Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 64: Twenty-seven. Noble decision (4)

"In return, we pay. Your little wishes will be fulfilled. This is my commitment to you."

  In some legends, the demons inhabiting the dark abyss will respond to the humans who made their wishes.

   "The matter of revenge, the revitalization of the family, the establishment of a new system-on the premise of not affecting the overall interest coordination, the final stage will be achieved. In contrast, everything that destroys an earl in the district is just a small matter."

   All human desires belong to [insignificant] in the eyes of the devil. The devil sends temptation to the wisher with a contemptuous and arrogant smile.

"The Earl’s accumulated wealth, status, reputation and even collection of books-of course, there is no genuine concept camouflage, all this will be yours. Step on the enemy’s first level, taste the plunder of the guy who plundered you in the past Stimulation, using this as a step, is not impossible to climb to a higher position."

   [Make a wish, begging my generation rather than the gods of faith such as Ru. All kinds of unspeakable desires will be realized for you. You only need to pay a small price. 】

   "So-are you ready to make a contract? [Count Sade]."

   There is no free lunch, no free loan, what the humans who wish to the devil will finally pay.

  Inexplicable excitement, bizarre embarrassment, credibility and unbelief.

   The short time for decision soon came to an end, and the unhesitating answer came out of Sade’s mouth:

   "Happy to help you."

Life was destroyed and eroded by the concept of highly toxic concealed under knowledge. In the process of confusing the underground society, the other party was neatly observing the damage caused by the wrong magic concept to the practitioner, collecting relevant information to improve his skills, In the end, unable to discover the value that could be used, he induced himself through the black market agent Monet and allowed Li Lin and his party, who might disrupt the black market **** system, to consume each other, and then the second ancestor appeared when both parties were exhausted. Eliminate all hidden dangers and earn merits.

  The Earl should be very happy when doing the above behavior, and think that this is just a trivial matter. But just like Li Lin said to him-[come out and get back sooner or later]. The count also faced the problem of repayment.

   This must be, if not, Sade can only consider some extreme measures. For example, at the cost of life [same assaulted meatball attack] Shenma...

   By contrast, servicing Li Lin's life is just a relatively hard job, but the benefits obtained are full and considerable.

  Reason for rejection-[does not exist].

Suddenly revenge fanaticism and paranoia invade the thinking circuit, and Sade, who failed to take a step back to review the transaction, made a contract, and the flash of the devil contract story in his brain failed to recall to the final part, the final end of the contracted human being It was not recalled.

  The wish will come true, and the red-eyed boy will indeed accept the payment named "Soul".

   Li Lin’s smile and the legendary evil face of the ancient legend overlapped for no reason. The vague phantom that reflected human nature flashed in the brain, and the trembling paralysis swam through Sade.

  The teenager raised his right hand, and from the washing to the white sleeve, the shiny crystal feathers came out. Without wings and without relying on Mana to construct [hovering], the crystal-like rhombus of the technique depicts a bird-like flexible glide trajectory, and quietly falls into the palm of Sade’s unconscious unfolding, which will not burn the human body. Weave the image again.

   "Don't stretch yourself too tight, Mr. Sade. The work is hard, but in the end we can always have fun from it."

Crossed fingers cover the face of people underneath, and can't see what kind of expression Li Lin is putting. The instinct that the role of life as a bet for many times tells Sad that it must be as fascinating as the new moon. A fearful smile.


   "You seem to be in a good mood, sir."

   Refill the tea cup with a slightly sweet drink filled with honey, and put a vase of black lilies on the desk. Niederhogg stood beside Li Lin again. The staring eyes stared at the cold face without a smile and the shoulders that never relaxed.

  Strategic situation of strong enemies, internal of unsettled hidden factors, huge expenditures, construction of armed forces... What a thin and thin young shoulder has to bear is enough to drive a normal wisdom kind of crazy.

   But this weight is only a handful of the ultimate goal of [changing the world], only to bear the weight of the world can complete that magnificent ambition.

   Take care of Li Lin's life, and put a timid girl-like black-purple flower beside the tired prince—bystanders may think these trivial matters are too humble and boring, and Niederhogger holds a completely opposite view. Serving the supernormal existence, sharing some of the hard work for it, and bringing the young black dragon a sense of responsibility and honor.

   The supernatural in the eyes of dragons, humans, and elves and [happy] in the mouth of Niederhogger are difficult to coordinate in one place. The calm and expressionless face is said to be easier to accept as a statue.

   "A little curious."

  The sculpture infuriated, and the corner of the mouth pulled out an arc of no goodwill.

"When and under what circumstances did the ancestors of the Earl's family think of using "concept camouflage"? From the perspective of the performance of this generation of Earl Araton Raton, it is really difficult to imagine such an outstanding genius. Ancestors."

  The mocking, teasing breath evaporates into the air with negligible heat. The tip of the tongue delivers a sweet stimulus that is refreshing and does not feel excessive and greasy. After referring to the body health management index, the tea drink is accurate to the milliliter and is delivered into the body.

"The ancestors are too good, and the offspring are assholes. This is normal. [Conceptual camouflage] ... The family secrets of the family of secrets that change the technique will actually use the advanced secrets of the operation department as protection measures. Cautiousness is almost like Announce [there is an untold mystery here]."

