Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1112: birthday

Xia Jisheng, the consultant day, and Zheng Fengnian looked at each other, their expressions looked a little agitated, and several old faces were a little red.

With Lin Tiancheng's current identity, Rao also felt that he was incompatible with the human environment around him in this alley.

He only managed to win the sky in Jiang'an, and he was also a good-for-nothing in Shenshi, and now he is even the pinnacle of transformation. Even now, he can't be called a winner in life.

However, even the former helmsman lives in this alley, and today's patients are even the father of the current helm—what kind of people live in this alley.

Lin Tiancheng should only leave early, but now he also vaguely understands the identity of a woman, and he dare not be rude, "When?"

The woman said, "If time is too late, I should have dinner with you."

It was still morning, and Lin Tiancheng didn't want to wait a whole day in this courtyard house. It wasn't him who made the score, but it was indeed pressure.

Lin Tiancheng made an excuse, "That's right, I have something else in the afternoon, so you can contact me again in the evening."

An unspeakable smile appeared on the woman's face, not understanding, but friendly. But she nodded anyway.

Xia Jisheng personally sent Lin Tiancheng to the yard and he asked, "Tiancheng, I want to stay and pay attention to the patient's condition. We haven't been together for a long time to chat. Do you have time this time? Go to stay at home for two days and have a good chat. ."

Lin Tiancheng apologized, "I'm afraid I really don't have time. When I'm done, I will definitely come to the door. Don't dislike me and bother you."

Xia Jisheng said, "You kid, what you say is what you say, by the way, what do you have in the afternoon, did Mu Feng arrest you again?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "It's okay, just stay here, I don't have any energy."

Xia Jisheng nodded.

He could understand Lin Tiancheng's thoughts. In fact, Lin Tiancheng's performance was enough to impress him. When he first entered this hutong, he was already in his fifties. Because of his professional relationship, he had seen a lot of high-ranking officials, but at that time, he shouldn’t say that he had such a calm conversation with Lin Tiancheng, and he didn’t even dare to speak out. .

Five years later, Xia Jisheng was able to maintain a calm heart when entering this hutong.

Xia Jisheng said, "Well, anyway, you have no appointment with friends, and there is nothing to do. I will let Xia Xue accompany you to stroll around."

Before Lin Tiancheng refused, Xia Jisheng strongly called Xia Xue.

Who doesn't like such an excellent young man like Lin Tiancheng? Besides, Xia Xue's age is not too young.

Lin Tiancheng hesitated and did not refuse.

He and Xia Xue have had some unpleasant experiences. Although Lin Tiancheng has a clear conscience, who can guarantee that Xia Xue will be able to let go.

If Xia Xue and Lin Tiancheng didn't have the bond of Xia Jisheng, it would be fine. It is precisely because of the relationship between Lin Tiancheng and Xia Jisheng that he is likely to be able to deal with Xia Xue in the future, and it would be good to be able to promote the relationship between the two.

Besides, when Lin Tiancheng was making trouble in the Xiao family compound, Xia Xue was also concerned about Lin Tiancheng's safety and tried to prevent Li Zi'an from killing Lin Tiancheng.

After Xia Jisheng finished the call, he smiled and said, "Tiancheng, Xia Xue can't come here, and I may have to trouble you to find her at home."

Lin Tiancheng nodded.

After leaving the alley, Lin Tiancheng took out his mobile phone.

Since receiving a call from Xia Jisheng in the middle of the night yesterday, Lin Tiancheng has rushed to the capital without stopping. Lin Tiancheng has not turned on his cell phone because almost the whole journey is connected by plane.

After turning on the phone, Lin Tiancheng's mobile phone text messages kept ringing, reminding him of incoming calls.

Lin Tiancheng opened the information and browsed, and found that there were as many as fifty call reminders, all of which were calls from Lin Tiancheng's acquaintances.

There were Wang Mengxin, Ling Moqing, Luan Jingzhu and other girls from Jiang'an who came here, as well as members of the "National Blade" team. Even Luo Shaoqing, Shen Wansan, Qian Haoming and the like all called him.

But everyone who has a close relationship with Lin Tiancheng has not fallen behind. There is even Zeng Yalin, the president of the Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine.

So many people are calling to find themselves, what a big deal is this?

Lin Tiancheng felt bitterly cold, and was about to call Luo Shaoqing back, but he was swept by Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng's call reminder.

its not right.

If something serious happened to Jiang An, Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng shouldn't know it?

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng's phone rang again, and seeing Zhou Yumeng calling, Lin Tiancheng immediately connected.

"Instructor. Are you finally done?"

Hearing Zhou Yumeng's relaxed tone, Lin Tiancheng finally let go of his hanging heart, "What day today, how can you call me all?"

"Ah? Today is your birthday, don't you know it yourself?" Zhou Yumeng said in surprise.

"Instructor Lin, happy birthday." Tong Baoer shouted next to Zhou Yumeng.

Lin Tiancheng was taken aback for a moment, "It seems that it really is."

Zhou Yumeng said, "Originally, because it was your birthday, General Mu chartered the members of the'National Blade' team to take a day off. We are ready. At six o'clock in the evening, Fumanlou, Wanghai Pavilion, all members of the'National Blade' team. Waiting for the instructor to come."

Lin Tiancheng was not surprised when Zhou Yumeng knew that he was in the capital.

After hesitating, Lin Tiancheng still agreed.

Although the woman in the helm's house said that someone would see Lin Tiancheng in the evening, the other party should understand the special situation of birthday.

Fumanlou Lin Tiancheng has been to a small green building near Shichahai, with a beautiful environment and a quiet location.

Fumanlou is not open to the outside world. It implements a membership system. In order to ensure the aloof status of Fumanlou, not only can you get a membership card if you have money, but also the status of absorbed members.

Lin Tiancheng still remembered that when he went to Fumanlou that time, Bu Yan was waiting for a few big youngsters in Beijing to entertain him. He was soaked in the light of Tong Baoer and Zhou Yumeng, and he called a singer named Gu Lang to sing for fun.

At first, Lin Tiancheng was worried that it would be a little embarrassing to see Xia Xue like this, but now it's fine, a birthday invitation is a good opportunity.

Lin Tiancheng called Xia Xue.

"Hello there."

Xia Xue’s voice was a little timid. Lin Tiancheng could hear the other’s shyness. Lin Tiancheng said, “Teacher Xia, it’s like this. Today is my birthday. If you have time, I hope you can eat with me. Dinner."

Xia Xue did not refuse, but she knew that Lin Tiancheng would definitely have others on his birthday, "Will it be inconvenient?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "It's just a meal together, what's the inconvenience? If Teacher Xia has time, I will come to you now."


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