Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1781: Fifteen. Aphrodite (24)

"Lost to mankind? "The Seven Deadly Sins" ranks second in me? Do you think that the same thing will happen if the world is reversed?!"

"Turning the impossible into the possible is not God's prerogative."

The young man holding the sword replied coldly:

"Don't underestimate human perseverance and hard work-that guy should have said such things, take his advice as a deaf ear, and of course you will suffer."

Li Lin has never said that he will "get serious", and he will go all out and take it seriously in the face of any opponent at any time.

It is not polite to respect the opponent, nor is it due to character.

When holding overly powerful forces, carelessness will inevitably cause irreversible disasters. On the other hand, Li Lin will not underestimate or overestimate human beings. He always views human beings with the correct eyes.

Compared with the cautious creator, the attitude of "seven sins" toward human opponents is "polite" criticism. This group of guys have never regarded humans as "adversaries".

This is not surprising.

Humans do not treat ants as opponents. Even if they are bitten by a mosquito and blocked by a group of ants and cockroaches, they think of finding insecticides or calling insecticide companies. No one will put ants on the right. Waiting for the status, fighting with respect and hostility.

Expelling pests indifferently — this is the attitude of the “seven deadly sins” towards humans.

With the power they hold, there seems to be nothing wrong with this attitude. Not to mention the second form, the “seven deadly sins” of the first form also have an overwhelming advantage for human beings. It is a strange thing to treat humans cautiously.

But humans are not ants, they will not keep silent about the unreasonable pressure on their heads.

The history of mankind is a history of coexistence and confrontation with nature. In order to survive in cruel nature, they continue to accumulate and make progress, and coexist and fight with nature persistently. Even in the face of brutal and ruthless natural disasters, they have been trying to prevent and reduce the damage caused by natural disasters.

In the time span of millions of years, human beings have not yet succumbed to various natural disasters, and they are constantly working hard and progressing. In the face of a guy who acts as a natural disaster and imposes his maliciousness on others, there is no reason for humans to flinch.

Compared with human perseverance and hard work, what is the "seven deadly sins"?

"Have you ever practiced sword wielding until you have been ecstasy?"


"Did you succumb to your inability to learn from your opponents and friends and learn from your deficiencies?"


"Have you ever won the recognition of others because of your progress, and your efforts can benefit others, so happy that you cried out loud?"


"How could there be?"

The raised face is smiling.

Fearless, but also a grieving smile.

"Too invincible is really not a good thing, there is no goal to chase, and there is no direction to move forward. Just thinking about the feeling of being indifferent, I just want to say'forgive me'. What's worse is that you guys The power you hold is not obtained through hard work and research, which also determines that your "seven deadly sins" cannot think about the issue of "promoting yourself."

The power of "Seven Deadly Sins" all comes from Li Lin.

No effort, no exercise, let alone study, they were born so powerful.

Because of this, they will not try to challenge their own limits like human beings, and constantly put themselves on the edge of life and death to seek breakthroughs, which is basically necessary for them.

As for Volgrevo and Jerez, who are willing to challenge Li Lin, they are also just waiting for opportunities. "Work hard to surpass Li Lin in the end" was not among their options from the beginning, because they knew better than anyone else, but it was just useless.

High is not successful, low is not, just the power given is led by the nose-this is the true portrayal of the "seven deadly sins".

"Your ability is to hide the body into a space composed of non-existent numbers-'imaginary space', and then create a projection in the real space, on the one hand, to shape'fight against three unreachable enemies at the same time 'The feeling of putting pressure on the other party, on the other hand, uses three projections as a springboard to interfere with the real world and create a plasma ball to attack the opponent."

The capabilities of Gerus and Gretel are actually very similar.

Both sides hide the core ontology into a different space, and then attack the opponent by observing and creating a projection in the real space. The difference between the two is that Greet turns energy into matter to attack enemies through other people's observations. Gerles uses his own observations to create phantoms and output energy to launch attacks.

Because of his experience with Greet, Roland can quickly see through Gerles' tricks.

It is one thing to see through, but it is another to fight back.

Unlike Gretel at that time, Geralds did not leave a passage open for people to enter and leave. Even if he knows that he is observing the world through shadows, physical attacks will not have any effect on phantoms, and it is even less likely to cross the wall of space and attack Gerus hiding in the "imaginary space".

......As usual, it should be like this.

Roland did it.

Not only did he touch Geralds, he almost cut off his head.


This is something that humans in this world cannot do anyway.

Not to mention the flesh and blood, it is impossible to do it by magical power.

What is an imaginary number, what is a non-existent number, what is the space constructed with non-existent numbers, and where does it exist~www.readwn.com~How to get there, how to return, how to get in the imaginary space that Jerez is familiar with Observe and locate it internally, and then launch an attack on it—theoretically, there are more problems in the theoretical part, not to mention practice.

But Roland did it, only a little bit less, and Geralds would head down.

All the aforementioned problems are crossed, and the clashes that are exhibited are barely noticeable.

There is only one way to do this.

"External perceptual attack through different space..."

"Yes, it's the same stunt as when they joined forces with Slos and Guratoni."

The only two-person combination in "Seven Deadly Sins": "Slack" Sloss, "Gluttonous" Guratoni, they can control the space when they jointly attack, create "doors" and "passages", and send objects to Somewhere, or the object is cut in two. Such a haunted attack is simply unpredictable, and the opponent cannot resist it.

Roland's attack method is roughly similar to this, sending the blade into the space channel of different degrees to launch an attack on Gerus.

This is the only plausible explanation.

But it is still impossible to justify it.

Again, how can human beings cross the absolute limit? Even with the blessing of magic power, how can the human brain calculate all parameters including a large number of chaotic realms in one instant, and then accurately hit? This is no longer a level of information that the human brain can handle. Looking at the world, only the adult belongs to this field.

No matter what kind of genius Roland is, he alone depends on--

A flash of lightning flashed over Jerez's eyebrows, and a flash of aura revealed a realm he had never thought of before and never dared to think about.


After a short period of confusion and confusion, the air around Gerus swayed violently with ecstasy.

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