Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1753: 14. Yam Liza (22)

"Damn the old bastard! Throwing the water man! Drowning ghosts! Give me an early death!! Get a head in the hands of the imperial black tea boy!!"

The vicious curse exudes the smell of a defeated dog, and there is a little childishness in careful taste. If the curse is not the commander of the fortress, an army general, then the army, gendarmerie, and officer of Okrana on the spot are likely to be on the spot. laugh out loud. But since it was a big man who could not offend this barking dog, they could only tighten their faces and endure the process of facial muscles from unnatural convulsions to spasms.

Regardless of the position, no one will feel that Admiral Makarov is wrong. The front line was in full swing, and the army chief in charge of the fort defense actually came with a vote of the gendarmerie and the secret police to instigate the division and commit crimes. No matter which national standard is used for evaluation, this is an unheard of and scandalous scandal. The problem is that this is not a scandal in the Principality, but an established bureaucratic instinct, not even an underground rule.

The upper ranks of the Principality Army today—whether it is a field commander or a staff commander in charge at the rear, and that useful, useless, and inexplicable institution—has become a stubborn, surpassing, hello Hello everyone good large bureaucracy. And it is still a shameless bureaucracy, staring at others for mistakes all day long, thinking about how to trip others, and how to use others' mistakes to get more benefits... As for doing their own work, taking corresponding responsibilities some type of. "Avoiding responsibility" is the instinct of bureaucratic groups. It is too difficult for bureaucrats to take responsibility consciously and find errors.

Therefore, as General Sterncell, who can be used as a specimen of the "bureaucracy" species, it is impossible to admit that he made a mistake and said the wrong thing to the wrong object at the wrong time and in the wrong place. The Admiral of the Army can never make mistakes, only the world, and the **** admiral, Admiral Makarov.

Incidentally, drowning is the most miserable of many methods of death in the Orthodox teachings of the Principality, second only to suicide. Tethering hands and feet and drowning in the icy river to drown is the treatment that only sinful sinners can enjoy. Using "water throwers" to curse an admiral shows how much resentment is in the heart of His Excellency Strsell.

The goddess testified that if there was a chance to shoot a black gun behind the Admiral, Lord Strsell would never hesitate. But there is no such opportunity right now, even when the right admiral came out of the crowd-that was the peak of anger in Strsall's chest-he did not dare to put his impulse into practice , Not to mention this time.

Therefore, the Admiral of the Army can only scold, and use the same way to "arguing and losing the child" to vent the anger in my heart.

The general’s entourage, as well as the gendarmes and the Okrana system resident in the fortress, have a good understanding of the general’s personality and temperament. They knew very well that General General needed time to digest and resolve anger, and when the vent was over, everyone would be able to return to normal working procedures. Before that, everyone should slowly wait for the general to get angry.

The reason is simple, and the general's mentality is not incomprehensible, but such things as "emergency" never look at the atmosphere and timing.

"Your Mightiness."

The adjutant approached carefully.

"Emergency. A train from St. Petersburg is coming."

"Then let them hurry in and unload the goods!"

Strsell's tone was full of impatience, and there was a trace of doubt in the look of the adjutant in addition to full of unhappiness and anger.

Every day, a train full of various materials enters the fortress, unloads cargo and soldiers, carries wounded soldiers, mail, and equipment that must go to the rear for overhaul and return. The entry and exit of trains is nothing unusual for this place. Is it necessary to disturb yourself who is in a rage for such a trivial matter?

Obviously, Strsell was blindfolded by his anger, so that he was completely confused about the situation, and did not notice the various effects hidden behind the news.

Fortunately, although his lieutenant is not very good, he is qualified enough.

"The fortress is in a state of combat, Your Excellency."

Colonel Vasilyev lowered his voice.

"The traffic in the air or on the ground is cut off, and trains and floating carriers cannot enter."

"Damn it!"

Lord Strsell is not a pure idiot. Once reminded, he immediately understood the problem.

The fortress in the first-level combat state is on high alert, and the communication with the local area is also cut off. The reason why such regulations are formulated is mainly to avoid confusion and anti-spyware. In the position of Yamliza, the probability of encountering a siege warfare is not high, and the possibility of being destroyed by enemy armed spies is relatively high. On the other hand, even if spy damage can be ruled out, it is unrealistic to want to maintain the normal operation of the transportation system in the state of combat. Once an accident is triggered, it is likely to cause a chain reaction and paralyze the entire system.

