Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1756: Fifteen. Aphrodite (1)

Battlecruisers, pocket battleships, cruiser killers, and other names, but essentially the same battleship, the core idea is not to be used as a large fleet with battleships equipped with the same caliber main gun, to play the battle together The line is booming. This will not only seriously deviate from its original intention, but also expose its fatal protection weaknesses.

The core mission of all battleship-level main gun designs installed on cruiser hulls is nothing more than to engage in squad attack or anti-squad attack, that is, to fight around the maritime traffic line. At the beginning of its design, the opponents envisaged were basically enemy cruisers or auxiliary cruisers, which relied on the same or even faster speeds. Such warships could easily be put on active main cruisers, while battleship-level firepower could kill opponents.

The positioning given by the designers is clear, but they overlooked a simple fact: when actually formulating the combat plan, the staff always tried to strengthen the firepower of the fleet. The firepower of the battlecruiser was an irresistible temptation. It is even more unbearable to waste a battleship with battleship-level firepower. So in the end, no matter whether it is sensible or not, the staff will definitely put the fragile battlecruiser into the battleship battle line formation, and let these eggs fight with the sledgehammer.

"With the success of the Parsifal Fleet, they will be more straightforward, and they might even come up with a sentence, "The Parsifal Fleet can win in the case of a number of warships and artillery calibers that are far inferior to their opponents. Good conditions, there is no justification for not winning'."

Facing Anlietta's harsh comment, Marseille nodded bitterly.

Once the staff who are keen on the decisive battle of the fleet open their brains, even if they pull out the warships of the world, they can't drag this group of people out of the horns. If combined with the fear of imperial military power and the impetuous impatience of developing armaments, it is not difficult to meet, and a wave of large-scale battlecruisers will be blown across the world for some time to come.

Only the Republic and the Empire will not join it.

The Republic has no ability and does not want to burn money on this expensive and useless toy, while the Empire is limited by treaties and has a clearer and more forward-looking arms development plan.

To put it more bluntly, the two countries are actually not optimistic about the development potential of the battleship cruiser, an emerging ship class.

The designers of the two countries clearly realized after the last war that the traditional big ship artillery has actually reached a dead end. No matter how much artillery performance and armor protection is strengthened, it is impossible to have a large artillery battleship with stronger firepower and more complete protection than Iselon turret. Even the allegedly invulnerable Iselin Fort is extremely fragile in the face of mobile and flexible enemy assault forces, so there is no reason to think that MDS, MA and combat boats should be separated by the same or more numbers. Will the warship not be sunk when the large, fragile battleship with a weaker turret than Ijssellun launches an uninterrupted omnidirectional wave-shaped three-dimensional attack?

Looking at it from another angle, the Iselon Fort and the giant electromagnetic gun inside the fort are certainly daunting terrorist weapons. Even when launching conventional high-explosive bombs, they faced the seven tons of iron tuots that could not be intercepted and when they fell from the sky. Fang really seemed helpless, and he could only lift this threat by organizing such methods as the Death Squad. When it launches weapons of mass destruction, all targets within range will be shrouded in death threats. But the problem is the same thing. Large strategic bombers are also capable. Large-scale guided rocket technology continues to develop as well as it is capable, and the cost performance is much higher than the fortress gun. From a purely cost-effective point of view, the big ship artillery has lost to large bombers and long-range guided rockets. If the advantages of flexible deployment of the latter two are also taken into consideration, the large ship cannons are really unnecessary.

The last and most important point is that large cruisers such as battlecruisers equipped with battleship main guns are selling power and firepower. But search ability and protection ability are their inherent weaknesses. Once the whereabouts are exposed, don’t say that the other party mobilizes the main fleet to pursue and intercept, that is, to dispatch the carrier aircraft or conventional cruiser, as long as the number is sufficient and the tactics are correct, it is enough to make these crispy skins The battlecruiser turned into a pile of burning scrap iron.

Battlecruisers have no future, and they really have a long-term vision, enough to understand that the countries and the army where the future equipment development flows will not waste energy and time on this big and unjust thing.

However, the fact that battlecruisers have no future does not mean that the large ships and giant guns themselves will disappear immediately. In fact, battleships with heavy artillery still occupy an important position in the secret armament research and development plan of the Republic and the Empire. However, the H-class standardized battleship of the Empire and the Dunkirk-class and Richelieu-class battleships of the Republic are all high-speed battleships that serve as a platform for fleet air defense and heavy fire output. Its main business is no longer to seize control of the sea by decisive battle against the bombing fleet, but to exist as a heavy frigate and heavy gunship in the special carrier fleet, and it is no longer the core of the entire fleet.

"To be honest, everyone is too concerned about the decisive battle of the fleet, but ignores the really important things hidden in this battle, which makes me feel more creepy than the magician's talent."

Marseille's sigh unsurprisingly resonated with the two companions.

It is true that Parsifal almost sublimated the war to the level of almost art, and his ability to use any standard to evaluate it would be worthy of the honorary title of "famous general". But in the eyes of Marseilles and their people who have a deep knowledge of the empire, Parsifal is not so much a "conducting artist" but rather an "artist who comprehensively uses intelligence." And this victory is not so much a victory in Lapland as it is a victory of the imperial technology and intelligence system against the Principality.

