Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 81: Thirty-two. Here we come (1)

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   The city of Argentola is covered by an incredible atmosphere.

  The residents and outsiders in the city both have doubts about the status quo that are incomprehensible to varying degrees. It is only because of fears, worries, confusion, etc. that they have not blurted out the doubts.

  Want to get the answer but worry about the unpredictable consequences and side effects, and the calm face that comes and goes is full of worries about gains and losses.

   There is no distinction between ordinary people and knights; human beings and elves; the question filled in the chests of the occupants and the occupied is consistent.

  ——【What is the situation now? How long will it last? 】

   "Occupation that is not bleeding is very good. If those guys correct their attitude, my mood will not be so awkward as it is now."

   Schengen groaned softly while holding the knife handle. Tyre returned his face, and the warning face caused the militants to immediately swallow the uncomplaining complaints, swallowing the corner of his mouth, and expressionlessly continued to take the subordinates who were in a bad mood on the same step Touring the city walls, on their right hand side is the deserted, ruined street view of Argentola. The left hand is a fully armed knight who walks like an iron stove. The face of the Templars' scrambled under the helmet shows all their bad moods and thoughts.

  ——【It's all your fault, it's your fault. 】

   understands the knights' uncovered thoughts with little effort, and the spirits of the elves become worse.

   In fact, as far as they are concerned, there is no more irritating idea than such shirking of responsibility and position.

   Victims of their own, ignoring the long-term human persecution of the elves, all responsibility for instigating war is avoided by the human side, and the restraint of not ill-treatment of prisoners or harassment of residents is also ignored. It's just cold, scornful looking at the sharp-eared guest.

   Fortunately, it is the elves who are now in charge of the situation. If the human beings won and did not know what worse things were waiting for them, and imagined the consequences, the spirits of the elves were slightly suppressed.

However, the Cavaliers should undoubtedly correct their attitude that is not conducive to the peaceful coexistence of the two sides, otherwise the peacefully occupied city of Argentola will not know when there is any accident in the tense confrontation, and a little Mars can expand into one breath. A full-scale conflict turned this quiet town into a barricade-like street battle hell. The elves are happy to practice textbooks such as how to use explosives to demolish a house, turn a block into a minefield, etc. when the situation evolves into that field.

The energy and depression index of the elf boys have accumulated to the danger that they want to blow up when they see the stone. This is not a good phenomenon. The planned stronghold, territory, and Caiyi have become a ruin. feel. Failure to do so will attract human troops from other places, which is not interesting at all.

   "Finally, we won. I really look forward to celebrating the conference."

   changed the atmosphere is wulf.weiss (wulf.weiss), 13 years old, the rank of first-class soldiers, shaving the rare flat-headed small flat head, with a happy smile on the face exposed all the childishness.

   "Celebration! It's perfect for everyone to dance around fir trees and campfires!"

   "That's a harvest festival, but this year's big harvest, it's not bad to start early."

  Shengen hung a helpless expression with the same fate, but he can also glimpse the same expectation of the celebration from the bitter smile.

   Celebrate victory, celebrate the harvest, celebrate that no compatriots lost their lives this year, and celebrate that the whole family finally met a qualified leader.

  ——There are so many things to celebrate, they are all good things that make the elves cheer and are difficult to suppress their inner excitement. Several of the oldest stable uncles opened the cellar and were transporting the pure wines they used for many years, only for the treatment of seriously wounded people and ceremonial ceremonies, to Agentola, the girls were seizing every second Zhong tailored new clothes.

   "I really envy, the girls are clamoring to find the Li Lin dance. I also want to be surrounded by girls, even once."

   "You can realize your wish by drilling into the women's bathroom. They will not only surround you, but also chase you to the end of the world, until the end of life. Remember to write a feeling to tell us what it is like to be chased by girls."

   Schengen's disgusting vomiting caused Wolfe to roll his eyes, and exaggerated sweat flowed from his forehead to his cheeks, wet his underwear through his throat, and his face hurriedly avoid looking away from Schengen's joke.

   "Don't go too far, but now you are still in the mission and tighten your skin."

   stopped and returned to his serious face again. Tyr frowned, adding warning and majesty to his tone. The nascent officer's manner shocked two somewhat oblivious subordinates.

   "Although it is true that there is a truce now, no one can guarantee what will happen next. Until the agreement between Li Lin and the bishop, the war will not be over, understand?"

   "Yes! Sir! (Ja.Whol)"

   The body trained to be part of the reflex instinct reacts immediately, leaning on its legs, standing upright, and saluting. The giggling teenagers immediately became military students, and the fourth-level sergeant who loved to be more serious returned the ceremony and took the team to continue his patrol mission.

The ridiculous look of human knights and ridiculous snickers have not departed from Tyre's perception range, which is well-known for its carefulness and seriousness, clearing away all kinds of emotions that can cause fierce friction, and a subconscious glance at the entire town is particularly conspicuous. The Earl's Mansion, a luxurious mansion that serves as a negotiating club, is the key to deciding where the chaotic situation will eventually go.

