Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 938: Thirteen. Weakness and strength (12)

"--So, the mother goddess is a **** of enthusiasm, but also a jealous god. Because of the birth and death of the savior, the mother goddess turned into a **** of love."

The sunlight passing through the stained glass weakens the heat and is accompanied by a layer of sacred color. In the cool air, the middle-aged priest is serious and pious.

Too pious, the kind of extreme piety that can't see or hear anything but his own claims is completely fanatical to Roland.

What makes him feel even more at odds is the content and views of the teachings of the canon and theology.

(Is the father required to sacrifice his son, encourage the brothers to fight, and create a massacre of gods. Will the **** be born out of the death of a prophet? Even the savior, when he was crucified, did not cry "Lord, why should you forsake me?" (Eli, Eli, Lema, Sabachthani. Matthew 27:36)?)

Looking down to make a prayer of piety, Roland was sullen in his heart.

Due to the influence of the educational environment, Roland can basically count as half an atheist. Because of the lack of faith, even if a large amount of theological knowledge is fully memorized, most of the eyes are focused on the moral contradictions of the content and the fierce acts performed by the mother goddess and in the name of the mother goddess. Therefore, he and Li Linpo share some common language on issues such as religion and the like.

It's just that their agreement is limited to this. It's true that Roland doesn't have a cold for religion, but he doesn't deny religion like Li Lin does, and regards religion as a tool for foolish rule.

In order to fight against cruel nature, to endure harsh fate and all kinds of injustice, in order to find the future in the dark, people need "light"-legitimacy or correctness is not important, for them, in order to resist despair In order to survive, something that is a pin to the soul is necessary. In the barren land, people attach their hearts to religion; in the high-tech Alfheim, the elves hope to restore the old order of the old glory.

No one can laugh at and deny this need.

People can live well without relying on these things without substance. It is too stupid to depend on these beings-people who say this either live very happily, or have nothing to do with the world, otherwise they are from I don't believe anything in my heart.

Yes, this is indeed a reasonable demand and should not be blamed.


"The scripture says that through this death and resurrection, a new contract with God is established. The Old Testament is the old contract. The New Testament is the meaning of the new contract. That is, the dividing line between the Old Testament and the New Testament Here. So, let’s stop here today."

Closed to the heavy ceremony, the priest drew a holy pattern on his chest, and the low and steady sound of "Amen" echoed in the church, and the believers dressed in plain and even worn clothes sang in chorus.

With the melodious and beautiful melodic accompaniment of the organ, people's clear and gentle singing spread in the church, brewing a serene and peaceful atmosphere, but Roland could not feel at ease with the appeal in the singing.

Born to atonement, life to karma--

(...This song)

Death is liberation, death is a paradise.

Waiting for the God. Envoy, usher in the Kingdom.

To die for the establishment of the kingdom of God on the ground,

Is a promise for supreme liberation-

(this is……!)

The belated understanding slowly spread into the body, and the fear that followed was already familiar.

He has heard similar things and seen similar scenes.

——It is like a statement praising death and killing.

——The man who sincerely speaks and the people who listen carefully.

In front of the Brandenburg gate, the worries of the Knights of the Worrying Kingdom exhausted;

Before the triumphal arch school reading, Prince Louis snarled nervously;

Facing audiences all over the world, Li Lin darkly and solemnly told;

The content may be a little different, and the method and language of transmitting information are also different, but what they want to convey is no different from this hymn.

Long live victory.

Long live the war.

Long live death.

This is a great war, everyone holding hands together, smiling at the hell.

Good war.

Good war.

This is--


Mykana's voice of concern sounded, and Roland, who had recovered, realized that his back and palms were covered with sweat, and the bone-chilling coolness occupied the body. Presumably his face was no better.

Quickly putting a reassuring expression on his face, Roland said "it's okay" and perfunctory, following the crowd that started to get up after ending the chorus. When the ceremony of receiving the Eucharist ends, everyone can go back. After that, talk to Micana again.

With this abacus in mind, several thunders came from afar, and for people living in this land lacking in Gan Lin, these few thunders were not a bad omen. Older elderly people hurriedly painted holy patterns on their chests, thanking the goddess for their grace. Only Roland looked at the cloudless clear sky and looked puzzled.

This weather... will it thunder?

The doubt had not dissipated, and the boy was wrapped in the crowd and left the window.


"Great war...?"

The wine glass swayed back and forth, and a twisted smile appeared on the wall.

"How could it exist? That kind of thing."

When people need war, war is great and sacred, and it is not hesitating to sacrifice their lives for it. When they want peace, they will shout, "Bleeding enough blood", let our husbands, sons, and brothers come back.

It's really convenient, it's really wayward.

Whether it is great or evil, whether it is a believer or a non-religion, people are killed and they will die. This is always fair.

"Come again."

A wry smile shrugged, and Li Lin's field of vision switched.

