Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 925: Thirteen. Weakness and Strength (5)

The pain of breaking the melon still exists, and the pain that was treated roughly in the body is also fed back to the brain along the nerves. With the help of pain, Minerva regained consciousness from the stormy chaos. Separating the thinking from the trembling body, Minerva quickly analyzed the results.

(……at last)

The collapsed body regained some strength, and the spread limb slowly curled up.

(...Finally...getting pampered)

Simple feelings almost exhausted the energy, and every trembling, different levels of pain occurred in the body.

But for Minerva, these are trivial things.

It has been predicted in advance that the ability to withstand pain and scars has naturally improved a lot. In terms of the degree of wear and tear, it can be said to be within the expected range. The most important thing is to complete the task perfectly, the purpose has been achieved.

(Roland is craving me.)

Among the many girls, it is not others, but her-Minerva.


Neither the dragon race nor the transforming killer, the genius girl, the female knight, all failed to get Roland's favor.

He was pampered and saved Roland.

I should be happy for myself who has accomplished his mission so well, and I will continue this matter perfectly in the future.

(I...is Roland's lover...)

This is punishment, salvation, and reward after trial.

It cannot be anything other than that, and it will not have other meanings.

Covering her chest, the girl lying on the floor repeatedly told herself. Over and over again, tirelessly, until the whole body fully agrees with these words.

Minerva did not notice that there were several contradictions and loopholes in his own ideas, such as the confusion of purpose and means, Roland’s reaction in the process and afterwards, and a calm review of the entire process from the standpoint of the third party. At the same time, she did not find that her feelings and reason were completely mixed up, and she could not distinguish between those feelings and reason in those self-hypnotic words.

There was a contented smile on his face, covering the black impulse surging inside his body, and the lightly held hand was shaking.

Not paying attention to all the abnormal parts at all, just telling myself that this is a joyous response, and repeatedly comforted myself that "I did a good job" and "just like this."

The right hand lifted to cover his eyes, and the tears that had dried up shone again.

A breathless trance sighed, flowing down from Minerva's twisted lips.


The consciousness filled with desire quickly cooled after getting the vent, and it was too late when the brain regained the trembling reason.

Under the stiff and distorted expression, the lower body was dragged down, trembling for a few seconds, the teenager screamed to flee the motionless girl, back and back until the back slammed into the corner of the wall, and no hind legs were possible.


The girl moaned, slowly propped up her body, and watched the boy tenderly.

It was at this moment that a thunderlight flashed across the window, and the greasy white light illuminated the fat-like naked ketone body, and the thigh was covered with a charming and charming red-that was the proof of the pure girl's violence.

I don't know if she noticed Roland's expression. Minerva walked lightly towards Roland, who was leaning against the wall, slowly, arguably tenderly, snuggling beside the teenager.

"I am very happy."

Without pretentiousness, a sentence from the bottom of my heart penetrated the heart of the teenager more deeply than thunder outside the window.

It was only 10 seconds before Roland understood what Minerva said, and with it came a strong sense of vomiting.

What is she saying.

She was raped.

She raped herself.

Without mercy, rudely, unilaterally, against this irresistible girl--

"I will always be at your side."

Stroking the cold face covered with sweat, the girl's unscathed eyes stared at Roland.


It seems that it is not the human arm that touches oneself, but the monster's tentacle, mixed with the extremely disgusting, regretful, trembling black emotions boiling again. His pale pale lips twitched and squeaked out like mosquitoes.


"What do you need? Do you want me to get it for you?"

Failing to hear Roland's whispered content, Minerva further attached the teenager's naked chest. This action completely exploded the teenager's fear.

"...Get me out."


"I said it! Get out of here!"

Heartbroken roar and thunder overlapped together.

If you don’t shout, it will probably go crazy. No, maybe I'm crazy. Now standing on the edge of the cliff, one foot has been stepped into the air, and will soon slide into the crazier abyss. In order to catch the last life-saving straw, Roland desperately roared.

"Go out! Immediately! Immediately!"

Fleeing to pick up the scattered clothes one by one, no matter whether it is his own or Minerva, all the brains are pushed to Minerva.

"Go out! Get me out!"

He clearly knew why he had done too much. But to this day, he raped the girl in front of him is no longer qualified to play the gentleman. Under the interlacing of panic and terror, he just wanted the younger girl to leave himself as soon as possible. Whether he should treat the victim as a man and whether such behavior would be spurned, he has no time to explore.



Minerva picked out his clothes from the pile of clothes calmly, put them on quickly, and then combed his loose hair with his fingers. The whole process was unhurried, there was no trace of confusion, and no slight dissatisfaction and accusation against Roland.

