Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 3942: Celestial Clan

"Broken Void!" Lin Tiancheng slammed out a punch, pushing back the Lu Ming who instantly killed him in front of him.

The speed of this guy was so fast that Lin Tiancheng had to use this type of attack that consumes a huge range of damage instead of defense.

But fortunately, Lin Tiancheng's own speed is not slow, otherwise this battle would not be necessary to continue.

However, this time before Lin Tiancheng was breathing, King Lu Ming changed his position again and slammed in front of Lin Tiancheng, with the bone sword in his hand slamming towards Lin Tiancheng at an extremely difficult angle.

This time, Lin Tiancheng did not evade, but took the opportunity of Lu Hao Wang's appearance to instantly slash towards the opponent, with a momentum of burning jade and stone.

"Want to die with me? You dream!" Lu Mingwang sneered, "Liuhe Slash!"

When the words fell, I saw that the Bone Sword instantly cut out six swords, and then the six swords instantly merged and slashed towards Lin Tiancheng.

"One sword breaks the sky!" Lin Tiancheng also burst into the sky with a beard, bursting into the air, the sword of God and Demon rippling with boundless power.

The two powerful ultimate moves collided together, and the instantly trembling world was shaken, and the situation changed.

The surrounding powerhouses couldn't open their eyes in the aftermath of the waves, propped up their shields and stepped back to relieve the pressure, and the aftermath was washed out by the bottomless ravines on the ground.

"Mine is too difficult, is this going to become a god? The contest between these two people is too terrifying!"

With a muffled hum, the two people who were originally like gods flew back into the distance, obviously each with damage.

However, the figures of the two of them retreated a few steps and then forcibly stopped the castration, and both ran into each other again.

"Two beads come out together!" King Lu Ming immediately activated Tianxuan, and Tianji's two dzi beads poured power and power into the bone sword, and a huge bone sword appeared instantly between the sky and the earth, slashing towards Lin Tiancheng.

Feeling the terrifying pressure, Lin Tiancheng didn't dare to be careless at the moment, and immediately mobilized the spiritual power in his body to retaliate with the strongest sword.

I saw a huge fist banging towards the Bone Sword, the two strongest Zhaopeng Sapporo, the world was instantly flooded with white light, and everyone was blind.

The entire underworld trembled for a while, and the river not far away blew up into the sky. The trees were uprooted and cut into powder by the wind, and the mountains collapsed...

Lin Tiancheng and King Lu Ming also spewed a mouthful of blood, which smashed into the ground not far away like cannonballs.

Just when everyone thought that the battle between the two was over, and when it was a tie, Lin Tiancheng and Lu Mingwang both vacated again.

King Lu Ming nearly killed the blood on the corner of his mouth, and a terrifying aura broke out on his body, "I can't kill you if I don't think this way!"

"To each other!"

King Lu Ming let out a cold snort, and endless black energy wafted out of his body, and the pressure on his body was gradually superimposed.

"It's over, go to hell!"

When the words were over, King Lu Ming manipulated the boundless black energy and pressed it towards Lin Tiancheng, like a frenzy.

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath, his chest undulated violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his eyes went red, and flames burst out of his body instantly.

"Come on, today either you die or I live, I will see if the fire here can burn you!" Lin Tiancheng roared.

The heart of the earth rushed to the endless black gas instantly, and the sky was suddenly red and gold reflected by the red flames in the sky.

Lin Tiancheng roared, "Burn me! Burn him to death!"

That endless black energy burned directly under the monstrous flames!

Lin Tiancheng deliberately agitated the Earth's Heart and Divine Fire, and a little bit of fire fell on some onlookers of low-powered Underworld Race, and instantly burned them.

"Run, run a little bit further,...we are all three kilometers away, and it can bring harm to the innocent!"

"I'm going... I can't escape death from such a distance. What kind of fire is this? It's so terrifying, it can't be extinguished if it gets a little bit!

A monk cursed angrily, his friend was just touched by a small amount of sparks on the shield, the shield was instantly destroyed, and then he was burned.

