He had not forgotten the slap that Skye had given him.

He had remembered this grudge first.

He would definitely teach her a lesson in the future!

Over there, Mechagodzilla moved again, but this time it was a little different.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Several missiles were fired from the launcher behind its shoulder, rushing towards Gaia and Gas Wolf.

Seeing this, Gaia immediately stretched out his hands in front of him, and the next moment, an energy shield was formed, blocking all the missiles.

Ultra Barrier!

The defense is very good, but it is not very useful.

The missiles in Mechagodzilla's body seemed to be endless, and they kept pouring towards Gaia.

Not only that, it also began to move its feet and moved towards that side.

Finally, with a cracking sound, Gaia's shield was broken and was blown away by several shells that followed.

Seeing this, Fujimiya nodded in the distance.

It's time.

The strength of Gaia's shield was enough to vaguely judge my dream's current strength.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and showed the sapphire bracelet.

As a blue-white beam of light rose, the faint BGM sounded again, and Agul appeared in the field.

He looked at Mechagodzilla.

Earth camp?

Ha, a mere mechanical monster that came from nowhere dared to speak so arrogantly?

It must be some organization that created it.

Dare to call yourself the Earth camp, Agul and Gaia, the two lights born from the earth, are the real guardians of the earth!

He waved his hand and released several crescent-shaped blue light bullets, rushing towards Mechagodzilla.

Agul cut!

But these light bullets hit Mechagodzilla, and they were completely useless. The characteristics of the resonant gilded steel made it almost immune to any attack.

(Of course, miracles with great force don't count. For example, Kagachi's full-strength punch can leave a clear fist mark on Mechagodzilla.)

Over there, seeing Aguru appear, Imeng was also happy.

Great, Fujimiya also made a move.

To be honest, he did feel a little powerless just now.

Even he could clearly feel that he was far from being a match for Mechagodzilla, even with the addition of Gas Wolf.

Defeat was a matter of time.

But with Aguru's power, it was different.

The two of them plus a wolf would definitely be able to fight Mechagodzilla.

...At least they could stop his destructive actions.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The teeth-grinding sound of steel squeezing and knocking rang out from Mechagodzilla's body.

Are the earth and the ocean here?

This is good, so he doesn't have to look for them one by one.

It looked at Aguru and made useless but necessary communication.

"Agul, as the light of the ocean, do you have to protect that alien species like Gaia?"

Hearing this, Agul shook his head, took a fighting stance, and said:

"It has nothing to do with those things. I just simply hate you."

"How dare a mere mechanical monster speak so arrogantly?"

Mechagodzilla: "......#"

Of course, it also knew that one sentence would not have any effect, but that was just its way of action, but it didn't expect this guy to be so rude.

"Then let me see how powerful you are."

After leaving this sentence, Mechagodzilla rushed directly towards Agul.


It roared, and the pulse propulsion device started.

The body rushed forward suddenly, almost breaking the sound barrier.

The chainsaw inside the claws turned wildly, and the blue flames surged.

A heavy slap hit Agul's shoulder, blowing it away.

But before he landed, a steel tail came and hit him to the ground.


The blade on the tip of Mechagodzilla's tail began to spin at high speed and attacked Aguru.

But at this time, Gas Wolf pounced over, hugged Mechagodzilla's tail, and entangled tightly.

At the same time, Gaia also bounced up from the ground, posed a flying kick, and kicked Mechagodzilla.


Kagachi was fully open, with full map vision.

This sneak attack basically had no effect on him.

Mechagodzilla twisted his body, stretched out his claws to grab Gaia's legs, and threw him to the ground.

The tail exerted force and threw Gas Wolf towards Aguru who had just stood up, knocking him to the ground again.

Even if the Light of the Earth and the Light of the Ocean joined forces, they were only in V1 form now, and the gap in combat power with Mechagodzilla was a fault.

If you don't upgrade to the Supreme, you can'tThey can't reach the same level.

As long as it gets serious, the two can't last more than five rounds.

The blazing red light gathered in its mouth, and the proton scream generator loaded into it started.


A red beam of light blasted towards Aguru, hitting his chest.


Gaia lay on the ground weakly and stretched out his hand to Aguru.

The proton scream continued to output, and Aguru screamed, but it was useless.

A layer of blue light began to light up on his body.

This is the sign of Aguru's origin light in rhythm.

Cracks spread across Aguru's body, and star-like photons overflowed from it.

Seeing this, Mechagodzilla still had no intention of stopping, and even increased the power of the proton scream generator.

But at this moment, a shell came from a distance and hit Mechagodzilla's head accurately.

Buzz! Buzz!

Mechagodzilla's eyes flashed, and the proton scream generator slowly shut down.

It looked over there.

It found that the reinforcements from XIG had arrived.


Under normal circumstances, the reinforcements should arrive just after the battle is over. How come they are so punctual this time?

But it doesn't matter, it can fly.

The Falcon Team, the Cool Dragon Team, and the previous Lightning Team, the main combat forces of XIG are all here, and there are also combat and transport aircraft Mir suspended in the distance.

In the distance, Aguru stood up, and the wounds on his body began to heal quickly.

This is the strength of Gaia and Aguru.

As long as the physical strength and will of the human body are not exhausted, they can keep fighting, basically without worrying about the energy limit.

They can recover quickly even if they are injured.

Gaia came over and stood with him, fighting side by side.

The gas wolf hid behind a tall building, and it seemed that he was ready to launch a sneak attack at any time.

The Falcon and Cool Dragon teams flew their fighter planes and hovered on both sides of Gaia and Aguru.

Among them, the captain of the Cool Dragon team, Daocheng Miho, turned on the rock music in the team channel and gave Gaia a thumbs up.

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