Mechagodzilla disappeared, leaving only Asgallon and Gunjirgan, as well as Emi who lowered her head and Hiruma Gento with a complicated expression.

After returning to the void space, Kagachi sensed the time.

"Well, it's almost time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the next moment, Gunjirgan's body froze.

Several cracks appeared on his body, and colorful light overflowed from it. Not long after, his entire body directly collapsed and turned into countless colorful particles that merged into the surroundings.

When Kagachi integrated it into the body tissue of the snow demon, he set its activity time to only half an hour.

After half an hour, everything is empty, everything is nothing.

When the time is up, the natural power buried in his body will be activated, assimilated it, and fed back to the earth.

He glanced at the blue sky and white clouds of this world and said:

"System, extract the world."

[Yes. 】


Ultraman Gaia world.

As soon as Kagachi came here, he frowned before he even looked at what was happening outside.

He felt that the authority he inherited was incomplete.

There was no problem with the power, but a small part of the authority over the earth was missing.

Who was it?

Gaia? Aguru?

Or was it the Earth Emperor monster Renlong?


After thinking for a while, Kagachi felt that it should be the latter.

He looked over and seemed to meet a pair of eyes through countless spaces.

After all, it was an existence similar to himself.


He sensed the earth in this world.

"The energy intensity and activity are much stronger than those in other worlds."

That's right, after all, it is an existence that can give birth to two giants of light, so its power is naturally needless to say.

Kagachi looked up at the sky.

There was also a huge energy reaction there. Although it was not fully developed, it should be the sky light that only existed in the abandoned plan and did not appear, right?

That's right, there is actually a sky light in Gaia.

It's just that due to unknown reasons (can't be said), it didn't appear.

Kagachi reached out and took it.

It was a small green light ball.


The light of the earth is red, the light of the ocean is blue, and this sky light is green...

It's hard not to make Kagachi think of something.

Is it you, the three gods of Hoenn?

Since the earth has no extra power to breed the third light, let him make up for it.

Countless colorful natural forces surged out of Kagachi's body and injected into the green light ball. Soon, the aura in it became stronger and stronger.

The earth in this world has no extra power, so let him come.

Soon, with the supplement of the power of the earth in the three worlds, the light ball emitted a bright light, and finally turned into a giant of light and appeared in front of Kagachi.


Kagachi looked at her.

Well, just like in the setting, she is a female giant.

Silver base with black and green stripes and patterns.


Her eyes were dull, and it was obvious that she had not been born with the intelligence she should have.

That's right, after all, this was just something that was born by Kagachi, and it was "not supposed to exist".


Kagachi named her.

Sky means sky, which is simple and easy to understand.

She is 49 meters tall, which can be said to be the bottom in the era of "Heisei Three Heroes", but it can be said to be not low among Ultraman.

There is a diamond timer on her chest, two small horns on both sides of her forehead, and two "ponytails" in the form of green energy hanging behind her head.

She is thin and looks tall.

The next moment, the giant turned into a blue crystal pendant and floated in front of Kagachi.

He took a look and put it together with the Evolution Truster. For some reason, the "light" around him became more and more.

But he couldn't say anything.

The Evolution Truster was forced upon him by Noah, and he and he could not communicate at all.

This can be said to be the product of his fulfillment of his duties and the completion of the Light of the Sky. It is his creation, so naturally there is nothing to say.


He looked outward.

After a careful experience, he found that the technological level of this world was not low, but the environmental problems were not optimistic.

There was no situation in the world of X where humans and the environment achieved harmony and progress.

At this time, it seemed that there was still some time before the plot began. At least Kagachi did not see any topics or news about Ultraman.

That means Gaia Ultraman has not appeared yet.

He felt it and found that the bigThe light of the earth is still there, but the light of the ocean seems to have made its own choice.

Fujimiya Hiroya has also obtained the power of Aguru.

The current time is roughly between these two.

He glanced at the darkness in the Mariana Trench, his eyes cold.

The colorful light rushed into the trench, turned into a giant claw, and directly grabbed the darkness and refined it in an instant.

Feeding its energy back to the world.

Whether it is light or darkness, or justice or evil, they can be embraced and assimilated by the power of nature.

After so long, Kagachi also discovered that it would be a pity to kill those foreign invaders directly. It is more cost-effective to refine them and feed them back to the world.

After doing this, his eyes turned to a space somewhere under Tokyo.

There is a certain existence sleeping here.

Suddenly, Renlong opened his eyes, but only saw a reverse rainbow.

Its eyes focused, the dragon jade flashed, and powerful telekinesis burst out, rushing towards the projection.

But it had no effect on Nihong.

If it was Kagachi at the beginning, he might have felt a little troublesome, but now he has the power and authority of three worlds in one, how could Renlong affect him?

Even if he wanted, he could kill Renlong directly.

However, he has always been able to give more patience and kindness to the existence of the Earth Protection Camp.

Not long after, Renlong seemed to realize that the existence in front of him was not an enemy, so he withdrew his telekinesis.

After nodding to the projection of Nihong, he closed his eyes again.

Kagachi: "..."

The next moment, Nihong dissipated.

This is good.

He retracted his sight.

A ray of colored energy turned into seven holy stone bracelets and floated away.

Kagachi has found a suitable contractor.

But it is not a child, but an adult, whose profession, or hobby, is a Feng Shui master.

Kuroda Hui, a person with strong spiritual power.

He can even communicate with Renlong.

Although he didn't appear much in the drama, Kagachi was still impressed when he watched it back then.

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