Except for those strong in Invincible Realm, no one was able to withstand the attack and killing of this divine fire. For a time, except the strong in Invincible Realm, all of them retreated another kilometer.

At this time, King Lu Ming was surrounded by a sea of ​​fire, and his terrifying black energy couldn't hold on to the slightest in front of the heart of the earth.

The black energy and the flames complement each other, like two dragons fighting, violently colliding and canceling each other.

"These two guys are a bit scary!" A ugly female monk hid aside and secretly took out a compass and mapped the picture at this moment into it.

Soon, there was a vibration on the compass, and a figure the size of a thumb appeared on it. The figure looked like an old man, a fairy-like bone!

"Girl, where did you go? Why do I feel lifeless all around you?" the old man asked.

The female monk took a lingering look at the two who were fighting, and found that they were not paying attention to themselves, and then replied, "Master, I have come to the underworld!"

"Underworld? Is that the realm created by the old ancestor of Styx?" The old man was thoughtful, and immediately curled his lips. "That guy is crazy, he's totally blind, he has to make some life-and-death cycle. When a person dies, he is dead. Even if he is resurrected, he is not the same person. He still can't understand this!"

The female monk cast a blank look at the chattering old man, and said, "Master, this is not what I want to tell you!"

The old guy was interrupted by the meeting, and immediately smiled awkwardly, "Oh oh...what's the matter with the boy calling me?"

"Look at his fire!" The female monk pointed at Lin Tiancheng in the distance.

The old man stepped out and stood on the shoulders of the female monk, squinting his eyes to look at Lin Tiancheng who was fighting against King Lu Ming in the distance.

"Hi... Innate Divine Fire? This kid is a bit fierce, how did he do it?" The villain exclaimed.

The female monk shook her head blankly, "I don't know, he used this divine fire to defeat a Nine-Star Dao Ancestor Peak Realm Pluto!"

"Oh? It seems that this kid has some adventure, this physical body is also outrageous..." The little man looked at Lin Tiancheng's figure and narrowed his eyes slightly, "But it's a pity that he is a human race, and the human race can't get out of the gods anymore. It's out of time!"

The female monk asked inexplicably, "Isn't there another chance for the human race to become a god? Isn't this what the master said at the beginning!"

The old man looked at the female monk with a weird look, "Yes! Then do you remember why the master asked you to go to the human race?"

"Of course I remember, you let Xin'er sneak into the human race, waiting for an opportunity to **** this opportunity to become a god!" When it came to this, Xin'er was speechless.

"Good disciple, the opportunity for this human race to become a **** is what I planned for you. How could this kid get involved? Don’t forget, our heavenly immortals have no chance to become a god. If you want to become a god, you must grab it. !" The old man said.

"Of course... if you want to marry him, it doesn't matter if you give him this opportunity as a dowry for your teacher!"

Xiner's face blushed immediately when she heard the words, "Master, what are you doing, I don't even know him, what are you doing!"

"Hehe...The masters are all over here. I don't know what you think? Did you fall in love with him?"

"Master!" Xiner gritted her teeth, "If you do this again, I swear to ignore you for a thousand years!"

The old man blinked his eyes a few times, smiled and didn't tease his lover any more, but concentrated on looking at Lin Tiancheng and Lu Mingwang fighting.

In the battlefield, Lin Tiancheng and Lu Mingwang were still in a stalemate, and both sides continued to inject spiritual power to strengthen the divine fire and black energy.

At this moment, the two of them are in a mysterious stage. Once one party can't hold on first, it will inevitably be swallowed up by the other party and there will be no scum left!

Endless black energy confronted the battlefield with anger, and the two constantly canceled out and stirred up aftermath.

The spiritual power injected by the two sides has reached the level of horror, as if it is endless, and the huge energy has caused the surrounding void to appear in a vortex.

After a long time, the earth's heart and fire vaguely gained some upper hand.

"Damn..." Lu Mingwang's eyes widened, and the Earth Heart Divine Fire also had a partial restraint effect on the Ming Clan, otherwise he would definitely be confident to defeat Lin Tiancheng.


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