Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1697: 12. The other shore of good and evil (14)

Openness and honesty are the prerequisites for people-to-people interactions. There is not enough mutual trust. Even if the negotiation talks can be established, they are mostly false and irrelevant. Ultimately, either the results are limited or there will be no results at all.

This is a general principle, and no matter whether it is negotiations between individuals or countries, it is basically based on this premise.

Unless the negotiation is positioned as a smoke bomb to cover the war from the outset, no matter how intriguing, the most basic trust and the disclosure of information within the allowable range are necessary. Otherwise, there is no way to talk about it.

Roland and the Republic not only do not want foreign representatives to go crazy or die inexplicably, but also want to show the performance of the "Alaiye", the safest way seems to be to put the "Alaiye" between the "Legion" All the connections and risks are clearly stated. After obtaining the understanding of the representatives, we will negotiate another time and place for performance demonstration.

This sounds like a good idea, but it is not practical.

By demonstrating the superiority of technology, broad application prospects, and considerable returns to carry out a paradigm shift-to put it bluntly, it is almost the same as door-to-door sales. And the bluntness and immaturity of products are the taboos of salesmen.

Products that you can't believe make others be white mice?

There are so many questions, will you wait and see?

Wouldn’t it be fraud, want to trick others into throwing money away?

After hearing the lack of frankness, people's first reaction is not to be moved, but to the above considerations based on protecting their own interests.

Originally, the new technology may not be easier to use than the old technology before it matured. Once the shortcomings of the "Alaya consciousness" were frankly admitted, and they were still fatal shortcomings that could not be solved at present, representatives of various countries would inevitably produce "this stuff is useless at all." "Well" idea. It must be understood that the largest and most likely motivation for the various countries to adopt the "Alaya consciousness" must be for military purposes, as an important part of supporting the military system of the various countries in the future, and facing the large "legion" on the future battlefield, Not to mention head-to-head combat, just hearing the sound of the undead from a distance can drive people crazy. No one will be interested in this kind of thing.

The Republic was not interested at first, and even planned to abandon the entire plan, but they finally persisted.

"Because the pressure is completely different."

Marseille murmured softly.

A republic facing a crisis of life and death at all times;

Countries with a sense of crisis but not very urgent;

Under different levels of pressure, when faced with the same thing, the perspectives, ways of thinking, and conclusions of the two sides will certainly not be the same.

The Republic is not unaware of the problem of "Alaya consciousness", and it is clear that this cannot be solved or improved in a short time. But in the face of the imperial army who knows when to come to the door, they did not have the leeway to pick and choose, so even if they knew that they would mass-produce, equip, and promote the "Alaiye" system before the protective measures were perfected, and Sugao was dead. Different, they still work hard.

In contrast, the nations certainly have a hostile awareness of the empire and are always guarding against the empire. But the invasion of the empire was not an imminent crisis for them after all, instead of offending the empire for an immature project that might eventually die halfway. It's better to take a step back and see if the Republic can make further progress, and how the empire reacts to it, and then decide which side to support.

In this case, there is no way to simply say who is right and who is wrong. The Republic has the idea of ​​the Republic. In the consideration of all countries, no one side is absolutely right or wrong. People just make choices based on their respective positions, values, and circumstances.

The Republic cannot and cannot forcefully reverse the ideas of those representatives, let alone the feasibility and potential troubles. This behavior itself contradicts the basic idea of ​​"self-thinking, self-judgment, self-determination", regardless of whether Success, the moment of choosing this approach is the beginning of the Republic's self-denial.

"This kind of thing really is easier on the empire side."

Frowning, sniffing the strange smell of tar, wood residue, and stimulant in the coffee, Marseille couldn't help but sigh.

"It is true. If it is an empire, there may not be so many scruples and troubles."


Marseille turned his head in a sound, and saw Fafna staring at him with a smile, hurriedly stood up to salute.

"Hush, be quiet. Don't wake up the others."

After a quick hurry, Fafna put her finger on her lips and took a chair to sit down.

"Sit and talk, don't just stand."

"Ah... yes."

Marseille sat down cautiously, and just as he began to consider the vocabulary that he responded to, Fafna spoke first.

"The process is insignificant, only the result is the most important-this is the motto of the empire. They have always acted according to this sentence. Whether they like it or not, there is nothing wrong with this sentence itself, and the empire that acts according to it also has considerable flexibility and elasticity."

Don't care about face and fictitious name, with actual results and results as the only goal. Therefore, not only is not bound by ethics, but also does not pay much attention to the eyes of others, the factors that can be called "obstacles" have been reduced by the first officer from the beginning ~www.readwn.com~ plus the organizational structure is based on efficient actions aims. Whether it is an emergency or daily operations, the Empire can respond quickly and correctly.

The empire is indeed flexible and efficient, but all the ideas, strategies, and tactics of the empire seek to achieve their goals by eliminating things that are harmful or harmful to themselves. There is no room for morality, ethics and public perception to intervene.

"Perhaps to become a powerful country that dominates the world, to be the presence above all people in the monarchy, but it must be so. But'at best, it is only a few people who have died, compared with the whole people, and the lives of the world, but it is insignificant A small handful of'This argument cannot be established anyway. Perhaps that is indeed reasonable and correct, but justification and normalization of atrocities cannot be refuted or concealed."

Fafna admits that there is "necessary evil" in the world, and that there is a dark or even brutal side in all countries or organizations, in order to deal with problems that cannot be solved with normal channels and means. Regardless of means and purpose, just as there is light there must be shadow, these dark sides have their existence and necessity. But shadow is shadow, darkness is darkness, and it will not become light because of its reasonable side.

The worst part of the empire is not its cruelty, but the justification of cruelty and mercilessness, and the beautification of various atrocities into "necessary measures to maintain order."

Evil is no longer evil, but a guarantee of order, and goodness accepted by the public. Humanity, independent thinking, independent consciousness, individuality-under the new order, they are all objects of ridicule and abandonment. No one is willing to be a unique self different from others. All people are like mass production parts that come down the assembly line, no personality There is no difference, only exists to maintain the new order.

The evil that deprives humanity and distorts the human heart-this is the root of the evil of the empire.

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