Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 932: Thirteen. Weak and strong (10)

Among many disciplines, language may be one of the most complex and changeable disciplines. Sometimes, it is involuntary to recognize that language cannot be unified. It is a curse imposed by God in order to punish stupid humans who want to build a heavenly tower that touches the Divine Realm.

If you can't use the same language, there is naturally no way to communicate. Even if it is the lingua franca that Ymir has long promoted, with the extension of physical distance, there are subtle changes in pronunciation, grammar, and use of subject-predicate objects. If you add the accent above, it is likely that the chicken and the duck will speak. Even though it was the first time in Alfheim to fully popularize foreign language subjects from elementary school, most elves left behind only spoke one or two foreign languages, and they had to rely on books and gestures to assist. Unless you often go out in the field and directly communicate face-to-face, you can really have a smooth conversation. Language is such a discipline that practice is more important than theory.

Roland has been wandering around the country for a while, and his foreign language is not bad. It's just that the pronunciation of this communication object is too horrible. Poor Roland's body is extremely weak. The ears that are tinnitus from time to time can tell what the other party said. After his physical strength recovered, he gradually mastered the language, identity, and where he was.

It is well known that Li Lin likes to be surprised, but Roland never expected that he would throw himself to Emil.

The dictator of Alfheim is widely known for his aversion to the church. With the intelligence operations of all parties, Charlemagne's children in the countryside all know that pointed ears, heresy, and big bosses are unbelieving heretics. This one will go everywhere, but will not go to the holy capital of Ymir.

Roland knew more about the inside story. Li Lin did not like the church, nor did she hate it. It was just that the existence of the church was a hindrance to his strategy and the layout of the entire world order, and the church’s claims were incompatible with the Alfheim system and ideology, which led to his determination to exclude the church’s influence on secular politics. It is also necessary to put religion under government management. All religious ceremonies and assemblies must be registered with the government. Without the approval of the government, religious people are not allowed to marry, and dead people are not allowed to be buried, let alone go to heaven or go to hell. In the church, it is the agents of Stasi and the Social Security Bureau who must listen to the confession of the believers.

There must be a process before reaching the final goal. Before that, Li Lin will not easily do it, nor will he give the church a good face, just keep a distance.

Why did he discard himself in this place where he kept his distance, what exactly did he want to do?

Roland suddenly laughed at himself.

I clearly wanted to escape from that nightmare, but now I am still thinking about Li Lin's intentions, which is really contradictory.


Intense flashes, explosive winds, Minerva's face.

Is she safe? Are others safe? Didn't you hurt?

Ambiguous guilt came to mind.

(...What am I doing.)

Laughing at the useless self, at the same time-

(Isn't this good?)

Echoing his words, the door was opened.


The dark-haired girl and the hostess of this house, Micana, walked towards Roland with steaming oatmeal.

Mykana Moriti Romano. 15 years old, the wife of Alberto Campbell Romano, the mother of two children-boy Anthony and girl Amy.

Roland was a bit scared when she learned that Micana was already a wife and had a pair of babies. Although the age of marriage in rural areas is low, marriage and childbearing at the age of 13 or 4 is a bit of a problem. Even if Alfheim, which encourages prosperity and prosperity, is based on the consideration of physiological hygiene and eugenics, he has passed legislation to set the legal age of marriage and the minimum age suitable for pregnancy within the limit of 16 years old. In rural areas with poor sanitation and lack of professional knowledge, giving birth to a child at the age of 14 is just going through the gates-heavy bleeding, infection, dystocia, improper handling of the production process, and post-natal maintenance-how many elements are enough to kill. It is safe to produce like Micana, and it has recovered very well after delivery. Housework, farm work, and childbirth will not fall, and a big living person like Roland can be brought home. It really makes people wonder whether she has orc or ancient blood.

All in all, Micana is a woman full of dedication and motherhood. It was only through the words Charlieman that she learned from the walking businessman that Roland understood where she was and what language she should use to communicate with each other.

"It seems to be recovering quickly, your body is really strong."

It was Alberto, the man in his early twenties, because of the lack of trimming, he looked a few years older than his actual age. Brown hair is mixed with a few strands of dusty yellow, big blue eyes, face, hands and feet are tanned by the sun, and the whole person is full of incredible vitality. As he spoke, he laid down the basket with wine and Holy Grail in his hands and feet, helping Roland sit up from the bed and inspect the bruises everywhere.

This is a married couple.

Not only the personality, living environment, and family status are all perfectly matched.

Even the clothing is highly similar.

There may be differences in the interior of the underwear, but the coat has a certain uniformity, and it can be seen at a glance that it is made according to the same style.

Lift up, sit down, and put down the food. The couple clasped their hands together, closed their eyes, and lowered their heads.

Roland is no different.

"May everybody respect God be called Holy Wish God. The Kingdom comes."

The familiar Lord’s Prayer, no matter which country’s subjects, as long as they believe in the absolute God, they will be recited when they pray before the meal.

In the birthplace of faith, where the faith in the world is the strongest, it is not surprising to hear this.


"May God's will walk on the earth as if walking in heaven. Our daily diet is given to us today. Forgive us our debts, just as we forgive people's debts. Do not let us meet temptations."

At Roland, it seemed a little too pious, and even a touch of coldness that didn't fit him.

"Save us from evil (Sed.libera.nos.a.malo)."

The whispering prayer ended, and the trace of disobedience disappeared. Surrounded by the wide and friendly smiles of the Romano couple, Roland reintegrated into the reassuring and warm atmosphere.


The toxic sunlight is blocked by the awning, ice cubes and sparkling wine are placed in the ice bucket, a small fan on the folding table next to the lounge chair sends out the breeze, and the gramophone sings the moving female voice.

"Soon the soldiers played the trumpet from the other side of the mountain.

