Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1778: Fifteen. Aphrodite (22)

Humans have human restraint.

If you only do the optimization option, the machine can do it; you only know how to eat, drink, sleep, and animals; you only know that weak meat and strong food are no different from beasts.

Humans are indeed humble and filthy. In many cases, beasts are more kind and upright than humans.

Man is not a beast.

Because it is not a beast, it is so simple and ugly.

But even so, even if there is more dross in the crowd than scavengers, even if the whole population is full of all kinds of pollution, even if the world is full of decent clothes and beasts. There is still restraint, kindness, strongness, open-mindedness among human beings-these are more beautiful than the sun.

"Because there are ninety-nine people who are not good to you, but the remaining one is still willing to reach out to you and willing to stand up for you. Do you still want to deny everyone including that one? Because I have a plan for you, because self-satisfaction saves people, so I can deny the fact that that person saved you?! Who stipulates that saving people must come from pure good will? Who decides that everyone must become as holy as a saint Unwanted person? Only the extremely self-centered, who thinks that the world must be unconditional to treat themselves, and the whole world must surround themselves with the stinking ghost who would think so! Just like you! Jerez, you are nothing but Just give me sweets, don’t give toys, weeping, messing with things!"

Everything outside of yourself is meaningless, and does not require a companion, or a partner or offspring. I just want to do whatever I want, I just want to rule out those who will accuse me, and those who are different from myself. The excessive self-consciousness of "only oneself is special" is extremely inflated, forcibly positioning itself as a god, and rationalizing all of his atrocities-this is the final symptom of serious sin "jealousy".

No matter how powerful it is, how eloquent the theory can be, its essence is still very similar to that of Volgrewo-they are giant babies who hysterically make no noise.

"You are right, no matter how you choose, in the end, it may be an unsatisfactory result. But ah, even if you choose between countless hells, people will think about choosing a better hell. Joining you The result can only be a choice among several hells that are more sinister than the future created by Li Lin."

Working with Geralds is indeed a great help to the revolution. In the almost desperate confrontation with Li Lin, even such a dangerous and uncertain help is commendable. It should be reasonable to say that at this time, you should no longer be concerned about the level of morality, the right or wrong of ethics, whether it is a **** or a demon. Well, as long as the power can be used, all should be used.


Unscrupulous is really easy and simple, as long as you abandon restraint and dignity and reduce yourself to a level that is not as good as beasts. It's like trying to enjoy three meals a day without working, deliberately driving to the primary school students, and crushing the children one by one, just to become a scum for the death row; it's like trying to swindle money and frame up the primary school students. Elder villains; another example is stealing the property of employers, in order to restore trust, self-directed arson, and the gambler nanny who burned the hostess and children to death;

As long as people give up the constraints of morality and ethics and live only to satisfy themselves, all kinds of inferior and vicious things can be done.

Do something for a sacred purpose.

There is no unscrupulous means of purpose and reason.

There is no difference between the two.

In order not to be reduced to the point where even the beasts are, to live in the cruel world, and to be able to earnestly obtain happiness without relying on dirty methods, people will tirelessly seek the right way and restrain self.

Everything gained by unscrupulous practices will eventually be lost because of unscrupulous methods. Only by exploring the right way, enduring trials, and accumulating experience can we truly endure, and even eternal.

"Right way? Happiness? Eternity? You are too naive."

Gerles's laughter was deeper than the darkness, like the dead man crawling out of the mud.

"Naive, naive! Your opponent is that Li Lin! Even with my help, I don't know if I can win it! By the right way, by morality, by intelligent life, I can defeat the empire? Down Li Lin. ?Build a good world?! Then what were they doing before?! Based on these wastes that have done nothing until now? What can they do besides incompetent anger and afterwards pushing you to the top? What are you doing masochistic? Do you think Is it pleasant and great to be betrayed by the public?!"

"What people want to do, even if they do!"

The clumps that had lingered on the chest for a long time turned into a roar.

"Right or wrong! The people have their own knowledge, their own judgment, their own judgment, and their chosen powers and obligations!"

Why can't you trust others?

Because everyone always makes mistakes?

Because everyone is actually weak?


He certainly cannot achieve the point of not refusing anyone who comes, but Roland believes that even if it is inconvenient, even if there are various problems, it should have expectations and trust in the consciousness and growth of the people. .

