Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1650: Ten. BABEL (2)

As the superior in charge of the overall situation, especially the management of a complex country like the empire, it must be ruthless and cunning and wise, just like Machiavelli admires-as fierce as a lion, as cunning as a fox, and more frightening Yu admirable.

Regardless of whether people like Machiavelli and Machiavellianism, as an activity whose operating principles and moral standards are different from ordinary people's cognition, international politics is an out-and-out jungle society, and weak meat is the only criterion. The strong live and the weak die. If you don't understand this, embracing unrealistic ideals and kindness will eventually only become food for others to survive.

Having said that, Li Lin's coldness is still excessive.

He is not a tyrant.

Judging from its achievements and actions, it is not an exaggeration to call it a rare Shi Mingjun.

His only problem is the inhuman cruelty, extreme realism, utilitarianism, Machiavellianism. Compared to the emperor, it is more like a strategy machine.

"But even if you don't like him, we can't say no to the little tricks he plays, or no one can refuse."

Minerva shrugged her shoulders, and Annie stunned.

No one dared to refute the emperor's face on the one hand, and on the other hand the countries did indeed have to compromise.

To put it bluntly, everyone does not have much money to burn in the arms race. For countries that are striving to turn to industrialization, every copper plate is precious. Whenever possible, they would rather invest money in industrial or infrastructure construction than to build a pile of toys that will be eliminated in a few years.

Emerging new technologies in the empire have brought not only shock to the nations, but also the urgent needs and troubles of updating equipment. Taking Albion as an example, the caliber of the main gun of its newly built battleship jumped to 305㎜, but its barrel size, charge, projection quality, and life are much lower than similar products of the Empire, and the latest sharp battleships-including The keel is being laid and the drawing board-most of them are still using three-lift reciprocating steam engine as the power source.

Even if this kind of warship is built, it is too difficult to deal with the heavy cruiser of the Empire, let alone compete with the main battleship of the Empire. Its only function is to act as a bold symbol on paper, which is no different from the tattered pile of money-keeping slaves.

How to use arms control negotiations to narrow the technological gap with the empire while saving military expenditures is the biggest issue for countries exhausted by the arms race.

The problems faced by the Republic are more serious than those of other countries. They are not only weaker in national strength, but due to the characteristics of the political structure, there is also a hard line of hardship in the country. If it weren’t for the emperor’s one-day trip to New Orleans, the face of the diehards would be taken down and stepped into a muddy mud, maybe they would continue to stick to the “ambition” of the “seven percent theory” The unrestrained and self-aware expansion plan of the international situation is not so much an ambition as it is more correct to call it "suicide"), making things uncontrollable.

Now that the emperor has sent a "salvation gospel" called "arms control negotiations," how to use this to seek for the republic's negotiation results in line with its own national security interests has become the most important issue.

"The core issue of the negotiations is the scale of armaments, that is, the proportion of weapons held by each country, and the opening of technology patents."

Minerva turned the invitation back to the back, and the gilt lines on the back also outlined the complicated patterns.

Armament scale

Patent opening;

It is actually one side of the imperial pillar.

The empire has two pillars, one is the emperor, the other is based on technical power and productivity, and the army and economy are intertwined.

With advanced technical power and industrial production capacity, the Empire can manufacture a large number of leading-edge industrial products and export a large amount to obtain profits. Then use these money to build a strong army, protect the national territorial sovereignty and ensure the smooth flow of resources and logistics channels. The two are inherently complementary.

Of course, all countries are well aware of this, so in addition to "restricting armaments", the most important goal of this negotiation is to promote the "open patents" of the empire. In the long run, the latter is even more important. former.

Empire's technology patents are too foul. Covering all aspects, all of them are advanced card slots. Almost all technologies-including new technologies still in the conception stage-can't bypass the barriers set by the empire. If you don’t pay attention, it will become an infringement. A fine for infringement will suffice, and the luck is almost directly accused in court. Even if the deceased empire patent attorneys have no way to put you in jail (foreign courts will always protect themselves), they will also allow you to prosecute in protracted lawsuits. In the midst of ruin (the slogan of the Imperial Patent Attorney is "too few in ten years, not many in two decades, and strive for half a century"), there are already many prestigious enterprises and technical personnel planted in the imperial patent system and the black hand of the lawyers team Down.

The imperial technology and patent system that once led the industrial revolution have now become a curse that hinders technological progress in various countries. Countless companies and technicians are thinking day and night how to abolish the patent system, and at the worst, they should also promote the technological opening of the empire. In contrast, the Empire is thinking about how to use the patent system to maintain its own advantages and seek to "maximize the benefits through monopoly of technology and industry."