   [How did the lord plan to deal with the city and its residents? 】

  With a puzzle that he couldn't understand, Tyre's hand gripped the knife handle again.


  Brenhill tried his best to control his facial muscles and tried his best not to let his inner heart be shaken and fluctuated.

  Because the reluctant attempt is too obvious, the true idea under the illusion of disguise is naturally revealed and obvious.

   In fact, Brunn Hill and ordinary country girls perform similarly in high-level clubs.

   Excitement, excitement, panic, restraint...

   staring at the cramped catkins who didn't know where to put them, Bishop Capelle showed an ambiguous smile like the physiologically functioning bureaucrats in the clubhouse.

Of course, rude manners will attract women's nausea, Brunshill is stared at by the middle-aged humans with bad intentions, the skin rises a layer of goose bumps, as the nausea feeling of slug crawling on the body spreads all over the body .

   Time is really not allowed, otherwise...

   In the name of the goddess, Brun Hill will surely give this middle-aged pervert a lesson that will never be forgotten.

   [I can't castrate him yet...]

   secretly whispered the reason to suppress the urge to take a knife. The short-browed eyebrows eased down, and his expression returned to a lukewarm mask mode emphasizing the sense of distance. He dared not relax his eyes and swept across every corner of the room.

  The layout of the room called "Salon" is not new to her. Through Li Lin's wonderful wings, the elf students are deeply impressed by the room and its owner.

   It was only when he was there that Brenhill discovered the huge difference between the picture and the actual arrival.

   The room designer and owner pursues extravagant fashion, with a vassal demeanor to spend a lot of money and wealth;

   A room is worth a lot of gold and silver ornaments, marble sculptures, oil painting sketches, which can not fill the stomach, and the shock in front of the eyes;

  ——Only by placing your feet on the floor of the room and observing with your eyes at close range can you really feel this.

  The so-called aristocracy is to give high priority to hedonism. For this reason, it does not hesitate to create the "taste style" to cover up the people who are desperate for luxury.

   But at the same time, it is also the most decent generation.

The statues, paintings, and stained glass showing the merits of the creation of the goddess and the care of mankind and the Charlemagne Kingdom in the large living room in the outer living room accounted for the vast majority, giving newcomers the illusion of entering the church. And inside the small salon, all the Brenhill who lacked the knowledge of appreciating fine arts can also distinguish it-high-priced hobby items inlaid with luxurious gold and silver frames and precious stones.

   [In a pious cloak, chasing stale humans with low-speed desire...? 】

   has accumulated for at least hundreds of years. In the heart of the elf girl, the masterpiece of craftsmanship to impress the viewer's mind is only a cold contempt.

   Contempt is mixed with inferiority that is not even noticed by itself, and the conclusion of abhorrence is indistinguishably covered with no-face, noble, and named statues.

   "Your ability amazes me, Siegfried. Otto. Li Lin."

   Sip a cup of tea, the fragrance after adding lemon spreads on the tip of the tongue, the bishop happily opened the slack eyelid after years of erosion, and sent the admiring eyes carelessly, the perfunctory meaning overflowed.

  【Indecent. 】

  Brenhill couldn't let his expression strike, his fists clenched tightly, and the blood beads slowly oozed down the nail.

   Quack! !

   The terrifying tweets burst into a dark atmosphere into the room with insufficient lighting. The bishop's enchantress crows stared at the elf girl like a demon, and his wings spread out to pose a threatening posture.

"Sorry, my messenger is very sensitive to the emotional atmosphere such as maliciousness and murderous intention. No matter how realistic smiles are on the face, the maliciousness of wanting to kill or beat people will not change, am I right? Miss? ?"

   In an ambiguous tone, there was a treacherous anger, and the sharp green lightning in his green eyes stared straight at Brunhill.

   The next moment, the sticky ice cold may turn into an attack style and pierce.

   "We are just countrymen in a ravine, and it is inevitable that we will be upset when we first go to a high-end place. Your messenger may mistake the countrymen's excitement for the atmosphere of struggle, Bishop Capelle."

For the first time, the voice of her reassuring teenager sounded in the Earl’s salon, and the calm contained authoritative words that made Brenhill, who once wanted to fight back against Bishop Kappelle’s inquiry, quietly stand aside. should.

  The lake's flat, flat-sliding gates do not have the frustration of the upper-class society's tune-ups, nor the ease of laughter and scolding among civilians. The deep and charming voice changed the worsening air.

   "It turns out that my little guy is really overly sensitive recently."

  Full dress, the bishop again allowed his body to sink into the comfortable sofa stuffed with bird feathers, and his expression looked like a bad child with a prank disassembled.

Playing at the negotiating table with little tricks is not a simple, low-level goal like watching other people smirking at others, angering the other party and causing the opponent to make reckless mistakes, which does not destroy the negotiation, and at the same time can be based on the other party’s rudeness. Ask for substantial benefits and take away the leadership in negotiations.

   was a beat late and was shocked by the bishop's wishful abacus, and Brunnhill couldn't help but stunned the savvy and tricky middle-aged man.

