Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 990: 16. Fortress vs. Fortress (15)

An unknown fire is rapidly spreading inside the Siegfried line of defense, from the commander of the defense to the common anxiety of the unclear and unclear. The long dragon in the medical office seeking psychological counseling has been lined up to the entrance of the underground tunnel.

Colonel Parsifal, who had always been gentle and quiet, was not exempt. In order to suppress that anxiety, he had to apply for more black tea rations. As for whether others believed it or not, anyway, Parsifal believed it himself.

"What the air force is doing?"

This is the root cause of the spread of anxiety in the fortress. The original atmosphere of harmony is blaming the Air Force unilaterally for the Air Force, and the Air Force has developed a strange state of misery.

The reason for this is that the first-line observation post found that the smoke on the Charlemagne side gradually increased, and occasionally the Charlemagne faces flashing in the periscope, telescope, and sight were gradually ruddy. Malnourished dishes are no longer visible. Moreover, traces of personnel activities in the trenches have increased significantly.

This is not a good sign. If all these signs were pieced together, a drawing of Charlemagne was restoring logistics supplies, and the drawing of the continued increase of troops on the front line appeared in front of the defense staff. This was more than unbelievable for them, it was incredible.

At the beginning, the staff believed that the Charlemagne took their tricks from Guadalcanal to the Rhine front again. This kind of method called "brute force feeding" is to find 30 to 40 particularly strong people in the army and feed them with food that can be made up (the word "feeding" is used in Charlemagne official documents) Ten days. Then carrying 15 days of dry food, two 50-kilogram explosive packs, pistols, bayonet, vise, and medicine to form a decisive commando to attack the defense positions. Although the success rate is not high, some power generation facilities, water purifiers and the like have been destroyed. What shocked the Defence Forces was that the survival rate of members of this commando was still quite high, and almost all of them could go back alive, and then carry things to destroy.

The damage caused by such small-scale harassment activities is quite limited, but it has caused considerable psychological pressure on the defenders of Guadalcanal. Even once believed that the Charlemagne on the opposite side did not need to eat, and that they would still be able to fight with you if they were not supported. As long as their ammunition supply keeps up, they will definitely launch that kind of "long live charge."

Are the present visions a symptom of the repetition of Charlemagne's old tricks?

If this were the case, the Charlemagne would be too naive.

The Siegfried Line is not a temporary defensive fortification located in remote Guadalcanal. It is the ultimate bastion built by combining the highest technical force of Alfheim and military engineering with a huge budget. Any form of attack has been considered as early as the initial stage of the design, from the frontal impact of the large legion to the penetration of small forces, almost every attack method has been conceived and countermeasures have been taken in the design. The battles so far have proved these The design is fruitful. Do you expect dozens or hundreds of temporarily fed dead men to break through this solid fortress? Probably only Charlemagne would believe this wishful romantic fantasy.

Just as the defensive line up and down was confused and a little gloating about it, the spy net lurking inside Charlemagne sent news of breaking all fantasies.

A large number of photos, reports, documents, audio-visual materials point out a fact that the staff cannot understand-the stockpiling of materials at various transportation hubs in Charlemagne is decreasing!

how can that be! ! !

In the face of the iron evidence, the staff sent out an unbelievable cry.

The decrease in supplies means that it is being consumed or is being transported to consumption. In the current situation, Charlie Man, no matter how stupid, will not be able to carry out the brain-dead behavior of the goods that are finally transported to the front and then sent back. Then, there is only one flow of materials, combined with the various anomalies in the trench on the side of Charlemagne... Is Charlemagne really recovering supplies?

After understanding this fact, the Army was not calm. Finally, there was nothing to shake the front line. The staff also had enough reason, but at the joint meeting, they expressed their hope that the Air Force should pay attention to the changes in enemy sentiment and send it to them. A pile of intelligence evidence. But listening to the Air Force's ears, this is totally different from slamming the table and saying, "What kind of food does the Air Force eat? This amount can be missed! Are your eyes ornaments?" There is no difference.

In fact, the Air Force also noted the above situation, and began to strengthen the air strikes before the Army raised the problem, trying to use more bombs to completely kill Charlieman's supply channel. For a time, various types of combat aircraft over the Rhine area were like crucian carp. Heavy bombers and attack aircraft continued to violently attack locomotives, stations, and freight warehouses. Individual pilots who did not have locomotives to use bombs On railroad tracks and subgrade. MDS repeatedly surveyed various traffic lines, laid mines on the railway, damaged sleepers or road studs, and caused the trains to derail. A few bold courageous men even flew against the locomotive, staring at the frightened locomotive driver and firing. Every expert who judged the photos and images of the effects of the air raid took a picture of the chest and said that Charlemagne’s transportation system had been completely destroyed. The generals themselves also determined that the ruins of the craters everywhere in the photo could no longer function, but the facts repeatedly beat them. Face-the frontline Charlemagne's army is getting more and more moist, and the loaf is baked with baguettes!

What happened? In the case of almost losing air control and repeated bombing of traffic routes, how did Charlie Man send materials to the front? How did the bloated and slow logistics exert such efficiency?

"I guess... they should be deployed this way."

In his state, Parsifal unscrewed the marker pen cap, and red ink outlined a line on the transparent celluloid covering the map.

"First of all, most trains are transported at night and weather that is not conducive to Air Force operations, minimizing the threat from the air."