The calm, the calm, almost made Roland crazy.

For a long time, moral values ​​and values ​​seem to collapse at this moment, and they clearly speak the same language, but they cannot communicate with each other like different kinds of creatures. Are you crazy? Roland couldn't help asking himself.

"Get out! Minerva...please...get out..."

In a sobbing cry, the neatly dressed girl walked backwards out of the room. As the door was gently closed, Roland was finally cut off from the world.


In the deserted messy room, the teenager dragged the heavy steps and slowly walked to the corner and squatted down.

Tucked into the dark corners where Thunderlight couldn't shine, the head was blank, just trembling.

The rain seemed to be getting smaller, and the monotonous sound of raindrops hitting the window echoed repeatedly in the room. From time to time, as if proclaiming something, flashes of lightning flashed across the sky and the earth, and the dull thunder that drifted away passed through the window, engraved in the heart of the teenager's scarred heart.


"Hard work, you are doing very well. Continue to monitor and report any changes immediately"

The killers who bowed their heads at the communication terminal nodded, Li Lin cut off the communication and buried his body deeply in the office chair.

From the results, the goal of "ensuring the number of samples" was achieved. Although there was a big deviation from the originally set "completion under the will", Roland's status was also problematic. But as long as it can function normally, it is worthwhile to take a little risk to ensure the "next sample". Not to mention, Roland succeeded in crossing the trial and achieved growth-this very attractive potential benefit.

So, should he continue to interfere with his growth?

The conclusion is half and half.

At this stage, Roland's spirit is on the verge of collapse, and continued intervention may overwhelm him completely. This risk is too great. But if it is handed over to the group of little girls, it is really impossible to rest assured that they may not even be able to handle their own feelings, so that those who have received severe shock education will be rejuvenated-this slender and difficult work is not to be expected The ladies with gunpowder under the skullcap are better.

Not to mention the existence of religious agents among them.

The destiny of the church has already been determined. No matter what they do, the final result will only be destroyed. I was worried about the political influence before, so I did not move them for the time being. Now those old-fashioned people whose thinking is stuck in the past are in order to eliminate the elven regime and his divine agent. Do not hesitate to work heresy with them. According to reliable information, the church is reaching out to Albion’s seniors through channels, trying to promote a truce between Albion and Charlemagne, and building a united front against the elves. So far, although there is a threat of ending war on both sides, to jointly curb the new rise, it is only because the price gap between the two sides is too large, and there is no possibility of ending the hostile state. But this trend itself is an extremely dangerous signal to the elf camp, which indicates that the long-term strategy of "combatting only one opponent at a time" is facing a crisis of collapse and bankruptcy.

Regardless of whether it is from a large strategy or a small goal, it is not wise to continue to let the Holy See do whatever it wants. But it is not a good idea to destroy the religious cultural center of human society now. This will cause a series of diplomatic disturbances, and may also lead to the emergence of anti-elf waves. Before the "Guangming School" has spread widely, and it is fully equipped to replace Ymir, such brutality will stimulate many believers throughout the world. Even if it was to avoid the mass-produced biped walking bio-guided bombs and the mother goddess to worry about how to distribute 72 raisins, Li Lin would not go to Imir to grow mushrooms now.

"There is a sequence of things, and it is the basic strategy to solve them in order of priority. If you can solve them all at once, it is best."

Talking softly, the dictator took the tea cup and took a sip of black tea gracefully. Crimson pupil looked at the blue sky without a cloud outside the window.


"Yes, sir."

The captain of the Guard, who has been standing still like a sculpture, turned and stood upright~www.readwn.com~ The sound of the heel hitting was particularly loud in the room.

"Notify me and cancel my schedule for the next three days."

"Understand, do you want to notify the new arrangement?"

"No, just you and I, go out for three days and two nights together."

"Follow your orders, everything will follow your will! I will arrange it immediately!"

I don’t know if it was an illusion, Niederhogg’s response was exceptionally loud, and the windows were shaking. After hurriedly saluting, he turned around and ran out of the office and ran out of the office. The strong wind almost blew away the documents to be reviewed in the file basket.

Li Lin stood in front of the window and stared coldly at the sky. Suddenly, a heated melody came, and somehow the band was rehearsing. The majestic "Empire March" attracted countless passengers to stop.

The dark back took a deep breath, and the heavy breath like a metal breath spread out in the office. With a "chirp" sound, a hot rod-shaped red beam protruded from the palm of the hand, and the blood-like red light shone on the cold face , Looks like a mask.

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