The Gob, Mezad clan, and even Renlong in front of them were just minor fights.

The next one, if not handled properly, can really reshape or destroy the world.

Antimatter monster - Anchimata.

Its combat power is not very strong, but its ability is quite troublesome.


Kagachi likes this kind of weak but huge energy thing the most, so that the benefits of refining... cough, assimilating and feeding back to the earth will be greater.

For humans and Gaia and Aguru, this is a big crisis.

But for Kagachi, this is fat meat delivered to his mouth.

How can it run away again?

The earth of Gaia's world has been very weak in order to breed two giants of light and so many human geniuses to fight against the root destruction summoning body.

If Anchimata's energy can be replenished for her, even if it cannot be fully restored, there will be many benefits.

Of course, this ball of energy cannot be given to her alone.

The energy assimilated by Kagachi will be directly divided equally among all the earths of the merged worlds, rather than favoring one alone.

Not long after, a wormhole appeared on the other side of Jupiter's orbit.

A strange-looking meteorite drilled out from it, rushed towards Jupiter, and annihilated an asteroid.

This kind of movement naturally could not escape human detection.

Soon, an alarm sounded on the XIG side.


Looking at Imeng who was talking about antimatter, the commander of the stone room and the staff officer Qianye looked at each other, and the latter interrupted:

"Hey, Imeng, can you say something we can understand?"

Gaoshan Imeng: "......"

He is not a professional, and he only talks about things he understands. It is almost impossible for him to explain it in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

In the end, everyone still found a professional.

While listening to the explanation on the small screen, everyone thought about feasible solutions.

Driven by my dream, the geniuses of Alchemy Star who are good at this aspect joined in one after another, and cooperated urgently and efficiently. In the end, it took only five days to develop the "Anchimata Conversion Device" that can fight it.

Kagachi: "..."

This execution is very good.

Sure enough, only when facing a major crisis will humans unite efficiently.

Kagachi was thoughtful.

However, Anchimata is protected by an antimatter barrier, and the conversion light it emits cannot directly affect it.

Two days later, Anchimata arrived as scheduled.

The Falcon Team set off.

The Falcon Team is one of the combat units of XIG. All its members are truly reliable adults. It is a "fearless" team. Even if a member has an accident, it will never waver in their hearts.

In other words, it is a death squad.

They will know when they will die, and they have already prepared for martyrdom.

After all, this time the situation is special.

If an accident occurs during the attack on Anchimata, there may be no body left, so an indestructible will is needed.

In this regard, both the Lightning Team and the Cool Dragon Team lacked a little.

Soon, they drove the fighter plane equipped with the Anchimata conversion device and flew high into the sky until they were outside the atmosphere.

"Report, Anchimata was found."

Through the satellite image, the base was also watching this scene with a tense atmosphere.

The commander of the stone room said: "Don't worry, wait for it to enter the range."


Things were almost the same, the conversion beam was bounced off by the shield of Anchimata and could not hit it at all.

It went straight to the earth.

The predicted landing place is Ota City in Japan.

At this time, two people have already arrived here.

Fujimiya Hiroya, who has recovered from his injuries, and Kuroda Megumi, Kagachi's contractor in this world.

Obviously, both of them sensed that the crisis was about to come here.

Kuroda Hui stood on the roof of a building, looking at the city in front of her, expressionless.

Suddenly, she looked up.

"Here it comes."

The next moment, a meteorite broke through the clouds and fell down.

Unlike what was expected, the landing of Anchimata did not cause much noise, but was very light. Its purpose was not to destroy.

It was a reshaping in a larger sense.

At the beginning of the world, the total amount of matter was far greater than antimatter, so this world was the material world, and antimatter was squeezed into another dimension.

If it is reshaped again, there is a 50% chance that antimatter > matter, creating an antimatter universe.

In this way, the antimatter creatures stranded in another dimension can be reshaped.Back to the world.

In simple terms, it means "The emperor takes turns, this year it's my turn".

Seeing the antimatter barrier getting closer and closer, a colorful light overflowed from the holy stone and turned into a light shield to protect Kuroda Hui.

Over there, Imeng had already appeared here in a fighter plane and met Fujimiya.

"Using Aguru's power, you can go in without causing an explosion, but if I don't help later..."

Imeng interrupted directly:

"There is no time to explain now. Since there is a way, let's hurry up, Fujimiya!"

Fujimiya Hiroya: "..."

This idiot.

The next moment, two giants, one red and one blue, appeared.

Aguru stretched out his hand and antimattered Gaia.

The latter nodded to him and rushed directly into the antimatter space created by the Anchimata shield.

The Falcon team also rushed here, circling around, alerting the situation inside, while searching for residents around who had not yet evacuated.

"Where is it?"

Yoneda Tatsuhiko looked at the figure wrapped in a colorful shield on a building not far away, and his eyes showed doubt.

But he immediately reported the situation.

In the base.

Although separated by the screen and the rainbow light shield, Ishimuro Akio and Chiba Tatsumi and others still recognized her at a glance.

"Is this... Miss Kuroda?"

For Miss Kuroda who gave them "Taipei Fudoki", several people can be said to have a deep memory.

After all, these materials solved their urgent needs.

The commander of Ishimuro's eyes stayed on the shield on her body for a while, and then stopped caring.

Obviously, this Miss Kuroda Hui is not an ordinary person.

That's right, her information clearly marked the identity of "Feng Shui Master".


Oh, in this world where science and unscience are intertwined, nothing is absolute.

However, he is not going to get to the bottom of it.

For unknown powers, it is better to show respect first.

At least, she had helped them.

It would be bad if they became enemies because of this and pushed her to the opposite side.

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