"'Cowards are afraid even of happiness, they are injured when they touch cotton, and sometimes they are injured by happiness'-this kind of hurting words seems to be saying that people from the empire naturalized in the Republic. But in fact, they are not timid It’s just that the imperial education cannot face happiness and the future."

The root of all problems lies in the education of the empire, or "discipline".

An empire emphasizing order and hierarchy cannot of course allow the form of happiness beyond the official definition. The definition and form of happiness for each race and class is limited to the corresponding range defined by laws and regulations. Anyone who attempts to surpass will teach the empire Tekken.

It's just that killing can certainly solve the problematic people. Terrorist politics can also make society "quiet" for a period of time, but it can't solve the problem after all. In order to achieve long-term peace and stability, in addition to severely punishing those who cross the boundary, it is necessary to have more reliable means that will not arouse popular resentment and damage the image of the empire. Through the effective combination of candy and whip, and then get the most optimized results.

Violence, administration, education, propaganda, technology, social welfare... Under various means, in just three years, the citizens of the old Charlemagne became empire nationals loyal to His Majesty the Emperor. Regardless of body and mind, humanoid animals serving the empire.

The term "humanoid animal" is not an insult or discrimination here, but simply describes a fact. That is to say, the vast majority of fourth-class citizens are not worried and dissatisfied with the fact that they are at the bottom of the society and the ascending passage is almost blocked, and the future generations are like this. They are completely satisfied with this. In their view, it is unrealistic to rebel against the empire and the emperor, and there is no possibility of success. As long as the current standard of living can be maintained-preferably improved-it is acceptable not to change the status quo. On the contrary, thinking about a future that is different from the status quo and trying to change the destiny of oneself and the country sounds very appealing, but after all it is an illusory thing without any chance of success. What's more, according to the imperial laws and the efficiency of violent institutions, as long as there are traces of similar ideas or related books and articles, it is not far from the imperial social order security bureau to arrest people. Before that, your neighbors, colleagues, relatives, pillow people... will preemptively report your suspicious behavior, in order to clear yourself and incidentally exchange for a generous reward.

Delaying in the status quo, not thinking about progress, just obeying the orders every day in exchange for the feed sown by the owner-what is the difference between this and livestock?

Even those who long for the Republic and risk their lives to flee the empire, the "discipline" of the empire will remain in their spirits for as long as the brand. Even in the Republic, once I think about things like "future" and "dream", I still feel fear or even resist in my subconscious mind. It takes a long period of psychological treatment to gradually get them out of this state.

This is still true of those who voluntarily deceased the Republic based on their own will, not to mention Marseille, who was involved in the situation and drifted to the Republic. In the face of this vaguely perceptible but inexplicable trouble, he could only subconsciously choose to escape.

I hope others can be happy and have a bright future, but they cannot imagine specific happiness and future plans. So he hung the "protection" symbol of innocence and stood in the dark with the girls.

"With words and reasoning alone, it is impossible to eliminate the scars, and the words of the empire cannot disappear with three words. But you have to try, even one minute, one hour, try to break through barriers, try to change yourself .Only by taking this step, you are qualified to say to protect others, and to be qualified to say to them,'This is not right now.' This may be difficult for a strong man, but you can't avoid it all the time, you still have to face it."

With a gentle and stern conclusion as the end, the cordial talk came to an end.


"Your official does not have to pay attention to outside interference. Your official is your official, the passenger of the plane, and the key element prepared for the purpose of achieving "evolution to the strongest."

The sound of no ups and downs echoed in the ear, clearly there was no element of emotion in it, but listening in Marseille had a certain meaning.

Of course it will be determined.

How can machines question the reason for their existence, they will only accept and execute orders.

What about yourself?

Unable to imagine the future, unable to respond to the expectations of others, unable to reach out and pull her out of the situation where she stood, unable to tell her where she can go except the battlefield, what she wants to do after the war, and the machine has What's the difference.