In order to carry out the blockade mission thoroughly, only a sufficient amount of combat power is invested in the siege. The reason why many famous siege battles in history are protracted and can not be attacked for a long time. The big reason is that the connection between the encircled city and the enemy's rear has not been completely blocked. The famous battles of Leningrad and Stalingrad, the Germans did not have enough troops to cut off the connection between the two cities and the outside world, and were eventually dragged to death. During the Vietnam War, the US military was also unable to cut off the famous "Ho Chi Minh Trail" and almost drowned in the mire of security wars. Another super fireworks feast Sevastopol Raiders was also unable to completely cut off the fortress’s sea transportation channel. After nearly a year of fighting, the Germans gathered all the giant guns at hand and bombarded the Maozi fortress. This Only then won this millennium fortress.

To completely cut off the connection between a big city like Yimir and the outside world, it is impossible to establish a dragon and a divine agent, and more combat power must be invested.

30 kilometers away from the holy city, a huge black cube suspended in the air 1500 meters above the ground, overlooking the barren land, as if the cubes of eight octahedrons that combined the two giant black crystal pyramids upside down slowly rotated.

The fully automated attack system "Ramel" (RAMIEL), an automatic attack weapon station formed by the gathering of nano-machine worms, does not launch an active attack itself, but only has the ability to automatically exclude enemies within a certain distance, but it is also An invincible air fortress. Such aerial fortresses have deployed a total of 18 units around Ymir, and any objects that enter its warning range will be mercilessly hit.

"Remir,'God's mercy','Spirit King awaiting the day of resurrection', leads the human soul to the final judgment of the Apostle of God. With this, those guys are given a sweet death, and they have nothing to complain about. Right."

Connected to the interface of No. 12 Thunder Angel, 20 black spots in the distance of the horizon were brought into view. Further adjusting the optical lens, the majestic flying beast cavalry appeared in front of him.

The snow-white pegasus flapped its wings, and its sturdy four-hoof fluttered in the air. On the slender neck, the mane danced with the wind. The knight on the back was wearing a full set of plate armor, and under the sunshine, reflected the bright light with the assault lance.

How good, how mighty, how elite...the target.

The speed of the cube's rotation began to accelerate, the energy of the particles inside it also began to accelerate, and the positive and negative electrons began to collide with each other...

moment. It can only be used to describe the time when the blink of an eye can't catch up, the battle has ended. The mighty sky knight seemed to be wiped from the clear blue sky by an invisible hand, and disappeared without a trace of the clouds behind them. The high-energy particle beam with an absolute speed of 300,000 kilometers per second completely evaporated the knights. They did not have time to brandish their lances against the enemy, exert their sharpening skills, shouted **** slogans, and even had no time to recognize the enemy to launch an attack. It has already disappeared into the sea of ​​torrents.

"The knights are really happy with this kind of thing, right, priest."

The approachable smile greeted the tense middle-aged man in the communication interface, the full-time priest of the Pope.

"I have provided all the information to you...you will let me go, right?"

"It depends on your performance, Your Excellency."

Waving his hand, it was like driving away an annoying fly, and his kind smile was still.

"Everything depends on your performance. If the information you provide is true and effective, I will consider your treatment."

The middle-aged man's face covered with oil and sweat shivered a few times, and a flush of excitement appeared. He seemed to have a lot of words to say, and before the clichés were exported, Li Lin persevered and cut off the communication.

The captain of the Guards solemnly stepped forward to continue the cup, with a solemn expression like a sculpture, indifferent and hard.

"Do you think such people are shameless? Niederhogg."

"Yes, sir."

Putting down the bottle, Niederhogger owed.

"I really can't understand the thoughts of these inferior creatures. Obviously no one can be saved in that city, there will be someone who takes the initiative to respond internally. Xiaguan can't understand."

"It's nothing difficult to understand, Niederhogg. This is human nature."

Although Gregory V was regarded as Pope~www.readwn.com~ There are still people who are dissatisfied and uneasy within the Holy See. This is a matter of course. There are factions within any organization-for the dissatisfied factions to Li Lin It is extremely simple. Next, as long as these people are used, the chess pieces will work at the right time.

The moment when Ymir is destroyed is the best time to motivate these pieces to activate themselves.

"Until the moment of being sent to the guillotine, human beings will wishfully believe that they will be rescued. In order to be able to reach the moment of being rescued, in order to be able to line up at the end of the execution queue, they will flatter the executioners and will not hesitate to sell others. Then Write a few blank checks and give them a one-step promise. They will sell everything they can."



human nature.

"Take trivial things with them, and now... let me see how Roland will face this situation. How will he overcome this trial. Using faith to let others die, for the sake of selfishness, they don’t care to betray others. People, people who don’t hesitate to sacrifice their lives for faith-how can he save these hopeless people?"

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