The demands of both sides are completely contrary. If the strength of the empire is not there, the countries have long refrained from embarrassing themselves and directly denied the patent system and intellectual property rights, starting from a cottage and developing their own industries. However, due to the powerful military, political, and economic strength of the empire, especially the strength of the emperor himself, the nations could only swallow this. While thinking about how to circumvent the limitations of patents, while drawing circles to curse the shameless empire.

Now there is a chance to pry the closed door into a gap, and of course everyone will not give up easily.

"The Empire will not anticipate this situation, but they have enough confidence to play compromising games with the nations. This little thing is not a big problem for them."

Annie took the lead. Former Agent Stasi had a close relationship with the technical department for some time and had a deep understanding of the relevant information.

There are roughly three sources of empire's strength.

First, the technological reserves and progress of the empire far exceed the imagination of the countries. Even if a batch of technical patents is opened, they still have a lot of inventory available, and new technologies are continuously added to the reserve inventory. Appropriately opening up a group of technologies with limited development potential will not only sell a good price before they are completely devalued, but also effectively grasp the development trends of technologies in various countries.

Second, through concessions on issues such as technology patents and fleet ratio, the Empire will gain a "moral position" in "morality," thereby strengthening its negotiating position on other issues, such as market opening, intellectual property protection, government On issues such as subsidies, countries will have to make concessions.

Third, through open technology, the closeness of the relations between the countries and the Republic is bound to be affected. One of the main pillars of the exchanges between the countries and the republic was technical exchange. Now they have the opportunity to obtain more comprehensive and advanced technology from the empire, and the republic will of course be left out.

With these three points as the bottom line, the Empire will of course show a soft figure on the issue of open patents, make full use of the cards in hand, and seek the best situation for itself. Although various countries are not satisfied, they can also seek some short-term and short-term benefits, but they are not too bad. The only victim is the Republic.

Technical exchanges and exports have always been the bulk of the Republic’s export earnings, and they are also an important link for maintaining relations with various countries. Empire open patents will obviously have a negative impact on the economy and diplomacy of the Republic.

Fortunately, the Republic is not without cards to play.

"Patent on telecommunications technology."

Minerva smiled lightly, finger tapping on the table.

"We will make every effort to open this technology to the Empire in this joint meeting."

It is strange to say that it clearly demonstrated the importance of information technology and the speed of information transmission when the empire was still in Alfheim. The military and technical departments of all countries also paid great attention to this, but the high-level government-especially It is the noble class who are not very happy to accept this epoch-making technology, and even once resisted the promotion of popularization of telecommunications technology.

The patent system, huge patent fees, the time and money required for promotion, and the possibility of being eavesdropped by the Empire... There are a lot of reasons, and the only core is only one sentence-lack of style.

The messenger who cannot bow his head to salute, cannot use magnificent rhetoric, nor can he take out the ancient seal to show authority-for nobles and royals, these "styles" are the symbol of national strength.

Although the vanity was gone, the princes had nothing, and the radiance and nobility of the ragged clothes were only fantasy. But this kind of resistance to the changes brought about by technological progress, anyway, I hope to maintain the authority of the nobility~www.readwn.com~ I don’t want to let the civilians get involved in too much information and industry, even the distortion of the mentality must be wiped out-the positive It is the biggest obstacle to the development and popularization of telecommunication technologies in various countries.

However, with the long-term strategic confrontation with the empire gradually becoming obvious, the countries have to face the gap between the information technology and the empire, and evaluate the development and use of telecommunications technology. It can be said that the empire's successful use of intelligence operations to control the direction of the war situation has just become the best example of transfer, so that those granite heads take seriously the "wonderful toy" of telecommunications technology, and then bring the world into the era of high-speed information exchange.

The proposal of the Republic will accelerate this process. With the assistance of the telecommunications network connecting the countries and the Republic, even if the empire opens up technology, the Republic can exchange and develop technology with the countries, and it can also be published and not large-scale. The premise of production is to upgrade and develop technologies that may have a significant impact on future wars.

"The Empire will not be happy to see this situation, but if you want to oppose it, it will only stimulate the doubts and mistrust of the nations on the Empire, and it will more and more promote the direction of public opinion that requires the Empire to open up telecommunications technology... Yes, this is a diplomatic war, It is also an intelligence war."

Minerva turned the invitation over again, staring closely at the giant tower on the cover and said:

"The battlefield is in the "Language Tower"."

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