"It doesn't matter if you are betrayed. It just makes me betrayed by someone who betrayed me. It won't hurt me a little bit. At least it's better than me to betray others, and I'm going to be a mean villain myself."

"You must also live by betraying others! In this **** called ‘living’, you are just one of the many demons! The devil who betrayed others to make yourself alive!”

"I won't! I don't want to be a mean villain, nor a devil's accomplice!"

Being forced to a desperate situation, no one is friendly to himself, so he refused others with integrity. Justified as a reason to abandon people who are friendly to themselves? Can't the other party trust unless the other party has 100% goodwill? If others are not good to themselves, can they not be good to others?

"...That's not the case."

Whether you believe in others and whether others will betray you are two things. Just as there is no necessary connection between being good to others and being good to others.

Even if there is only one person in this vast world, there is only one person alone in this vast world. No one is willing to help, no one is willing to comfort, and it cannot be a reason for distrusting others, behaving badly, leaving others away, or even harming others.

Gerles's laughter became sharp and piercing, and the nervous and mad laughter continued to echo.

"People cannot stand still."

Roland held the hilt.

That's not a big reason, not for the near-empty goal of everyone in the world.

It has nothing to do with the world and other people. He wants to be brave, he can raise his head and live alive, and can move forward from the darkness that is constantly on the spot.

"I want to move forward and be with other people."

"you will die."

The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Go to death! Homeless, no one missed, deceived, and died worthless like straw!"

"I don't want to die."

There is always a death, and no one can escape death.

But for Roland, it must not die here now.

If he dies now, he will always be a stupid and mean little devil, evading himself and the heavy destiny he should face with death, and using death to appease such a self. It is easy to brand a brand with no value in life, but he is not allowed to escape in this way.

He must move forward.

"You die! Starve to death, exhausted, kill yourself!"

The irritated darkness turned into black smoke that was visible to the naked eye and wrapped around Jerez's body. The Moonlight Sonata had somehow ended. The moonlight also dimmed. The breath of the beast and the roar of anger entangled.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to cooperate! I will unload you from this and slowly unearth the treasure from your brain! You will spit blood on me and pray that you can die soon, and regret why you refused me 'S invitation!"

He was completely mad.

Even if he has the ability to "read the mind", even if the conditions are complete, he can safely and deeply synchronize with the target, he can not read anything from the dead brain. Speaking of such flawed words can only prove that he has completely failed, and the unfavorable "reading mind" is useless in a human being.

The most important thing for Geralds now is not to search for secrets from Roland, but to completely wipe out the human being in front of him~www.readwn.com~Use blood to soothe the injured self-esteem and calm the boiling anger.

This confusion of purpose and means, and the abnormality of means to replace the purpose is the sign of the seven deadly sins.

He is not human after all.

Even if he has the appearance of a human being, he can speak human language, and can use human theory to debate, but he is an abnormal monster in his bones.

The black smoke gradually dissipated, wearing a smooth shell, without eyes and mouth, and the majestic two-legged beast stood in front of Roland.

This is Gerald's second form.

Compared with other members of the seven deadly sins who are often tens of meters in size and hundreds or thousands of meters in size, which is not uncommon, Jerez, who is 2.5 meters tall, is called "petite." But the sense of oppression emanating from him far exceeded the members of the "Seven Deadly Sins" who had dealt with Roland.

(This is the strength of the second place, it is stronger than the fusion of Glatoni and Slos. Wait... that is...)

"You finally noticed."

Gerles pointed proudly at the top of his head, where there was an extra thing that did not exist on him.

It's a horn, like a goat's horn.

Similar things, Roland had seen it once.

"Rabbit horn..."

"Yes, it was De Kiel's rabbit horns. By fusing his core fragments, not only did I become stronger, his ability was also laughed."

The members of the "seven deadly sins" have an ability that is only available to colleagues, that is, "integration ability". Through the integration of the core of the companion, enhance your own strength and acquire the ability of the other party. It was after the defeat of De Geel that Gerles acquired his core fragments, and after absorbing and merging, he gained a large amount of power.

"After the fusion, to what extent my strength has increased, I will use you to test it."

The moment the words fell, centered on Gerles, the torrential rain of the particle beam burst apart.

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