"Wait, Miss Kuroda!"

Womeng ran over there immediately.

Kuroda Hui, who was about to leave with a gloomy look, paused, as if she heard something, and looked over there.

"Are you... Gaoshan Womeng?"

She asked.


Womeng ran over quickly, nodded and said, "Yes, I visited your house last time."

Kuroda Hui nodded to him.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Hearing this, Womeng was stunned. He scratched his head and said, "It's like this, I want to ask if you have any information about Renlong and that..."

Kuroda Hui interrupted, "You want to talk about Lord Rainbow Snake God?"

"Didn't I give you the information?"

She frowned.

This time, asking for the power of the Rainbow Snake God is already an extraordinary act, and she shouldn't have contacted the people of XIG.

Womeng heard the displeasure in her words, he scratched his head, a little puzzled.

"Smith Marseille..."

Looking at the boy who bowed his head in front of her, Kuroda Hui also sighed.

She walked to a bench not far away and sat down, and waved to me to sit over. The latter nodded and did as she was told.

"I'm dreaming, you should know that my hobby is Feng Shui master, right?"

Takayama I'm dreaming nodded.

They XIG had investigated Kuroda Hui and knew that she really liked things related to Feng Shui, and she was even famous in the circle.

Kuroda Hui stretched out her hand and pointed to a bottle in the distance.

I'm dreaming followed her slender finger and found that it was just an ordinary bottle.

The next moment, Kuroda Hui hooked her finger, and in my dream's shocked eyes, the bottle slowly floated up and fell into a trash can not far away.


A trace of confusion appeared on my dream's face.

This world suddenly became a little strange. It's okay that she was just a monster before, but Miss Kuroda showed extraordinary power in front of him.

He apologized immediately and rushed over to check, as if he wanted to find some machine.

Kuroda Hui looked at him quietly, neither hurried nor slow.

A few minutes later.

I dream: "..."

He looked at Kuroda Hui with complicated eyes.

Could it be that there are really superpowers in this world?

He touched his chest, and the touch there told him the existence of the blue cone.


Well, maybe this world originally has extraordinary things, otherwise, how can he explain that he can transform into a giant?

At this time, Kuroda Hui suddenly stood up.

"I dream, you have to work hard."

Her serious eyes made I dream a little confused, but I still subconsciously said: "Yes, I will definitely work harder in the future!"


What's the situation, why did he suddenly speak in this tone?

Kuroda Hui smiled.

As if she was amused by Wo Meng, she picked up her small bag, stood up and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, she turned her head.

"Come on, Ultraman Gaia."

After that, she ignored the stunned Wo Meng and turned to leave.


XIG Air Base.

Wo Meng returned here with mixed feelings, but found that the atmosphere in the command room was a bit solemn.

"Everyone, what's wrong?"

But he regretted it as soon as he said it.

It was because this time they, XIG, suffered a complete defeat.

Not only did they fail to save the underground facilities in Tokyo, but they also inexplicably involved two beings who were extremely powerful at first glance.

Or, two gods.

He thought as he looked at the two pictures displayed on the screen in the command room.

One was a dragon with a gem inlaid on its forehead.

The other was a rainbow pointing to the earth like a bow of punishment.


Obviously, these two pictures were about the two beings that appeared today.

Two gods?

"I'm back, how are you? Are you not injured?"

Ishimuro Zhangxiong looked at him and said.

Hearing this, I'm shaking his head.

"No, I've been in the plane the whole time and have not been affected."

"On the contrary, the members of the Hercules team may..."

"They are fine." Staff Officer Chiba said, "They have gone back to rest."

"You came at the right time, I'm."

He gestured to I'm over and pointed to the two ancient pages on the table, which were exactly the two displayed on the screen.

"The dragon and... the sky bow?"

He asked after taking a look at what was written on it.

Hearing this, Ishimuro Zhangxiong nodded and said, "Yes, these two are beings called gods, and they are both in"It was mentioned in the Taiping Fengtu Ji."

After that, he brought up a new picture on the screen.

One of them is called Renlong, a blue dragon with a gem in its mouth.

Although it is a little different, it is undoubtedly the monster they encountered today.

And the other one...

"Rainbow Snake God."

Shishi Zhangxiong said.

"It is also called Niga Kagachi, Sky Bow Monster, etc."

"Like Renlong's gem, His symbol is an upside-down rainbow."


"So, today's one, and the rainbow energy we discovered earlier, may all be..."

Hearing his words, Shishi Commander nodded.

Obviously, he also thought of this aspect and said:

"Although it is not completely certain at present, it is likely to be. ”

I dream: “…”

His eyes flashed with thought.

According to the information, of the two gods, Renlong seems to be more inclined to the human side, while the Rainbow Serpent God is a symbol of cold-bloodedness and divine punishment, but what happened today seems to be the opposite.

(Note: Since Renlong exists in this world, the legend about the Rainbow Serpent God is slightly different from that in other worlds.)

Renlong attacked humans, and the Rainbow Serpent God appeased him.

If you think about it this way, then the relationship between Miss Kuroda and the Rainbow Serpent God should be unusual, right?

Now he can be sure that the special aura on Kuroda Hui that makes him feel must be related to the Rainbow Serpent God The relationship between them is definitely extraordinary.

But the other party didn't seem to want to talk to him about this.

While he was in a daze, the commander kept paying attention to his expression.

Imu, seems to know something...

Should I ask?

This idea came to Ishimuro Zhangxiong's mind, but he dismissed it.


Forget it.

Imu's identity is not that simple. It would be bad if something bad happened.

He thought so and looked away.

Atsuko walked over with a cup of coffee and gave Imu a blank look. This guy is really a child. He just stood there stupidly. Can't he find a chair to sit down?

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