There is no exaggeration or misjudgment.

All of Parsifal’s actions were based on various technologies and intelligence provided by the empire, and on this basis, they were realized through various rational combinations.

Weather forecast, movement of the Principality Army, detailed information of the generals, internal situation of the Principality, ship performance data, train timetable, warehouse distribution... Without this series of detailed information, Parsifal will launch a similar direction even in the end He had never been confident in his combat plan, let alone outspoken the public, and carried out what seemed like a crazy battle to the end.

As for the technical advantage, it was more obvious in the battle of Yamliza. Ship maneuverability, high-performance rapid-fire guns, plankton mines, communication systems, navigation and detection systems that can penetrate dense fog and night...In general, they are weapons that have appeared and invested in the last war. However, in the face of the “outdated” technology of the empire, the Principality, which has been preliminarily modernized, is still beaten with teeth, which is really frightening.

You have to know that Lapland can only achieve such results by using a small amount of the obsolete technical equipment of the empire. In the future, if there is a war with the empire, the empire will inevitably invest more in quality and quantity than the current technical equipment. What will happen then? ?

Marseille and the girls know that future, and to some extent have already experienced that future.

That is, the unmanned combat machine headed by the "Legion" crosses the battlefield, and mechanical undead crushes the future of all opponents.

"If the Principality's opponents are replaced by empire, it will probably directly let the "Legion" go all the way, and after the thorough suppression of the Principality, let the Principality's land be the rear of the mass production "Legion". Large-scale legions suppress the remaining opponents. In this way, the world is unified, everything is in the empire, and the emperor is long lived, long lived. Good luck, good luck, good luck."

Louis's tone seemed to be an awkward child, but she said nothing wrong.

The principality of the Principality is its huge human resources and vast territory. Any aggressive army will be diluted by its land area. In order to maintain the supply line, it has to disperse its forces. Until the supply line cannot be maintained at last, the Principality will build up again. The huge reserve corps defeated the enemy in one fell swoop.

This is a very simple and practical strategy that has always helped the Principality win the final victory. But this strategy cannot play a role in the face of the Empire and the "Legion".

Through perennial trade and infiltration, the empire has long been in control of most of the principality's internal affairs. Political ecology, ruling structure, geographical features, transportation network, resource distribution, ethnic grouping... Almost everything, the empire has control. The activity of the Parsifal fleet this time relied on detailed information provided by the intelligence system. The opaque intelligence that the Principality relied on in the past was useless to the empire.

Another fatal problem is the "Legion".

Although the "Legion" does not need to eat, drink or rest, the maintenance of the body and the supply of ammunition still rely on logistics. With the national strength of the empire, it is not difficult to build an unmanned field production and maintenance factory on the front line, assemble various components delivered from the rear into a new body, repair and recover the war-damaged body, and so on. They can definitely fight steadily and gradually expand the occupied area. On the other hand, "Legion" takes only a few months from production, transportation, assembly, and put into use, and a child needs at least twelve years from birth to carrying a gun on the battlefield. With this trade-off, the Principality's population advantage will soon be consumed.

"Do not."

The expression retreated from Marseille's face, even with the temperature in the words.

"I am afraid that the Principality has collapsed before that stage."

"Yeah, given the intelligence advantage and mastery of the air, why is there any reason to go through it step by step? Direct attacks on industrial towns, barn strips, and transportation lines will do. There is not enough food and other living supplies. To feed so many people, without the Empire sending people to fan the flames, the Principality itself will collapse due to internal riots. Later, whether to do a close look, or split the Principality into several political entities, to maintain them under a certain balance of power Killing each other depends on the mood of the empire."

Louise answered honestly.

The targeted collapse of a country caused a complete collapse of the country-this idea ~ www.readwn.com ~ was not in the previous war. Although it is still an easy way to say, it is indeed slightly more realistic than the traditional siege. Much more plans. In terms of fundamental goals, it is actually in line with the empire's consistent theory of total war and unrestricted war.

But the bitter chills that Louise, Anlieta and Marseille felt at this moment did not stem from the rationality of this plan.

What really makes them feel scared from the bones is that this plan is equally applicable to any country.

Overall nation, overall country, overall war.

At this moment, the young girls deeply understood the meaning of the overall war program, and at the same time they understood another simple fact.

"If not for the purpose of fully occupying the other's territory, destroying the administration, and establishing a traditional imperialist war with direct rule as the goal. Instead, we will assume the situation we just assumed, through a series of public opinion operations, infiltration of propaganda, by inciting street violence and limited The combination of military strikes promotes the change of regimes in other countries under the name of “legitimate and justice.” Change into a pro-imperial government, support puppet regimes, and then hand over national resources and economic and livelihoods to the empire. The empire monopoly capital directly controls the country If the new imperialist war with economic and political goals as the goal..."

"I'm afraid the empire is actually preparing for war faster than we thought."

Swallowing, Marseille said to the serious girls:

"Perhaps we should write our hypothesis into a report, and submit it with the observation report of this war, let the Republic of the country pay attention to whether the empire has this trend."

Marseilles and the girls who nodded their heads hardly thought that their guess was so correct, and that the Empire had already begun experimenting with this new form of war.

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