It's just observation, analysis, judgment, and helping at the right time.

This kind of thing can be done even with "Salamanda II", and does not require him to intervene in particular.

In this case, what is he? For her, Marseille is really "necessary", is it really "a person who can bring her happiness"? If not, then--

In an instant, the blood seemed to freeze, and the foot was no longer on the solid ground, but fell into the void.

When I realized that I was stepping on the ground just dragged, the soles of my feet were falling and I was trying to adjust my posture, it was too late.

The line of sight fell at a rapid speed, and the figure of "Salamanda II" approached in his vision. When he was about to withstand the impact of the collision with the ground, the sweet floral fragrance and the lightning-like black shadow passed by, and a pair of powerful and slender arms carried him Hold on.

"……Be careful."

The other party's stunned and stiff expression flashed past, looking like a pretty face with anger and twists overlooking Marseille.

"Uh? Ah, that... sorry."

"Don't apologize if you don't move, but you are a man, how can you bow your head casually!"

"Hug... sorry, and I can stand up myself."

It wasn't until listening to Marseille's speech that "Nightingale" realized how embarrassing and ambiguous the two's current postures were.

When Marseille slipped, he just walked to the corner of the aisle. The "Nightingale" from the other side of the corner was only a few steps away from him. The "Nightingale" who reacted immediately when he heard the sound had no time to think about it. In the shortest time respond.

The result of the combination of her actions and the slipping posture of Marseille is that although the two are not embracing each other, the arms of the "nightingale" surrounding Marseille's back support her, and the distance between their faces can be described as close Within easy reach.

The floral fragrance of the shower gel, the breath of the opposite sex, the other person's body temperature and heartbeat seem to be transmitted through the skin to the bottom of the heart.

"It's all...you're not good."

The girl with a flushed face don't mumble, and after she panic let go, she still doesn't forget to confirm whether Marseille can stand firm or not.

After confirming normality, the relieved girl looked at the boy, and the boy looked at the girl's face.


The first to speak is the girl.

"Are you anxious?"


Marseille frowned slightly.

Although he knew that his previous state of mind would expose his mentality, Marseille did not expect his state to be so easily seen through.

"...Is it obvious?"

"The guy who can lie on the induction unit and rush to the battle site will walk and slip. It is not natural to look at it anyway."

Since the encounter, whether it is fighting side by side or facing the enemy. They were all together. In the process, Marseille's every move, words and deeds remained in the heart of the "nightingale". Although it was only a trivial accident, from Marseille's reaction, she was able to interpret a lot of information.

Not only anxiety, but also fear and confusion.

It seemed that something was urging him to take steps, eager to go somewhere from the place where he had been stuck, but he didn't know how to move forward and where he was going. Obviously, he was about to take steps, but he did not know where to fall, so that his anxiety overflowed from his body.

However, if you don't know where to go, just go anywhere.

"...Are you also afraid of change?"


The boy clenched his fists, and the pain released by the clump in his heart made his eyebrows tighter.

"If you feel uncomfortable~www.readwn.com~ It doesn't matter if you don't have to change it, you can do what you are."

After a moment of stagnation, the boy's eyes slowly opened, and his gaze looked at the girl with confusion.

Looking straight at the boy's eyes, the girl continued to say:

"Out of the Empire Control Zone, after Albion, and then to the Republic, everyone said to me: Don’t stay in the past, you can be a completely different self. But I think, I have always had other and The people fighting in the empire all walked in this way, it doesn't matter if they continue to walk like this."

People who have no way to expect from the beginning, of course, cannot respond to the expectations of others.

Even if it is regarded as a monster, as a combat machine, or killed on the battlefield, interrogation room, or execution ground, that is destined to destiny, no one is special.

Fight to the end and greet death. This is the fate and ending of her and thousands of people who fought against the empire.

and so.

"No need to change."

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