This is a reasonable and clearly necessary order.

But it is an indisputable fact that it has obvious side effects.

Railway and air transportation are very sophisticated systems, and even a minute of change will cause huge ripples. The trouble of shutting down a place that bears the transportation hub and logistics storage and transit nodes for more than a day is enough to make the first-class copywriters and accountants feel collapsed. As for complaints, complaints, joint and several responsibilities caused by logistics delays, etc., It can only be described as "near disaster".

As a bureaucrat wearing military uniforms, of course, it is impossible for Lord Strsell to be diligent, let alone to face the annoying bunch of hands and tails.

In fact, the army general was originally a less assertive person, just like the vast majority of generals and bureaucrats in the Principality, accustomed to obey and mechanically execute orders from St. Petersburg instead of thinking by themselves. If there is no order from St. Petersburg, then they will rigidly implement the practices and systems.

It is for this reason that Admiral Makarov was extremely disgusted with the commander of the fortress and even dared to rebuke him in person.

But if the admiral knows his actions based on duty, responsibility, and sense of honor, it will actually promote the Admiral Strsell Army’s crazy behavior that he will not do with his ten guts. The old man will What do you think?

"Let the train come in."

There was a hint of revenge in Strsell's voice, and a little thief-like timidity.

"We can't let the train wait outside to take risks, as long as a stray bullet, all the above materials will be reimbursed."


Colonel Vasilyev straightened his back. After a second, he hesitated and asked:

"Do you want to check first? Just the Navy..."

"Let the navy go to hell!!"

The furious general of the army sprayed the adjutant's face with saliva, and his grim twisted face almost touched Vasilyev's nose.

"Colonel! Don't forget who your adjutant is, whoever has the final say here! I will say it again, let the navy go to hell!!!"

"Follow the order! Sir! I will do it!!!"

The terrified Colonel Vasilyev fled away, and the rest of the people lowered their heads under the pressure of Strsell's murderous eyes, and everyone closed their mouths.

——It was finally quiet.

With a very happy sigh, Admiral Strsell walked to his office, and some officers with sharp ears heard the Admiral humming the tone of "Farewell March for Women of the Principality".


If you want to overlook Yamliza stronghold from the sky, you will see a multi-layered fortress entrenched in the dense railway network. The protective facilities peeled off one after another, only looking at the functional facilities, can be roughly divided into three layers. The uppermost layer is the air traffic control center and the watchtower, followed by the airport and air transport logistics system, and the lowest layer is the railway and highway dispatching and transshipment facilities.

A train bearing the Romanov double-headed eagle eagle emblem blew the whistle into the station platform, and white steam spewed out from the pressure relief valve ~ www.readwn.com ~ The steam and mist wrapped the station platform and the locomotive.

Lieutenant Yegrev, the head of security at Okrana's train station, walked to the slowly stopped train with a stern expression, followed by several men wearing large blue caps.

Lieutenant Yegrev is proud of his work. Everyone knows that the Yamliza stronghold is related to the outcome of this war. For spy agents in various countries, especially the spoilers from Lapland, this place has a fatal temptation. In order to infiltrate this treasure trove, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have racked their brains, and facing the endless brain holes, Okrana, who specializes in anti-terrorism and spy prevention, can't help it.

So Lieutenant Yegrev has always maintained a high degree of vigilance, as long as there is nothing suspicious, he will not let the other party enter.

The steam had not completely dissipated, and several men had jumped off the train and began unloading.

"Wait a minute, please let us inspect the goods before unloading!"

Yegrev waved the form and shouted to a lieutenant officer who was in charge of the loading and unloading operations of the crew.

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

I don't know if the train station's voice was too noisy, or I took the train all the way. The noise was seriously affected by the noise. The lieutenant with a playful smile made a gesture next to his ear and asked a question.

"I'm saying that inspections must be carried out first, and the unloading can only be carried out after the inspection and handover! Are you working for the first time?!"

"You're complaining to us, we're also very embarrassed. The old men above only told me that they must unload things to the Yarmiza stronghold at this time today. I don't want to lose my head yet."

"What's in the carriage?"

"Oh, it's a full set of terrorists."

A not so funny joke made Lieutenant Yegrev frown.

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