Although I envy the joyous party decorated with spears and armor. "

After the festival-like bells passed, the prelude ended and the lyrics followed a light and pleasant beat.

"But the princess could not attend the party because the princes all died.

The princess only lived in a dream, overlooking everything from the tower.

The soldiers danced on the grassland, calling for gods while bleeding.

The princess wanted to get out of the dream because the birds were gone.

Jingle bells, Jingle bells, bells ringing all around, the mirror split vertically.

One of the soldiers died while shouting the princess's name.

The pungent smell of gunpowder, the sound of a lance piercing the body, the hunch that the tower is about to collapse makes the heart beat faster.

The princess broke the rules and ran from the tower to the party.




The cheerful rhythm and the **** lyrics brewed an almost malicious dark atmosphere. Perhaps the author only feels that the princess living in peace regards war fighting as a party, but regardless of the original intention, the final conclusion The effect is to make people think very scared, even with suspicion that the author's Sanguan has a problem, whether his wife and people ran, or lost their jobs, so that they wrote such dark lyrics.

At the same time, being able to drink iced sparkling wine in the deadly sunlight and have a barbecue, calmly appreciate this black tone, this person is either an aesthetically amusing person, or his brain is damaged by the sun.

The dictator of Alfheim happens to be the former one, which has some unusual types of aesthetic appeal.

"...The craft has improved."

A thin slice was cut from the thick and juicy cylindrical piece of meat, coated with barbecue sauce, sprinkled with cumin, and then sent to the mouth to chew carefully, and for a long time came a bland conclusion.

"It's an honor for Xiguan to meet your taste."

Niederhogger nodded his head in a respectful response. The small tail with a short section and a flat section was dangling. The "Butter-tailed Dragon Tail" unexpectedly received favorable comments, which made the captain of the personal guard feel very good. If it were not for the dictator, Ned Hoog would have to growl.

Cutting the dragon's tail carefully, Li Lin's leisurely voice rang in the hot air.

"Are you also wondering why I educated Roland and left him in Emil?

"People are terrified."

The swaying little tail hung down and began to regenerate quietly, with the ears raised up not wanting to miss every next word.

"Nid Hoog. Have you heard of "shock education"?"

"Are you referring to a certain degree of shock and stimulation to promote a child's growth, and customer service means that he has weaknesses?"

"Yes, depending on the severity of the problem, the psychological quality of the object, the material conditions, etc., shocks of varying degrees and methods are applied to achieve the effect. The previous is considered the first stage, and now it is the second stage. With the extreme environment , Let him come out of his self-complaint."

"Extreme environment... that's more than Ymir—"

"Not just the natural environment."

After putting down the knife and fork and carefully wiping the corners of the mouth with a napkin, Li Lin threw the napkin on the plate.

"How much more than the harsh natural environment of Ymir, deserts, snowy mountains, swamps-which may be more challenging to human survival than this land that has been barren due to repeated reclamation. But this land has other places. No qualities."

Holy capital.

In addition to this official name, Imir also has another nickname that is not good.

The wilderness capital, Ymir.

Over-exploitation and soil erosion have made the outside of the main city of Ymir basically dry areas with few rainfall. Finally, it is benefited by the rivers flowing nearby, and it can barely sustain the basic needs of human survival...If there is no river, I am afraid that Iraq Mill was already destroyed.

In this poor and barren land, in order to endure harsh nature, people have to rely on what.

for example--

"A devout fanatic."

There was a trace of disgust in the plain answer.

There is no problem in worshipping the mother goddess, but the doctrine of the church elevates human supremacy to the same height as God, which makes Niederhogg not upset, let alone according to their teachings, the elf camp and the dictator It is the enemy that should be eliminated unconditionally.

Although in terms of individual and organizational capabilities, the church is not an opponent of the professional army, not to mention the agents of the will and the ancient times, but these guys are very troublesome. Fanatics are not afraid of death at all, or they are eager to die. In the doctrine of the church, the so-called life is nothing more than the ascetic work of repaying sin and obtaining salvation, and death can liberate them from the ascetic work. In addition, the doctrine prohibits suicide, so once they face the enemy, they will use a combat method that completely ignores their lives.

Nothing is more troublesome than a caring enemy who doesn't care. Even in the eyes of Niederhogger, these people are just a group of ants, but the endless and fearless army of ants will make him feel sick.

"Do you think Roland will accept the teachings of the church?"

Shaking the glass, Li Lin asked.


Niederhogger shook his head without hesitation to deny that, based on his knowledge of Roland, it is impossible to accept the teachings based on Roland's values.


Turning his face sideways, Li Lin looked at Shengdu from afar and asked.

"If the gods give revelation and give the devout believers the death of liberation, what do you think the believers will do?"

"I should be happy to send myself under God's punishment..."

Niederhog suddenly stopped talking~ www.readwn.com~ He vaguely guessed what would happen.

Once it is confirmed that it is indeed the "release" of the gods, these people will definitely send themselves into God's punishment with great joy. After all, their long-cherished wish is redemption and liberation through death. They are a group of people who live and die for this reason, and it is impossible to dispute this. Although there were some gaps between the way they were released and their imagination, their ultimate goal was achieved early. Presumably those people were dying while smiling with satisfaction.

Even so, Niederhogg will not send any trace of sympathy or mercy to these people, that is just the retribution that fanatics themselves expect.

"It's almost time to inform Charlieman's group of little girls and prepare them to meet Roland, and then drag on, I am afraid they will be crazy. With such a shame, I believe they will go all out. Should Will be in time."

Lifting the neck and drinking the sparkling wine, the bright red pupil is cold and sharp, as if even the poisonous sunlight can freeze.

"It's almost time for me to come up with a divine agent and present a concert for the believers." ()

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