On the side, Brody hurriedly helped his beloved wife up from the ground, and then looked at the Supreme MUTO in the distance with incredible eyes.

As a person who had faced the battle between MUTO and Godzilla and participated in it, he had a deep connection with the MUTO clan.

After all, his parents could be said to have died at the hands of MUTO.

He had naturally seen the electromagnetic pulse of the MUTO, but the one in front of him was too strong, right? !

This has materialized into shock waves.

At this time, Dr. Serizawa and others were looking at the rainbow light shield that protected Madison thoughtfully.

Is this also the power of the Rainbow Serpent God?

It is really amazing that it can achieve such delicate control, which is not something that a rough guy like the Titan Beast can do.

Titans who are more inclined to energy? Dr. Serizawa thought to himself.

Over there, after seeing that his earthquake punch had no effect on Kagachi, a strange light flashed across the face of the Supreme MUTO.

But its intelligence does not allow it to think too much.

Only the two instincts of foraging and reproduction control its huge body.

It pounced on Kagachi, waved its golden arm, and punched Kagachi, making a sound of metal clashing.

But Kagachi's figure still did not move at all, just standing there quietly.

It was not painful.

As the incarnation of the spirit of nature, there are only a few things or existences in this world that can break his defense. Obviously, the MUTO in front of him is not one of them.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the forelimb of the Supreme MUTO, exerted force suddenly, pressed it to the ground, and then kicked it out.

Since this guy took the initiative to come to him again and again, Kagachi didn't mind sending it on its way.

After all, even if it died, it would not have any impact on the future plot. It was just a villain Titan who only appeared in the comics and had a few roles.

The fluorescent green halo began to flow in his hand, forming a green claw-like shadow.

[Move - Dragon Claw]

With its giant green claws, Kagachi slowly walked towards it.

At this time, the Supreme MUTO seemed to instinctively sense the approach of danger, and let out a vigilant hiss, waving its arms and pounding on the ground, looking like a warning.

But this did not work, as Kagachi was still approaching it.

Seeing this, the Supreme MUTO became ruthless, his eyes glowed scarlet, he opened his mouth wide towards Kagachi, slightly accumulated strength, and then roared out, with visible sound waves rushing towards Kagachi.

This is its strongest move, the sonic roar.

It can emit a super-strong resonant sound wave, which, once hitting the target, can instantly trigger harmonic resonance in its body, severely damaging it.

In the original work, it used this move to shatter Godzilla's dorsal fin and almost killed it.

This is also the real reason why Godzilla's dorsal fins are slightly different in the first and second parts of King of the Monsters. After all, even if the dorsal fin shattered by the Supreme MUTO grows back, it is unlikely to be exactly the same as before.

However, this move is set to evolve for Godzilla, and the effect on other Titans is average, but no matter how average it is, as long as it is a living thing, it will be greatly affected by such a powerful shock wave.

After the violent resonant sound waves entered Kagachi's body, they disappeared like a drop in the ocean.

A body made of pure energy is immune to ordinary physical attacks.


While the Supreme MUTO was stunned, Kagachi waved his dragon claws, leaving three deep scratches on its body.

The hard carapace on the Supreme MUTO had no room for resistance in the face of the destructive power of the dragon attribute, and was directly shattered.

Looking at the blood oozing from his body, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Supreme MUTO.

It seemed to realize that it was no match for Kagachi, so it immediately retreated to the back without any hesitation, as if it wanted to dive back into the ocean.

But at this moment, another figure happened to emerge from the ocean.

Godzilla: "..."

Supreme MUTO: "..."

Caught off guard, the two stared at each other, seemingly unable to react.

In the end, it was the Supreme MUTO, who was busy escaping, who took the lead and crossed Godzilla into the ocean, and soon disappeared.

[Mission Completed]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the move Thunder]


Kagachi knew this was one of the most advanced moves of the electric elves in Pokémon. It was extremely powerful, but the disadvantage was that the hit rate was low.

But this was not a problem for Kagachi, as he couldIt can control the sky and change the weather to rainy.

In rainy weather, [Thunder] will definitely hit.

Very good, in addition to the rainbow light, he has another long-range attack method, and the power is very good, but I don’t know if [Thunder] has more derivative abilities like [Dragon Claw] and [Electromagnetic Wave].

Just when Kagachi was about to take a look, Godzilla over there was staring at him closely, his body slightly arched, making a posture of vigilance and preparing to meet the enemy.

Kagachi was not interested in Godzilla, nor in the throne of the Alpha-class Titan, so he just glanced at Godzilla and prepared to leave.


Godzilla roared at him and walked out of the ocean. It was obvious that it was actively provoking.

Kagachi: "......?"

It seems that you really want to fight with me.

Kagachi didn't indulge him either.

Since you took the initiative to provoke him, you can't blame him. It just so happens that he just got a new move, so he just took it to test the water.

Kagachi opened his mouth and swallowed countless air.

Under the sudden drop in air pressure, dark clouds and cyclones instantly formed over Kagachi. Just a few seconds later, heavy rain fell on the world.

In the distance.

"Is this... changing the weather by suddenly dropping air pressure?"

Dr. Serizawa, who had just recovered from a headache, watched Luodao quickly take everyone into the bunker to avoid the heavy rain. He looked at the rain clouds spreading around Kagachi and said softly.

It's a very scientific way.

With human capabilities, it can be done in theory, or in other words, artificial rainfall was developed as early as the last century.

However, this method of controlling airflow and reducing air pressure with great force seems to be something that humans cannot do at present.

After hurriedly putting on a raincoat, Dr. Serizawa ran outside again.

He didn't want to miss the battle between the two super titans. Seeing this, the others also hurriedly changed their equipment and took their cameras to record the scene.

Not far away, Madison looked at Kagachi standing in the distance and prayed silently in his heart.

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