Guys who are too cautious and think too much are prone to make similar mistakes. If they have heard the story of silver, burial ground, and small notes, the situation will be slightly better, but maybe they know similar stories, but they will still not change. Own approach. The same thing that can be used as a joke is always repeated.

   Heilongjing, who had learned a little bit of observation and observation skills, listened to Tucao, and the vulgar behavior that did not understand pretending to interject casually subsided slowly on Nidhogg who was determined to become a qualified adjutant, and the doubts Li Lin pointed out were being digested by him.

  Dragons are generally good at attacking styles of change system and strengthening system. They are less involved in operating system styles, but they are not incomprehensible. Even at a young age, most human magicians in front of Niederhogger are at best small heads. In terms of the concept of cross-system magic knowledge, long-lived dragons with long-lasting knowledge and memory have a unique congenital Advantage.

[Conceptual Disguise] is a high-level operation style of the operation system, which has the characteristics of [attach designated objects]. Generally, it does not directly affect the clear operation object. Through the accumulation of operation style fragments, different characteristics are given to the release object-it is more like speaking It is a passively triggered magic trap.

   The principle of this operation is based on mental level operations such as psychological suggestion and physical manifestation of mental influence. The effects range from boosting appetite and promoting sleep to treating trauma.

   Sade was exposed to the negative application form of "concept of disguise", which is considered a relatively bad anti-theft measure,

Use specific cues-text arrangement, color distribution, hidden graphics, etc. Traps in the mind of the guy who reads the secret code but does not know the hidden dangers gradually build a mental control technique, gradually eroding the other party’s thinking, and eventually the victim will become a Obedient walking dead.

  Whether from the perspective of anti-theft or confidentiality. It is really exaggerated to achieve this level. What’s even more incredible is which seven-winged Earl’s ancestor is so busy that he needs to add security measures to another family of high-level magicians to pass on the heirloom? And a series of unnatural actions by Count Agen Torraton stocking and observing Sade even made Niederhog smell of conspiracy.

   "It is not necessary to delve too deeply into this issue at this moment. Compared with the war to be started, guessing the intentions of others, conjecture conspiracy theories, etc. are not even minor matters."

   The red eyes looked at the twilight outside the window, and the refreshing night that was half similar to the filthy atmosphere occasionally peeked from the reinforced narrow window of the living room in the past could see the brilliant stars. Rotate into the shadow side of the scenery and cold light bathed in the beautiful young man who lacks a certain part.

   The starry sky itself does not have any sentimental colors. The information that the intelligent species sees, hears, and touches will be contaminated with their own ideas and colors, and then the modified words will be spread in the social system to which they belong.

  ——Excessive behavior.

  Nid Hogmer silently stood beside the picturesque scenery, his pupils reflected the easy boy bathing in the moonlight. Condemned the guys who sorted out the words and praised the moonlight night scene. Since the cockroaches, who wrote a poem for Wenhao, have seen this figure in the moonlight indifferently, haven't they witnessed the figure of the king of boarding destiny?


In front of the count, there were neat gold coins, and the ten large columns of Ecuy were like elite soldiers waiting to be read by the master's burning eyes and coercion.

   Too hot a sight is neither self-confidence nor arrogance, but a combination of negative emotions.

   The fifteenth generation Earl Torraton lost his disdainful and enjoyable appearance when he admired the gold coins in the past. He was very frustrated and annoyed. The surrounding Mana was activated by the emotional fluctuations, and the turbulent turbulence continued in the room.

  Losing a lot of money is destined to make a mentally normal man have some bad ideas, among which murder and suicide are the two most extreme options. Specific to Lord Earl, it became a strong impulse to burn a piece of land and the residents above it so that no **** remained.

  If the amount of the loss is greater, he will definitely do it.

The number of blackmailed gold coins is still above the tolerance line, and the count can finally suppress the strong impulse that would endanger innocent people, instead of putting it into practice. This is the luck of those who are free from impunity, and the misfortune of the Earl with nowhere to go. www.readwn.com The headless flies search is useless except to make the Earl's territory troublesome. The Earl, who knew the inside, stopped the knights in the castle almost violently, preparing to attack the king's special envoy. He gritted his teeth and waited for the bald-headed baron to find out the price of his house.

  After paying the [sealing fee], the special envoy returned to Wangdu to report the investigation results. Wang Ting's document to refute rumors to the parties around Agen Toratong-adding them together would take no less than a month and a half. During this time, the Earl could only stay in the castle and wait for the outcome of the negotiations of all forces, as did his men.

   Patience is a valuable virtue. Not many people possess this good virtue. The earl belongs to the majority, but he is convinced that the temporary payment of money, time, energy, etc. will be worth the money or even exceeded.

   "Occupy the valley and control those gold mines...!!!!!!!!!"

   The snake-like greed screamed as the serpent entwined the earl's brain.


   small theater time

   Brunshill: It's red eyes and a contract. What does Master Li Lin want to do?

  Li Lin: The other party is not a girl, so it’s boring to make a contract with such an old man...

  Bren Hill: B...Is it OK?

  Li Lin: Not everyone can do it. Some readers like it from Yu Jie, while some like it from poor breasts.

  Bren Hill: What a gentleman...


  PS: Thank you for your strong support in voting. The character settings will be updated later. Please try your best to thank you. Thank you!


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