"As a result, the changes in the entire transportation plan will be closely related to the weather. In addition, the trains that do not travel during the day will still be attacked by our army. Without enough trains, they will still be unable to transport and assemble. Finally, even night transportation It will reduce the threat of air strikes, and it will also reduce transportation time and increase the difficulty of scheduling."

The first mate said. He also read the report of the Air Force. According to the photos provided by the Air Force, it is necessary to repair the broken railway and ensure smooth transportation. Even the railway department of Yalfheim is responsible for this work, and it will be very difficult. Charlie How did the Mann do it?

"Transportation in stages and reasonable deployment."

Parsifal draws dotted lines on the railway lines, and the length between each line is almost equal.

"They can keep trains hidden in tunnels and culverts during the day, even though at least 10 hours a day can't travel, it is better than rebuilding and producing a train. Then they worked out a detailed train order list to make full use of our army. Focus on the time of bombing the main line, arrange the trains to run on the un-bombed branch line according to the marshalling order, and then transfer the transportation by sections to ensure that the travel time of the train at the two junctions is controlled within one night. It is better to allow time for the trains to enter the concealed tunnel. In this way, those trains can run at full speed at night, enter the small stations on the branch line or even the temporary field vehicles built on the railway line, or unload the troops and supplies. Or ship these. Then use the sidelines of the small station to ensure that the train can continue to travel or unload. Finally, in order to ensure that the locomotive drivers can survive the air raid of our army, they also installed armor plates on the cab and installed them on the top of the train. The artillery has reduced the air threat to a certain extent."

Parsifal was originally from the logistics system and has rich practical experience. Once the information is collected and analyzed, then the idea is switched to the perspective of Charlemagne, combined with the various terrains, resource allocation, and population distribution of Charlemagne collected by the Defense Force over the years. Intelligence, quickly inferred that Charlemagne might adopt a strategy.

What puzzled him a little was that even in his opinion, this set of schemes was the most optimal choice. With all the bureaucracy and brains in Charlemagne's logistics system, how could they come up with such a scientific and meticulous railway dispatching and distribution plan?

(If someone in the logistics department of our army makes such a plan, the sponsor should be awarded an excellent service medal.)

Parsifal thought half-jokingly in his heart, and the pen in his hand drew a thin line around the dotted line, as if the roots of the lush vegetation stretched forward to the trenches facing the Siegfried line of defense.

"After the materials were evacuated in various places, they were immediately dispersed with human and animal power, and then transported to the front line. In order to avoid being intercepted by our army, we must try to avoid companionship as much as possible, and finally reach the front line through various channels to converge."

"But this way, sorting and integration will be very troublesome."

"No. If it is food, as long as the route is adjusted according to the conditions of the troops, even if there is redundancy, it can be stored for spare use. The same is true for ammunition. The troublesome part is the replacement of parts, but I think they should pass the standardized packaging. , Single number, set up a dedicated transmission line to solve it."

Through the standardization of warehouse equipment and device packaging to ensure the smooth flow of materials, improve the transportation efficiency, and at the same time ensure the accurate calculation of inventory on the basis of emergency material reserves, minimize the idleness of materials, and greatly improve the efficiency of logistics work, so as to ensure that the troops are Normal tactical action on the front line.

The most important thing is that although Charlemagne failed to achieve mechanization like the Defense Force, the complexity and weight of its equipment were much lower than that of the Defense Force. With the exception of very few super-spec equipment, almost everything needed on the front line can be delivered by this means, and the power of air strangulation is almost minimized.

Even the logistics department and military academies will regard this as a classic work of logistics support, and maybe it will be included in the latest version of the textbook, becoming a required course for young soldiers. The logistics department will strongly demand that this talent be brought under his command and placed directly in the position of department head to allow him to exert his talents.

People who achieve this level are the ones on Charlemagne who have always played the role of negative teaching materials. Parsifal really doesn't know what to say about it.

"In this way, although it is still impossible to break the Siegfried line, it is enough to achieve a confrontation between the two armed forces and delay the fighting until the countries intervene to mediate."

"This is too negative."

"But it's very realistic~www.readwn.com~ Parsifal put the cap back on and pointed to the **** map and said:

"Charlemagne has already shed too much blood in this war, and they alone cannot defeat our army anyway. But if we suppress the loss and prolong the war, it will create a window for the nations to intervene. In order to avoid a dangerous situation that is hostile to the countries, our country may have to make concessions and abandon the territorial requirements of Charlemagne."

What a beautiful blow.

Although prolonged fighting will inevitably lead to the death of more people, from this level, it may seem cold and ruthless, but it is indeed the most optimal solution in line with the situation of Charlemagne. From Parsifal's perspective, no better solution can be found.

"But the people who designed this plan ignored two issues. First, whether Charlemagne still has the resource reserves that can persist into a protracted war; second, whether our military allows such a situation. Especially the second point, the military The upper class and the adult will never ignore this, and they will definitely take countermeasures."

(Do not.)

There was a sad voice in Parsifal's heart.

(It should have taken action.)

A ring of notification sounded, and the face of the communications squad appeared on the communication interface, along with information to verify Pasifal’s hunch.

——When 0900 is X tomorrow morning and X-1 hour, the frigate group above the Iselon gun turret spread out from both sides of the firing axis, clearing the shooting channel, and when X+0.5, the fleet resumed its **** formation.

A short sentence made Parsifal frown, and subconsciously looked at the huge fort in the communication interface and the ballistic line that extended to the sky and finally fell to the ground. A murmur filled with awe and fear overflowed from his lips.

"Hammer of Thunder...?" 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's academy

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