Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5011: self-immolation

"Senior, give up the formation and come to help in the battle. Let's take down this guy together!"

Hearing this, Xiaobai bared his teeth and looked at the cracks all over the formation base in his hand, feeling a little sad, "Master, this formation is all about money..."

"Stop talking nonsense. If we take down this guy, I don't believe that he doesn't have any good things in him. He can make up for it no matter what!" Lin Tiancheng said.

Xiaobai thought about it and felt that it made sense. He had no choice but to abandon the formation immediately. Lin Tiancheng smiled when he saw this. The formation will be damaged sooner or later. It would be great if he could win this one!

Countless vitality has been compressed, and a large amount of power of rules is impacting the void in all directions. Lin Tiancheng said with a smile, "You hold him back for a while, and I will find an opportunity to send the formation base to her and blow him up to death!"

Hearing this, Xiaobai's eyelids jumped wildly. He knew exactly how much this formation was worth. If it exploded, the tree spirit's heart would probably bleed.

"Senior Xiaobai, please leave the formation behind. We will leave some good things for the guys who come after us to play with. You and Zhan Junhou have restrained him, don't let him escape."

As he said this, Lin Tiancheng grabbed the formation base and suddenly turned into a flower. It was extremely charred and incomplete, and was completely lost in the Flower Valley.

Seeing the magic flames swallowing it up instantly, Lin Tiancheng had a smile on his face, "You will know later the harm this broken flower has brought to you!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the base of the formation making a harsh sound under the burning of the demonic fire, followed by an ear-splitting bang.

Watching the terrifying flames fly away instantly, countless demonic fires fell on everyone, and the terrifying aura quickly spread in all directions.

Mordo Ye was also dumbfounded for a moment. He did not expect that the demonic fire would be backlashed. No... to be precise, he did not expect that Lin Tiancheng would be so sinister and use the power of the formation's self-destruction to turn the demonic fire into their means of attack.

Mordano was instantly swallowed up by his own demonic fire. Although the demonic fire was summoned by him, the demonic fire was so sinister that even he did not dare to touch it. This was also the reason why he did not dare to keep the demonic fire around him. , but I didn’t expect that even if I lost everything in Famous Flower Valley, I would still be used by Lin Tiancheng and the others, and the target would be me.

The moment the magic fire flew over, Xiaobai and Zhan Junhou seemed to have been prepared for a long time. They quickly flew towards the distance, leaving Mordo Ye alone, looking at their own magic fire stupidly. Devour yourself.

"How about my surprise? Make it more difficult and let him suffer!"

Lin Tiancheng laughed, but found that Xiao Bai and Zhan Junhou on the side had no good expressions, so he stopped laughing in embarrassment and said with an embarrassed look. "Are you feeling a little distressed about the formation?"

Xiaobai and Zhan Junhou nodded in unison, this is not a little bit distressing!

"You don't understand even after I tell you, come with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Tiancheng grabbed Xiao Bai's shoulder, put a hand on Zhan Junhou's shoulder, and wanted to take the two of them away.

However, Zhan Junhou was a little uncomfortable. Just as he was about to break free from Lin Tiancheng's hand, Lin Tiancheng smiled lightly and said, "Don't struggle, don't move, otherwise... you will be executed as a traitor by me!"

Hearing this, Zhan Junhou frowned. The identity of the master Lin Tiancheng was still a bit bluffing. He didn't know Lin Tiancheng's identity, so he could only quietly let Lin Tiancheng do it. At least Lin Tiancheng showed his identity. Identity and attitude.

He had to protect the Valley of Famous Flowers even if he wasted a large formation. Although he had other ideas at first, he later changed his mind.


Screams rang out from the crowd, and they saw that Moradono's body was burned by demonic fire. Several Aido who followed him were dumbfounded. They wanted to help but were afraid of setting themselves on fire. They stopped moving forward, and they were so confused that they were dying. .

At this time, Zhan Junhou looked at Lin Tiancheng in front of him as if he suddenly understood, and his heart was shocked, "How did he know that Mordo Ye couldn't control his magic fire?"

You know, this news has never been discovered even by him who has been in the upper world for many years.

"Let's go, I want to see a good show and come back later!" Lin Tiancheng greeted the others and returned to Famous Flower Valley with him.

At this time, Zhan Junhou was full of questions and didn't know what to think. He was excited, confused, and a little scared.

Can anyone tell me what happened?

Is the young man with white hair really a human race?

If you're not a human race, why do you want to help me?

Confused, uneasy, and secretly happy, Zhan Junhou's brain was a little exhausted. He didn't dare to ask and could only wait silently for Lin Tiancheng to give him a joint explanation.

At least he can now understand that the powerful and outrageous young man in front of him is with him, and at least he has no intention of killing him.

Not long after Lin Tiancheng and his people disappeared, a series of terrifying auras took action one after another to help Mordoye suppress the demonic fire on his body. At first, there were few people and they were not sure of suppressing the demonic fire in Mordoye. If they don't take action now, they will really have no choice but to suppress it. Being able to watch Mordano being burned alive.

In order to avoid making such a joke, everyone took action.

"Damn it, who can tell me what exactly happened? This idiot, Mordoro, can't control his own magic fire and he doesn't know it? Why did he use this kind of killing move?"

Everyone was puzzled. No one knew what Mortano had done before they arrived, and why he was burned by the demonic fire. Originally, everyone set out together, and to be on the safe side, they all arranged a place to meet before coming.

Mordor was so happy about his achievement that he walked alone. He wanted to get the first prize and stopped this achievement, but he didn't expect that he actually set himself on fire!

"Chasing, there are remnants of the human race in the Valley of Famous Flowers. The white-haired young man just shot and injured Mordor. If we don't capture him, we won't be able to explain it when we go back!"

After saying that, everyone in the demon race was extremely angry, and they all rushed towards the Famous Flower Valley. However, at this moment, they had already disappeared.

Although Famous Flower Valley suffered heavy losses, due to the magic fire, the flowers in Famous Flower Valley were harmed, and now the flower poison in Famous Flower Valley is even more abundant!

The leading demon felt dizzy and nauseated as soon as he set foot in Famous Flower Valley. He knew he had been poisoned, but there was no other way. In order to track down Lin Tiancheng, he could only quickly explore the surroundings and frown slightly. Soon, his eyes suddenly changed, and there seemed to be something below him. There are also living things.

He smashed the ground with one palm, and at this moment, a ruined flower, burnt black, appeared in front of everyone.

The eyes of this top strong man moved slightly.

And a flower!

But before they could see the flower clearly, the light flames rose into the sky and enveloped all the demons.

"Asshole, these guys actually have formations hiding here, run away!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone quickly flew in all directions, but no matter how fast they were, they couldn't outrun the aftermath of the explosion, so they could only hold up their shields and hold on.

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