Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1173: Come on, hurt each other

Seeing the blood on the three heads of Master Xiunian, Lin Tiancheng completely let go of his heart.

What else is he afraid of?

At the same time, he and Tang Jidi, Master Xiu Nian, and Yan Beifan reached an interconnection. Under the simultaneous action of iCloud, any harm Lin Tiancheng suffered would be reflected in Tang and the third person.

This is awesome!

Even if the Kunlun Mountain master is like a cloud, Lin Tiancheng has three top masters to protect, who else dares to do it against him, who else?

Yan Beifan saw Master Xiu Nian and Tang Jidi's foreheads are bleeding, the first to realize that something was wrong, he stopped and looked at Lin Tiancheng with horrified eyes, "What did you do to us?"

Master Xiunian covered his forehead with his hand, and his face was filled with doubts.

Tang Jidi was frightened and angry, and his killing intent suddenly rose, "Looking for death!"

"do not move!"

"Don't move!" Yan Beifan and Master Xiunian said at the same time.

Lin Tiancheng nodded, watching Master Xiunian and Yan Beifan's eyes show a little approval, "It seems that you already understand what happened. That's right, now the four of us are already on the same rope. Grasshopper, any physical injury to anyone will be the same for the other three."

Tang Jidi quickly took out a piece of jade pendant from his body that could serve as a reference, and looked at it in the mirror, and then carefully observed the wounds of the three of Xia Lin Tiancheng.

He saw Lin Tiancheng's eyes burst into flames, "Evil thief! What have you done to us?"

Lin Tiancheng looked at Tang Ji with a little displeased first glance, "It seems that Young Master Tang is very emotional, are you going to kill me? Come on, hurt each other. Anyway, the Kunlun Mountain masters are like clouds, they can't get it. Resources won't let me go, so I will die together."

With that, Lin Tiancheng stretched his head towards Tang Jidi.

Master Xiu Nian and Yan Beifan immediately increased their vigilance-they didn't want to die.

Tang Jidi was very emotional, but he was a young talent. People like Master Xiunian wanted to live, he would die.

He was full of resentment and helplessness, "I didn't mean that."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Then take out the antidote for ghosts and sorrows and take it for everyone."

There is no need for Lin Tiancheng to say this at all. Tang Jidi would take it out, and he didn't dare to take the fake one. It was meaningless. No one would live if anyone died of poisoning.

Ling Yuanshan and others didn't know how Lin Tiancheng did it, but judging from Lin Tiancheng's chest, they also knew that Lin Tiancheng might have to turn things around again, and all of them showed a bit of joy.

There were also some fluctuations in the breath of the palace lord of the Jade Girl Palace.

Lin Tiancheng's damage will not be synchronized to her, she can still fight, but she also knows very well in her heart that as long as she does it, the three of Master Xiunian, Tang Jidi, and Yan Beifan will besiege her.

Sure enough, feeling the fluctuations in the palace lord of the Jade Girl Palace, Master Xiu Nian immediately turned his head to recite the Buddha, "Amitabha."

Tang Jidi and Yan Beifan also looked at the palace lord of the Jade Girl with warning eyes.

Facing the coercion of the three peerless masters, the Palace Master of Jade Girl did not dare to act rashly.

Lin Tiancheng thinks this is not enough insurance!

He and Tang and the first class were harmed at the same time. In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that these people will sacrifice their lives to protect him. The disadvantage is that if any of the four are injured, the others will also be injured.

There are too many Kunlun Mountain masters, and they beat the master indiscriminately. If anyone accidentally gets injured, the consequences are not what Lin Tiancheng wants to see.

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng said, "Young Master Tang, please bring Mu Shitao here."

Tang and the others immediately understood what Lin Tiancheng meant, Mu Shitao is currently the number one master of Kunlun Mountain!

However, at this point, everyone can only listen to Lin Tiancheng, if one more Mu Shitao comes in, they will be completely stable in Kunlun Mountain.

Tang Jidi just saw that Lin Tiancheng was injured and everyone was injured, but he was not sure if there would be a chain reaction if other people were injured.

He wanted to confirm it.

Before leaving, Tang Jidi stretched out his hand and pinched **** his thigh.


"what are you doing?"


Tang Jidi said immediately, "I'm sorry, I just accidentally happened."

Before long, the dying Mu Shitao was brought to Lin Tiancheng.

Mu Shitao looked unlovable, he gave Lin Tiancheng a weakly look, "You kill me."

Lin Tiancheng held Mu Shitao's hand and successfully linked with Mu Shitao. At the same time, iCloud also sent a reminder that Lin Tiancheng's linked body has reached the upper limit.

Lin Tiancheng was not surprised by this result. If he could link without restriction, he could control all mankind.

Lin Tiancheng looked down at Mu Shitao, "Mu Shitao, do you want to live?"

Mu Shitao smiled contemptuously, "Lin Tiancheng, don't waste your thoughts, you know best in your heart whether I get the resources from you."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Of course I know you didn't get it, because I haven't given you any resources."

Tang Jidi's emotions agitated again, but Master Xiunian and Yan Beifan immediately calmed down with their eyes.

Mu Shitao opened his eyes wide, looked at Lin Tiancheng with incredulous eyes, and then went to see Master Xiunian and others.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Don't worry, I have already confessed personally. Naturally, no one will doubt what resources you have gotten against the sky, and we will immediately return you innocence. I only ask you, do you want to live?"

Mu Shitao has a supernatural power realm. As long as he leaves Kunlun today, who else can do him?

Mu Shitao asked, "What do I need to do?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "You don't need to do anything."

After that, Lin Tiancheng turned on 360 antivirus and consumed 3 electricity to help Mu Shitao recover from his injuries. There are 22 electricity remaining.

Originally, he had 25 electricity, which meant that he did not consume electricity during the time he was interconnected with Master Xiu Nian and others.

Under all eyes, Mu Shitao's energy became more and more full, and he returned to normal in a short time.

No one had time to be shocked--Mu Shitao was a little eager to move, he didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng would save him in vain.

Tang Jidi said, "Mu Shitao, don't be impulsive!"

Yan Beifan said, "Patriarch Mu, don't kill each other!"

Master Xiu Nian recites the Buddha, "Amitabha, Mu Donor, I, Tang Donor, Yan Donor, Lin Donor, five of us. Anyone who is harmed, everyone will be harmed.”

Mu Shitao felt that this was not credible.

Lin Tiancheng picked up a stone and held it in his hand.

Tang Jidi said immediately, "Lin Tiancheng, please be gentle."

Yan Beifan nodded, "Brother Tiancheng, although your medical skills are unparalleled in the world, in order to prevent accidents, don't start."


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