  The experience is old and rich, and the mind is clear and flexible. The useless, middle-aged man's appearance completely conceals the dangerous nature, and induces young and energetic opponents to step into the trap and ask for it.

   old foxes who are treacherous and cunning, mean and shameless hypocritical monks;

  Because of Li Lin's relationship, Brun Hill did not add the title of "profitmaker" to the condemnation.

  The goals pursued on both sides of the negotiating table can be said to be the same, and the means are also not glorious, but Brun Hill does not think the two can be compared.

  【Too much difference in temperament. 】

  Brenhill who made this judgment secretly exhaled, turning his attention to Bishop Capelle, who was much more aging than he actually was. The man with deep wrinkles on his forehead was slowly opening the curtain to cover the topic of the negotiation.

   "Children with dark hair, let us first confirm the contents of the agreement agreed last time."

   "You are free."

   The roaring crows hovering above the rotting corpse failed to provoke the anger of the lion to rest after the meal, and the small means was meaningless in front of the master who held the focus.

  Like a mansion owner, a teenager in elf national costume stretched out his palm and gestured "please".

   was pushed back by soft nails that were neither humble nor overbearing. After the bishop's face was uncomfortable, he glanced at the nearby Robert priest, and just stepped into the middle-aged priest to spread out the parchment.

   "Based on the common belief, under the witness of the loving mother..."

The monotonous, boring and prolonged opening is somewhat of a narrative of religious classics under the poetic recitation of the clergy, but the meaningless content that no one takes seriously can only be slightly relieved by the emotional reading of the meaningless content. The desire to yawn, the priest who knew this quickly avoided the cumbersome preaching and entered an important part, and Brenhill also started to check the results of the talks she had participated in.

   There is no official name of the secret contract has the form of a text similar to the contract, but the specific content is closer to the post-war power distribution contract after the parties experienced a shuffle.

   The specific contents are summarized in 4 articles.

   First, the elves should not have a soldier or a soldier in Ajanto Ratong, and the administrative power of Ajanto Ratong should be performed by the church;

   Second, the Earl's mansion was handed over by the elves, and 90% of the property under the Earl's name was transferred to the name of Bishop Capelle;

   Thirdly, the porcelain and cotton industries of Niefelheim were subscribed for 70% by Bishop Capelle, and the sale of the above-mentioned products to the southern region of the Charlemagne Kingdom was the responsibility of Bishop Capelle;

  Fourth, the elves can send representatives to Agento Raton. The station is the residence of the Earl of Agento Raton. They cannot carry weapons, and the cost of maintaining operations is borne by the elves;

The above clauses seem to be obviously that the elves and Li Lin have suffered a great loss. The bishop Bai picked a big bargain. It is really difficult to imagine that the savvy Li Lin will never make a mistake and never make a mistake. Brenhill felt incredible.

   Bishops who get a lot of benefits don't think so.

   [From beginning to end is a carefully planned conspiracy. 】

  The depressed voice echoed repeatedly in the heart of the bishop sitting on the sofa.

   The bishop thought he knew the meaning of the paper he had signed.

  The elves needed to concentrate on the biggest crisis. Bishop Capelle coveted the actual dominance of Ajanto Raton. When the two claims converged, there was an individual in the middle of the intersection of interest claims.

  -Earl of Argentorato.

The bishop himself wants to kick off the earl, fully grasp the idea of ​​the Count of Argen Tratton and swallow the Nilfheim gold mine. Needless to say, the elves are directly threatened by reality because of their survival. With extraordinary urgency and enthusiasm ~ www.readwn.com ~ knowing this situation clearly, the bishop dared to cooperate with prickly ear pagans at the same time. Taking the opportunity to ask for unilateral profit conditions that would be very troublesome under normal circumstances, with few possibilities for negotiation.

   The black-haired boy who negotiated on behalf of the elves, that is, Siegfried Otto Li Lin, who sat across his face with a smile in front of his eyes, did not hesitate for a second, and he should bear all the harsh conditions.

   At that time, the bishop only thought that the other party was too young and ignorant, and at the same time lacked the bargaining capital in his hands, he let himself ask for it. After Li Lin and Bren Hill left the church, they laughed and laughed, almost laughing like that.

   is really ridiculous.

   Bishop vomited a spicy bite at the contemptuous self at that time. What happened next seemed to be a face to the bishop who felt good about himself.

   The bishop was beaten repeatedly by himself and Li Lin, until the face was swollen.


   small theater time

  Bren Hill: Talking about Earl’s Court is really rich, even though I don’t understand art (—-—b)

  Li Lin: It doesn't matter, anyway, it's all ours.

  Bren Hill: …Would you like to take it all away?

  Li Lin: ...How do you know?

  Bren Hill: Explain the size of the suitcase and furoshiki behind you...

   Li Lin: Mouthless! I'm just afraid that the artwork is damaged by mold and moisture, so I moved to a safe place!

  Bren Hill: Well, today’s prize quiz is about the city we occupy—Agen Toraton, please find out the origin of the city’s name and the reasons. Guess the right book friends can get extra points!


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